Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

If anyone would be so kind to gift me The Great Beta Key
I'd be sooo grateful ;)

Thank you in advance.
please inser key here


thanks in advance ;)
I would really like a beta key if anyone has an extra. Thanks.
I would absolutely love a beta key! I have a feeling this game could takes weeks of my life :D
any extra beta keys floating around pleaseee?
If there is anyone with extra keys. It would make my month if someone were to send me one. I have long awaited this game and am highly exicited to get into beta. My luck is not there and I am not in beta yet.

Please if anyone is so kind to send along a beta invite. I wil owe you a big one.

I will pass along any friend invites I recieve as well. To make sure more people play this wonderful game.

Thanks in advance and for being awesome!
Would love nothing more then to get a key and play all weekend :-)

Keys are given more frequently now to beta members, we can have some hope in getting a random key. Since the odds of being picked by the timer is so small.
I walk alone...

databluu at gmail dot com
a beta key please. :(
I sincerely doubt i will get lucky with 180+ pages but what the heck.

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