DonaldF's EK DANMAKU Ranger Extremely High DPS /Jan.14 little update [Videos]
" You can use Cyclone without the BM gem, allowing you to add another EK to the link |
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" Can someone answer to this noob? :) Thx |
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running ST right now cause its too laggy for cyclone, but i cant sustain it, mana pool at 38, ST costs 14 mana. 'mind drinker' node doesnt help against solo mobs cause my ST phy dmg is only about 250. can someone help me with this issue?
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I'm dead set on making this into a successful Cloak of defiance/MoM build once I get high enough level with the standard build
The question is, do I sacrifice some Life, attackspeed and DW block to get it? Pros: - amazing Auras, swap depending on the situation to overcome almost any map combination - no need to worry about mana or blood magic - AA+MoM+IR should give ultimate defense while still allowing amazing damage output Cons: - requires 6L cloak of defiance $$$$$ - not viable till end-game - 150% life is "meh" although mana now serves as life... - no-regen maps will hurt - low block and evasion, so you will get hit - low attack speed lowers potential DPS IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
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" I have noticed the same thing regarding movement speed and short distance cycloning. I always cyclone short distances while pressing the shift key, I find it less prone to desynch this way. On the sidenote, high movement speed increases the mana cost of cycloning and decreses the basic damage of the cyclone. If you move faster (for ex. pop a quicksilver and start to cyclone), you are going to hit less the same target you pass by, which can be compensated by increasing the attack speed. Attack speed increases cyclone's basic damage so you can at least leech more health and mana, even though it would not affect the crit procs. I think wether or not you crit, is decided at the start of each cyclone period (you can have multiple cyclone periods during one constant cycloning). If it procs, you will be critting for the whole distance you will travel with that cyclone. Same goes if you don't crit. If you crit at the beginning, and your attack speed is high, it will result in more crits, but I'm not sure does the CoC has some cooldown like CwDT (250ms), or not? If it doesn't have any cooldown, but the spell casts is based purely on gem's level and luck, then attack speed increases spell casts. Last edited by Legisactio#3396 on Dec 6, 2013, 11:43:40 AM
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" yes this is all true, either your cyclone will crit none, or crit the entire cyclone every time mana gets taken away is the "start" of a new cyclone and will reroll your crit chance, even if it looks like a continuous spin. Faster attacks mean you hit more times per second of spinning, faster move speed means you spin further per second of spinning. With high attack speed and low move speed you'll hit a single mob many many times. with fast move speed and low attack speed you'll whiz right past mobs only hitting them once or twice, but cover more distance. There is no CD on cast on crit, it would destroy the gem if there was attack speed is the best thing to increase your DPS but only after you've hit the 95% crit cap. otherwise on your cyclones that DON'T crit, your attack speed will be wasted IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
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" What? " Yes, every attack/spell is like this. The whole thing crits or none of it does. The cast on crit roll is seperate for each target hit by a critical strike. More attack speed = more hits = more procs = more damage. I didn't realise this had become a PoE 101 thread... " And attack speed and crit chance are both wasted if you miss. Don't forget accuraccy. Many lewt. Much desync. Such rewarding. Wow. According to forum mods "sandwich" is considered an offensive word. Who knew? Last edited by Robert_Paulson#5467 on Dec 6, 2013, 4:40:38 PM
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Hey guys i am playing this build now for a while and have some questions, i have tried daggers with high basecrit and daggers with high spell dmg spell crit chance.
what i have learned is that high base crit daggers without high spell dmg and spellcrit are not usefull at all, since the killrate for normal monsters is about the same but for a boss monster the killrate is way way higher with a high spell dmg dagger when you pop diamond flasks. I really dont see a point in a base crit dagger at all if it doesnt have also high spell dmg. my gear right now is as following, i got maligaros as well but i like to have some IIR. ele res 75 and ~4k hp i also used this base crit dagger but it didnt turn out better at all especially for boss monsters i have with the daggers i use ~ 60 % crit rate and 40 % spell crit rate, with the dagger below i have around 80% crit rate but as i said for normal monsters its no difference but for boss the spell dmg makes a huge difference. i use also enfeeble on 4l gloves instead of crit weakness for certain bosses. what do you think ? Last edited by twistoon#5221 on Dec 6, 2013, 5:59:09 PM
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" That was ment for the short cycloning distances kept in mind. If one can do more cyclonings in given time perioid (more movement speed), it will increase the mana cost. For "normal" attacks the factor that increases the mana cost is attack speed, while for cyclone it's the movement speed. But naturally the mana cost of each individual activation stays the same. Last edited by Legisactio#3396 on Dec 6, 2013, 6:06:02 PM
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Enjoying the 1h + shield build so much more than the dual daggers, because of the substantial increase in survivalibity. You can't really die with aegis. I was surprised how much you can still do damage with the shield build and it isin't that much off from the dual dagger version.
Only problem I have had with this build so far has been mana cost's, but that is now fixed with temporary solution mana regen ammy untill I find new one with hp,mana regen,leech on hit. I find ST so much better than Cyclone because of the stupid sync is messed up so hard. I also find linking 2 EK's + CwDT or CwST not worth it because it rarely ever procs because of my high defensive stats. I am currently capped on resists 75/80/75 2.6k hp atm (due to begin only lvl 63 atm and not having taken the max health % talents) 12k armor and around 52k with flasks Around 54% crit chance which I find plenty enough. GEAR So I'm planing on upgrading the amulet later this evening and then upgrade either my dagger to one with 10% crit chance~ one with high dps or get 6L Evsion chest and replace the tabula rasa with it. I already had one with 9,975 but decided to sell it for 5 exalteds. I think I'm pretty much set after those upgrades for a while. 20%q EK's,CoCS will come first and then others. O yeah I'm also looking to upgrade the diamond flask for a better one with recharging 3 charges after landing a critical strike. Found an OK ammy upgrade Last edited by Vilpertti#7473 on Dec 6, 2013, 8:00:50 PM
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