5000 Posts, 5000 Dollars: It is accomplished!

Great idea, the world needs more Kiwi
More! :)
ok, you got me :). i just invited my friend to the beta because i love this game so far. i think the best part is the skilltree and the gem skills , what a huge and awesome way to make diversity in the game :)
thanks, warpunkk :)
Can you send me a kiwi too?
IGN: LiveD_LivE
Save the Kiwis!
This post marks my return to Path Of Exile, after about 4 months of absence. I won't bore you with the lengthy details (Charan knows most of them), but long story short: my life was a mess and I put it back together, through hard work & effort. I had about 7 Characters greater than Level 60 when I quit POE, around September 2012. I can say I fully experienced this game in all its beauty before taking my long vacation.

Normally, I would've "returned" at the launch of the Open Beta. But Charan forced me to change my plans.

And since Charan made me want to write this post and return to this wonderful community (you all are), I just donated 50 NZD to KiwisForKiwi (Charan has the proof :D). While this is a far-cry from what Charan has in mind, I will try to light my own little candle next to his pyre.

Charan, huge kudos to you for this awesome idea and all that you did for GGG & POE. You constitute a sort of role model for how I imagine a gamer should be: caring about the developers, trying to bring value to a community and generally driving a game forward simply by being there. You exceed that by also being an fantastic human being. And, at least as far as I'm concerned, you're one more reason for me to come back "en-force" to POE. Keep it up man, but save some money for your own development, 'cause shit, sometimes you leave me the impression that you're starving yourself for the good of humanity. Am I the only one who feels that way?

The Open Beta is one week away and already I'm making my return preparations. I worked hard in the past few months to get everything in order for the big hunting season :D, and although I had to stay away a bit too much from POE, this makes the pleasure of returning even greater.

Last but not least, I will not be needing any coins for my donation, Charan. Gold supporters have plenty. I doubt I'll ever exhaust them ::- D. And if I will, I will definitely donate more money to GGG, which is, in my current rating system, the company I respect most in the entire fucking world - and this is because I am a game developer and I KNOW HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS.

----- But Mommy... Charan made me do it -----

P.S.: this post has nothing to do with Charan's position within the community. We've been friends long before that, and anybody thinking I even give a shit about politics disrespects both Charan's awesome idea and my humble contribution to it.
My article promoting PoE:

Running PoE on an Intel i5 2500K, Radeon 7950 OC, SSD Vertex 3 MI, 8 GB RAM.
I'm also a Software Engineer and Indie Game Developer ::- ). Go Go GGG!!!
Well I don't think I would ever say no to spending someone elses money.


But really, stupidly nice gesture. When I saw it I thought media attention would be interesting since it's a positive for gamers and kiwis.

Not far to go now!
A few more posts and we're there.
Count at 101.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Charan wrote:
Not far to go now!
A few more posts and we're there.
Count at 101.

Why not :)
If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, wouldn't it be a Merry Christmas?
Kyliathy wrote:
This post marks my return to Path Of Exile, after about 4 months of absence. I won't bore you with the lengthy details (Charan knows most of them), but long story short: my life was a mess and I put it back together, through hard work & effort. I had about 7 Characters greater than Level 60 when I quit POE, around September 2012. I can say I fully experienced this game in all its beauty before taking my long vacation.

Normally, I would've "returned" at the launch of the Open Beta. But Charan forced me to change my plans.

And since Charan made me want to write this post and return to this wonderful community (you all are), I just donated 50 NZD to KiwisForKiwi (Charan has the proof :D). While this is a far-cry from what Charan has in mind, I will try to light my own little candle next to his pyre.

Charan, huge kudos to you for this awesome idea and all that you did for GGG & POE. You constitute a sort of role model for how I imagine a gamer should be: caring about the developers, trying to bring value to a community and generally driving a game forward simply by being there. You exceed that by also being an fantastic human being. And, at least as far as I'm concerned, you're one more reason for me to come back "en-force" to POE. Keep it up man, but save some money for your own development, 'cause shit, sometimes you leave me the impression that you're starving yourself for the good of humanity. Am I the only one who feels that way?

The Open Beta is one week away and already I'm making my return preparations. I worked hard in the past few months to get everything in order for the big hunting season :D, and although I had to stay away a bit too much from POE, this makes the pleasure of returning even greater.

Last but not least, I will not be needing any coins for my donation, Charan. Gold supporters have plenty. I doubt I'll ever exhaust them ::- D. And if I will, I will definitely donate more money to GGG, which is, in my current rating system, the company I respect most in the entire fucking world - and this is because I am a game developer and I KNOW HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS.

----- But Mommy... Charan made me do it -----

P.S.: this post has nothing to do with Charan's position within the community. We've been friends long before that, and anybody thinking I even give a shit about politics disrespects both Charan's awesome idea and my humble contribution to it.

The man speaks the truth.
Few are those I party with
Proud to say he's one.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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