DonaldF's EK DANMAKU Ranger Extremely High DPS /Jan.14 little update [Videos]

akaflux wrote:
Again Great Job DonaldF! Still having a lot fun with the build.

I took a different approach to the issues of reflect, thorns and mana. I'm not using Life Leech gem, Grace, Blood Magic, or Mana Leech gem.

I'm running ST+LMP+CoCS+EK+EK+EK, the more EK the smoother/stronger the build is. The mana/life leech issue its simple solved with using Berek's Grips (you need some lighting dmg on your gear, and the cold from hatred), using 2 now but I think once I'm able to do more damage I can drop 1. I like ST>Cyclone, no desync, much better dmg for groups, and its faster for clearing when used with whirling blades.

The left of 4L's I use skills that synergies well with my 69% block 51% spell block, Cast when stun its amazingly good, of course it wont proc as much as my 6L but when it does its when matters, you are hit! If you block a hit that will stun you, it will had a chance to proc the spell even if you are not stun. So running CwS+EK+EK+EK to increase the chance of cast one of them. I even put on the 3 EK the sin effect to see when they proc :)

To deal with reflect, I run CwDT + Immortal Call + Increase Duration. I suggest testing the best lvl of CwDT for your current HP and EHP. For me that I have 1700 hp a 1000 hp CwDT seems the best, also I dont have to dump points in strg. The rest is the usual CwDT(1) + Enduring Cry(5) + Increased Area Effect + Critial Weakness(5).


VS. Phys Reflect + Thorns (no pots used)

VS. A lot of Thorns (no pots used)

*I want to mention that I was testing using purity. Seems good choice at the moment, I just need higher Reduce Mana gem and some Reduce Mana Reserve nodes


Very similar to the original

The end game probably will look like this:

Ur res must be like -20
Upgraded my gear with q gems :P Now just need that life leech gem as 20% q and then planing on getting rid of tabula for 6l eva chest and better dagger.

just bought a 75/25 perf rats nest for 2pure ex in domination. worth it?
Hookt wrote:
blablas wrote:
Im having trouble deciding which bandit quest to choose. Should i kill all to gain an extra skill point or should i help oak for endurance charge(more tank), or help alira(last priority).
I'm following the dual wield, any high levels near end game can suggest which is the most viable option to pick?

I would say get the skill point. I don't think the few (?) times you get that extra charge up can outweigh a skill point, especially at end game where skill points are huge.

If you got a reliable way to build power charges (Whirling blade + Faster attacks + PCoC is enough to keep them up for me, I just have to whirling blade once into a pack of mob every 11s), you should defintely get the power charge. It's 50% crit chance vs a skill point, easy choice.

Raphidex wrote:
What is the BEST Dagger can be get for that build ?

(suffix and prefix...?)

Thank you guys. :)

Crit chance (>9) > Spell damage > Attack speed > Crit chance for spells > Global crit multiplier. Platinum Kris is the best base (highest base crit chance, highest implicit value).
NotToBragButImHungry wrote:
Hookt wrote:
blablas wrote:
Im having trouble deciding which bandit quest to choose. Should i kill all to gain an extra skill point or should i help oak for endurance charge(more tank), or help alira(last priority).
I'm following the dual wield, any high levels near end game can suggest which is the most viable option to pick?

I would say get the skill point. I don't think the few (?) times you get that extra charge up can outweigh a skill point, especially at end game where skill points are huge.

If you got a reliable way to build power charges (Whirling blade + Faster attacks + PCoC is enough to keep them up for me, I just have to whirling blade once into a pack of mob every 11s), you should defintely get the power charge. It's 50% crit chance vs a skill point, easy choice.

Raphidex wrote:
What is the BEST Dagger can be get for that build ?

(suffix and prefix...?)

Thank you guys. :)

Crit chance (>9) > Spell damage > Attack speed > Crit chance for spells > Global crit multiplier. Platinum Kris is the best base (highest base crit chance, highest implicit value).

That is a good point NotToBrag but I still think that the point is better for two reasons. With my not super amazing gear i am close to 95% crit and 3 Power charges put me over the 95% crit hard cap. the second reason i like the skill point is not that you can get 50% more crit in 1 point or anything like that BUT the fact that at the higher levels an extra point means you can travel faster on the passive tree which makes a big difference. But I do agree if your daggers suck then the extra P Charge would be a lot of help building toward a higher crit chance.
NotToBragButImHungry wrote:

If you got a reliable way to build power charges (Whirling blade + Faster attacks + PCoC is enough to keep them up for me, I just have to whirling blade once into a pack of mob every 11s), you should defintely get the power charge. It's 50% crit chance vs a skill point, easy choice.

I have also tested different passive and active methods of acquiring power charges.

Passive ways (CwDT + Ice Spear etc.) are not really effective, it was very, very seldom that I could the power charge count even to two.

With active methods 100% upkeep of full power charges is quite easily possible. But in my opinion whirling blades suck for this job. First it desynchs alot. It does not work in tight spaces or around objects too good either. Thirdly it leaves you vulnerable against stuns between cast animations because it cannot be cast "continuously" with cyclone. It felt like my survivability took a step backwards when I tested the whirling blades for this specific job. (Leap slam might have been a tad better, but it does not work with daggers.)

The best method I tried was simply to use another Cyclone. You won't even notice using the another cyclone, because two cyclones can be alternated while the animation is just as continuous as if you were using single cyclone. As easy and comfortable as it gets and stun immunity the whole time.

Alternating two different cyclones:
Last edited by Legisactio#3396 on Dec 8, 2013, 6:13:31 PM
Vilpertti wrote:
Upgraded my gear with q gems :P Now just need that life leech gem as 20% q and then planing on getting rid of tabula for 6l eva chest and better dagger.

Are you able to run 3 auras + tempest shield?
why aegis auora over the courage shield? i jsut ask cuz im broke to get the auora, but i was wondering what makes it more stronger then the courage? since courage has more block rate over aegis and resis and reduce damage, Thanks
"Replenishes Energy Shield by 4% of Armour when you Block" is the key here.

If you have 10k armour, thats 400 ES replenished everytime you block, instant, no questions asked. And we block 74% of physical attacks (54% of spells). Autoheal on block so to speak.
anyone saw the AA build? i tried it and its great but not sure which level should i keep it at, mines too high lvl to sustain now

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