[1.3]Cold Witch guide for beginners (Lvl 1 to Atziri)
" Not that i know of, but you can switch between ice spear and freezing pulse to find out what suits your playstyle best. Both skills come with the same passiv tree. |
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Right now I'm sweeping through Act 2 Cruel using Ice Spear as main spell and loving it. I've decided to invest into passives providing Increased Crit Damage. I'm also using Lesser Multiple Projectile and Increased Crit Dmg support gems. Also found a helm with 2 blue gems and 2 green gems so I was thinking of adding gem for increased projectile speed. Does it provide anything useful for Ice Spear? I also have Cold Penetration gem, but Ice Spear's mana cost skyrockets to 75 which, for the time being, is too much. Plus, I find it redundant as I'm constantly using Frostbite.
So far I really like this play style. I can kill enemies off the screen, kill bosses and rare mobs without taking any damage. I just don't get in danger of dying. It's probably not as fast as Freezing Pulse vs. groups of mobs, but it's still feels efficient enough. Anyway, I was wondering what 4th (and eventually 5th) gem should I add? I'd say LMP and Increased Crit Dmg are a given. But what other two? Last edited by _Elminister_#6625 on Dec 21, 2013, 3:18:56 PM
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" Cold penetration ain't redundant. It gives 30% MORE damage at lvl 15 no matter what curse you use. That makes it one of the best support gems for ice spells. But as long as you can't sustain the mana cost i would recommend either life leech (130% mana multiplier) for better defense or power charge on critical which has only a 110% mana multiplier. The second form of ice spear should have high enough crit chance, so PCoC will proc often enough. Faster casting also has a moderate multplier (120%) but will increase your mana cost because you will cast more per second. Increased projectile speed is of little use for ice spear as the transition to the second form will take place at the same distance nomatter what speed and the increased damage bonus is a bit mediocre. So, given your mana restrictions i would go with PCoC as you don't seem to need life leech atm. |
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Ok, thanks. Now I just need to find those gems.
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I am wondering for the 5-linked gear, would you recommend to buy one with the correct colors directly (e.g. BBGGR or BGGGR) or just buy an armor with 5L and use chromatic orb to get the color I want ? Do I need tons of chromatic orbs to do this? Thank you! |
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" It depends on what gear you are looking for. The probability of rolling a certain colour depends on whether the gear is STR, DEX or INT based. BBGGR or BGGGR should be pretty easy to roll on an Evasion/ES hybrid. If your looking for a pure ES chest, getting 4 off colours for BGGGR will be very difficult. Be prepared to spend chroms in the three or four digits. But buying it ain't that easy either: I just looked up poe.xyz.is and there is just one (1) pure ES 5L chest for sale with BRGGG but more than 99 eva, or hybrids. Recommendation: If you want BGGGR buy an eva/ES hybrid and roll the colours by yourself. If you want BBGGR buy a hybrid or a pure ES chest and roll the colours by yourself. |
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Im stuck.
I played until lvl 55 / mid merci with only Cold Nova. Run into movs, Frostbite, Nova. Now i respecced into crit pulse. Lvl 60. I can run docks merci so-so, but get ripped apart in barracks (lightning shield) and solaris. I have 5L Chest and several good things. What is wrong ? Would you run Wand + Shield or double Dagger w/ spell crit ? I have no idea what my error is but i feel i wasted my time with this bitch (yes). |
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Thank you! I am then thinking to have BBGGR and use a quality freezing pulse (thus I don't have to use faster projectile -- save one Green ! :) )
I think even BBGGR is a bit hard to roll out from an pure ES chest? As I only have two-digit chromatic orb.. :( By the way is there any "official announcement" about the probability of the color of sockets? According to https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/601214 it seems to be a bit more complicated? " |
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I guess you need to paste the build first :)
I am currently using a Dagger with spell damage... Though my ultimate goal is to switch to a wand (witch should use wand!!) " |
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The exact probabilities for rolling colours are unkown. A dev (Mark_GGG i think) once mentioned that reduced attribut requirements improve the chances for off-colours. If we take the 10-20% probability that is mentioned in the wiki, then rolling BBGGR on an ES chest will take (assuming 15% probablitiy) around 350 chroms. That is roughly one exalt. So when looking to buy a 5L chest you could compare the prices by adding 1 exalt to the asked price of chests with the wrong colours. If the desired "wrong coloured" chests are still cheaper than the "right coloured" ones, buy the cheaper one and roll the colours by yourself. Keep in mind that you will have much more chests to choose from if you are not looking for a specific colour combination, so you don't have to make compromises on the mods (if and what resistances for example) of the chest. @RagnarokX Post you tree and (most important) your gear. |
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