[1.3]Cold Witch guide for beginners (Lvl 1 to Atziri)
ATTENTION: This guide is outdated. Don't follow it.
Short update for 2.0: I probably won't be playing a cold witch in 2.0 so this is based on my experience in the closed beta. This also meeas that it is unlikly that i will fully update the guide. Tree: Life based tree lvl 85 Due to the increased monster damage i felt compelled to look for some additional defense. I went for Acrobatics which also means that there ar not enough points left to go for the templar area. CI: Don't as beginner or on the first char in a temp league. Spell setup on a 4L with no additional projetile speed: Freezing Pulse - spell echo - cold penetration - faster projectiles With enough projectile speed replace faster projectiles with hypothermia. Spell setup on a 5L with enough projectile speed: Freezing Pulse - spell echo - cold penetration - hypothermia - life leech On a 6L add increased critical damage, ice bite (if the higher cast rate is sustainable) or faster projectiles. Ice spear is no longer viable as main spell imo. Auras/heralds: Clarity, Herald of Thunder, Herald of Ice Purity auras versus specific bosses Curses: Frostbite at the beginning, Assassin's Mark with enough base crit and increased critical damage of 200+%. A Herald of Thunder - curse on hit - curse setup still works well. Other stuff: Chaos Golem + minion life Cwdt no longer that useful. One can try cwdt(lvl1) - frost wall - temporal chains curse. Frost wall can be tricky though as one can trap oneself into a corner with it. Temp chains interferes with the other curse one is using. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you are a complete beginner to the game you might have a look at the game mechanics first: Mechanics Thread Also have a look at http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Quest_Rewards to know when and if some gems are available as quest reward. The intention for this guide is to give beginners some basic information and an easy to follow build that neither requires fancy gear nor is using a hard to handle niche setup of skills.
You can either have a life based build or take Chaos Innoculation. Even if you plan for CI it is recommended to start as a life char. Why? It is much easier to get life on gear and to have a big life + ES pool than to level with only a much smaller ES-only pool. You will get passive respec points along the way that you can use to spec out of the life nodes later. The usual progression is: You go life until you reach act 2 merciless (you should be in your late 50s lvl by then); some even delay going CI until they defeated merciless Vaal. At the beginning of act2 merciless you will have 14 passive skill refund points you can use to spec out of life. By then you should have collected ES gear that will get you 2000+ ES (another reason CI is a bit tricky if it is your first char).
a bit more on CI
The Achilles heel of CI is vulnerability to stun and freezing as those effects are calculated in respect to the life pool you would have without CI. That means you will get stunlocked a lot (and die) when facing voidbearers in docks or charging rhoas in fetid pools or charging blackguards in barracks. To avoid this wearing an eye of chayula amulet is a must for a CI char. It is not recommended to waste a ton of points to go down to take unwavering stance unless you don't mind running a char that is much less efficient than a life based one.
Guess that’s another argument to start as a life char if it is your first one. Your first steps should be to get life nodes and lay the basic path for the final build :
Sarting tree for life and CI in normal
Tree progression for CI
If you want to go CI here is the build before the transition. You should be in your late 50s level by then: end 50s build before CI transition Here it is after the transition: build after CI transition The further progression would be to pick up ES and crits. You have to take all the mana reservation nodes as you'll have to run a discipline aura beside the heralds and a purity aura (->auras, heralds) CI build lvl82
Tree progression for life
If you followed the path of life your build will look very different from the CI version when entering act2 merciless as it is more beneficial to head for the templar area instead of the ES whell in the middle: Life based build late 50s/60 Then the focus is on getting more damage and crit nodes: Life build lvl82 If having trouble sustaining your spells or a high level arctic armour, take the manareg nodes at the templar start instead of Celestial Punishment. Further points beyond lvl 82 can be spent in the elemenatl damage nodes at the shadow start and frost walker at the witch start. I would not go for heart of ice at the outer witch area as the opportunity cost travelling there is too high: 71% increased damage for 8 passives means less than 9% for each point spent.
The following setups are for 5 links. I put the least important support in last place, so if you only have a 4 link just drop the last support gem in the different setups. Freezing Pulse – Lesser Multiple Projectiles – Faster Projectiles – Life Leech – Spell echo - (Cold Penetration/Faster Casting/Inreased Critical Strikes) Lesser Multiple Projectiles. A must have for FP as the projectiles can overlap and multihit a single target. With FP’s 100% build in pierce (the ability to travel through the enemy it hits) this makes FP one of the best crowd control spells in the game. Faster Projectiles. A must have on a normal Freezing Pulse as its projectile dissipates while it travels, dealing less damage the further it goes. With Faster Projectiles FP will not only have a much farther reach allowing you stay in a safe distance from the mobs it also increases the damage at any given point in its traveling path compared to a slower (and quicker fading) projectile. BTW if you don't have quality on your FP nor want (or can) use faster projectiles you could buy the unique Karui Ward amulet (should be available for 1 chaos). It gives 30% increased projectile speed.
quality on freezing pulse
If you have at least 15% quality on your Freezing Pulse gem you can skip faster projectiles as each % quality gives 3% increased projectile speed. Unfortunately beginners usually don’t have the currency to buy a high quality gem. You can level a normal gem to lvl 20, invest a gemcutters prism and get a lvl1 with 20% quality back from the vendor, but by the time you have done that (it takes quiet some time; you will reach lvl 80+ by then) you have enough currency to just buy one, plus it doesn’t help when starting a first char.
Spell echo Added with 1.1.5 it is a must have. Free additional cast! Due to limited links it is now more important than ever to get a freezing pulse with quality so you can replace faster projectiles with it. If you haven't got quality on your FP by the time you get spell echo (library quest a3 merciless) and only have a 4L you might consider buying for 1 chaos so you can drop faster projectiles. Cold penetration lowers the resistance of the enemy. You get a flat damage increase no matter how high its initial cold resistance. For mobs with 0% resistances that means 30+% more damage. When looking at max resist mobs, lowering the resistance from 75% to 45% will give 120% more damage, making it the best support against high resist enemies. Don’t be fooled by the tooltip dps not changing. You get more damage by lowering the defense not by upping your offense (though the final result is the same)
Wiki on penetration mechanics
From the wiki:
Penetration is not the same as losing resistance, which changes the target's resistance value. Penetration does not modify the target's resistance, instead it treats it as lower than it is. This is important when considering a target that has stacked their resistance value past the maximum resistance cap of 75%. Examples Consider a player using a skill with Penetrates 50% Fire Resistance dealing 100 fire damage to an enemy: • If the enemy has +0% Fire resistance The enemy's resistance will be treated at 50 lower than it is, which in this case will result in an effective -50% fire resistance. The enemy will take 150 fire damage. • If the enemy has +25% Fire resistance This will result in an effective -25% fire resistance. The enemy will take 125 fire damage. • The enemy has +150% Fire resistance, but is capped at their maximum fire resistance of 75% This will result in an effective 25% fire resistance. The enemy will take 75 fire damage. • The enemy has +150% Fire resistance, but is capped at their maximum fire resistance of 75%. The enemy is cursed with Flammability before being attacked, which causes them to lose 30% Fire Resistance. The enemy first loses 30% resistance, bringing them down to +120% fire resistance. They are still well above their maximum, and their resistance value remains at 75%. The 50% penetration then results in an effective 25% fire resistance. The enemy will take 75 fire damage. • The enemy has +10% Fire resistance. The enemy is cursed with Flammability before being attacked, which causes them to lose 30% Fire Resistance. The enemy first loses 30% resistance, bringing them down to -20% fire resistance. The 50% penetration then results in an effective -70% fire resistance. The enemy will take 170 fire damage. Faster Casting gives a nice damage boost but also increases your mana needs as you cast more often per second. (If you can’t spam your main nuke the dps increasing effect of FC is neutralized). That makes it a bit more difficult to handle than other support gems. A word of warning: don’t get fooled by tooltip dps. FC increases it, cold penetration won’t, though if you replace one gem with the other your REAL damage won’t differ that much (if at all). Increased Critical Strikes increases crit chance. More damage and better defense because of higher freezing rates is a nice double effect. Depending on the quality on your FP there are two setups i would recommend: FP - LMP - life leech - echo - faster projectiles (in case you don't have a Karui Ward amulet to replace faster projectiles) FP 15%-20% - LMP - life leech - echo - cold penetration (The introduction of echo has the advantage that CI users now have less trouble with their socket colours as they no longer need 3 green off colours.) Alternative prime spell: Ice Spear – LMP - life leech - spell echo – increased critical damage/cold penetration While Ice Spear starts as projectile with 100% pierce it changes into solid form after a fixed distance. The second form has a +600% increased critical strike chance in its second form, that’s a 49% base crit chance from the beginning. That makes Ice Spear the perfect spell who like to kill from a safe distance. The aoe is worse than the coned FP but you don't have to facetank on the other hand. Due to the high mana cost of ice spear one would probably has to take Eldritch Battery though making it a bad choice for CI compared to FP. I recommend levelling both FP and ice spear and switching between them to find out which spell suits your gameplay most. (On a sidenote: Atziri is easier to kill with ice spear)
faster attacks or slower, higher damage?
From the wiki:
“The base duration of freeze is proportional to the damage dealt by the initial hit of cold damage—or equivalent in the case of Freeze Mine—relative to the target's maximum life. Let N be the Cold Damage dealt and L be the target's effective maximum life. The freeze duration D in milliseconds is then given by: If N > L ÷ 3, then N = L ÷ 3 D = N ÷ ( L ÷ 100 ) × 100ms If the duration would be less than 300 milliseconds, the freeze effect is not applied. The maximum, unmodified freeze duration from cold damage is 3.333 seconds.” That means when facing bosses you want to do as high single damage as possible to get past the 300ms threshold and be able to freeze them. You don’t need a lot of jabs but big punches. In that case increased critical damage is far better than cast speed. Not using LMP with its damage penalty would also improve the damage but one hasn’t always the opportunity to switch the gems in time. Other useful spells: Cold snap is a very good secondary spell especially in the early stages because of the high build in chance to freeze the enemy no matter if you crit or not. Even in later stages a setup with Trap (for the MORE damage bonus) - cold snap - elemental proliferation - increased AoE is really helpful in perma freezing even bosses. Ice nova Probably the best STARTING gem in the cold arsenal due to its AoE that chills the mobs, really improving survivability in the early stages while giving better dps than an unsupported Freezing Pulse against mobs. Unfortunately it doesn’t scale as well in late game as FP and forces you to stand in the middle of the mob, something you really should avoid in merciless and maps. If this is your very first char you should start the game like that:
the very first steps in the game that work in races too
Start as a Templar. Pick up your weapon and run straight up till you meet Hillock. Don’t stop, ignore everything. Kill Hillock with your default attack, pick up the loot and enter town. Pick up Ice Nova as quest reward. Buy one coral ring from the nice vendor and put everything (yes the flasks too) in your chest. Logout and start your witch. Now you kill the first zombie and get fireball. Run up to Hillock ignoring everything else, kill him and enter town. Buy another coral ring. With 2 coral rings, 2 -3health and 2 mana flasks and ice nova as main spell and maybe some gear that Hillock has dropped, you are good to go. Spamming ice nova should get you through act1 normal. You will need fireball on two occasions: To kill Brutus and to kill Merveil. Be sure to buy 2 sapphire rings that give cold resistance before the fight. Use portals during the fight to fill up your flasks in town if needed. Ice Nova might even take you through parts of the second act. Switch to freezing pulse once you think you can handle mobs better with it than with the nova. Not only is this an efficient way to start the game with a new character in a fresh league, the strategy works well in races too. It won’t get you a demigods prize but it will help you survive the race and collect some reward points.
Vaal Gems Vaal Discipline is a very good defensive option for CI builds as the ES recharge is not delayed by damage taken for several seconds. Nice oh shit button for tight situations.
Auras: All auras should be linked to a reduced mana support gem. A full leveled red.mana will decrease the reserved mana to 71%. An aura that normally would reserve 60% of the mana would therefore only reduce 43% (it will get rounded up). There are several nodes in the tree that could further reduce those costs like Sovereignity. BTW additional quality on a reduced mana gem will NOT further reduce the amount of reserved mana when using auras but will only lower the mana costs of skills used (for example lower the cost of casting fireball if linked to it). For a life based char only 2 auras are mandatory: Purity of elements which will increase elemental resistance (its 40% reservation will get down to 29% with a lvl 20 reduced mana) Clarity which will increase mana regeneration. It starts with 64 mana reserved and goes up to 520 mana reserved on lvl 20. So be careful when leveling that gem (better have two versions one lvl 10 and on leveled to 15+). Make sure the rest of your mana is enough to spam your main spell. Anyway with only two auras running one should be ok even with a high leveled clarity. For a CI things get a bit more complicated. Not only will one need Clarity and Purity, but also Discipline which gives additional ES. Discipline is a 60% aura (43% with red.mana). That’s 72 % reserved mana without clarity. Things might get a bit tight here. That’s the reason for taking reduced mana nodes from the tree for another 8%-20% reduced mana. With a lvl 20 reduced mana that leave enough room for clarity (though probably not fully leveled; be careful here) and enough mana to spam the main spell. BTW if you can get a purity of fire/purity of lightning try leveling it up in the second weapon slot. There are situations where it is beneficial to swap purity of elements for one element (Fire for crematorium or General Gravicius; lightning for barracks, crematorium piety or map piety for example) Heralds Herald of Ice Gives additional cold damage to your spells but reserves 25% of your mana. If you can sustain it, use it! Don’t if you have to drop purity instead and no longer have max resists. Remember: dead witches don’t do damage. Herald of Thunder Works really nice with crit builds as the added lightning damage is enough to shock normal mobs on crit constantly triggering the lightning storm. It really shines when linked to curse on hit and a curse. With a high crit rate the mobs are constantly hit by lightning and therby cursed. Makes for a smooth gameplay as you don't have to pause for manual cursing. Curses: Use frostbite for offense and temporal chains (or enfeeble) for defense. When playing in a party cursing elemental weakness instead of frost bite might be more beneficial as most of the times other players will be dealing some other elemental damage. Assassin’s Mark When reaching lvl70+ I would replace frostbite with Assassin’s Mark (formely known as critical Weakness): With high enough crit chance you do more damage with it if you have roughly an extra 100% increased critical damage with gear/support gems/tree passives. You also have a chance to gain power charges on kill which might be enough to use power charges without the power charge on crit gem (try it if you feel comfortable with the lower charge generation rate). Trigger gems: Cast on damage taken It comes with a huge penalty (LESS damage) when used with a damage spell, that gets reduced when you level it up. On the other hand it increases the amount of damage you have to take before it gets triggered. You have two choices: 1) Keep it at level 1 and use it with enduring cry for some endurance charges that give 4% physical damage reduction per charge and a low level temporal chains or enfeeble to autocurse attackers (it might override your frostbite curse occasionally though). 2) Level it. As you can't use spells that are of higher level than the CwDT i recommend maxing it to 20. It will take 3000+ damage to trigger but that can happen pretty quick in merciless. You can either use it as a second defensive layer with molten shell and decoy totem (in case you don't want to use spell totem - summon skeletons as distraction). Or you link it with Cold Snap + Ice Nova + Concentrated Effect for a high chance of freezing melee attackers that made it past your skeletons. Option 1 is probably the most popular one. Totems: Highly recommended and a must have imho: Spell totem + summon skeletons. Feel free to add a blind gem for additional defense. The boost in survivability is HUGE. If you have 6 skeletons up the chance of getting hit goes down from 1:1 when soloing to 8:1 (6 skels, the totem and you). That is a virtual evasion rate of 87.5%. It is impossible to get that rate in endgame even with the best pure evasion gear. Blood Rage: A very useful spell for CI chars. Every kill grants you a frenzy charge that increases your cast speed by 5%. The chaos damage penalty won't affect CI chars (don't use that spell as life char!). Arctic Armour A spell that is really helpful when facing enemies that do physical/fire damage with very fast attacks but low damage per hit like the voidbearers on docks or tentacle miscreations in the lunaris temple. Unless you build for a large mana pool it can only be used while standing still on max level; while moving the mana cost is too high and it will shut down very fast. If you can spare a single socket somewhere use it in voidbearers/titty bitches territory. To sustain a high level AA while moving one needs a big mana pool (+3000), a maxed clarity and ~100manareg. One can bypass those requirements by using light warp as movement skill as AA doesn't have a higher mana usage in that case. Movement skills Used by some players to get out of tight situations. Witches mostly use lightning warp – reduced duration to get away. As a dagger user I prefer whirling blades. Has no delay and doesn’t need a support. Lvl 1 is enough. Use it if you have the free socket(s). Otherwise don't. Auras and attacks are more important imho. Before opening boxes socket a Smoke Mine gem (lvl1) and lay the mine a bit away from the box. Click the box and immediately trigger the mine. That way you avoid getting surrounded by monsters.
The above gives a lot of possibilities on what skills to use. For the undecided here is one possible build that i had good experience with in endgame: Life build with Eldritch Battery; no extra power charges. Chest: FPqual(or ice spear)-LMP-cold penetration-life leech-spell echo-(increased critical damage)
on life leech
From lvl 65-low 80s i dropped life leech and used two
Works versus normal mobs and in short boss fights. In longer fights (graveyard/necropolis merveil, palace dominus for example) there is a high risk of running out of charges and dying. I switched back to life leech in my mid 80s therefore as the xp loss on death became too steep. Helmet: Trap-cold snap-elemental proliferation-concentrated effect
when to use
The best way to open boxes is to drop three of those traps around the box. Everything will be frozen, giving one enough time to get out of range with smoke mine/lightning warp/whirling blade. Highly recommended. Plus a safe way to kill reflect groups.
Weapon: Lightning warp-faster casting-reduced duration Shild: Clarity - reduced mana , arctic armour GlovesReduced mana - herald of ice - purity of lightning - purity of fire I run only one purity depending on the map mods/boss i am facing. Boots Herald of thunder - reduced mana - curse on hit - assassin's mark (or elemental weakness or enfeeble depending on the map mods and the requirements of the party)
why no CWDT?
1) I think the usual cwdt-enduring cry-immortal call-(increased duration) setup that is popular isn't as useful as many think. Due to the different cooldown times of EC and IC they get out of sync. Often IC procs without enduring charges up. Even with charges up the duration is pretty short. In theory it should help against a pack of charging rhoas. In practice it doesn't: All damage is calculated at the beginning of an attack. That means if you get hit by one rhoa and EC/IC triggers and THEN the other rhoas charge and hit you, you will be immune to their attack. But if they start their charge before the first one hits (the usual case) EC/IC won't help as the damage of the group is calculated before cwdt triggers. You take full damage even though cwdt triggers on the first hit. It works the same way like granite flasks. If you use a granite flask while Kole or Vaal is hitting you (but before the impact of the hit), the flask has no mitigating effect on the damage. 2) It is convenient to have the different purity auras ready if needed without replacing gems every time. Both auras are needed for map mods (extra fire/lightning damage) and when you face certain bosses. PoLightning for Piety+Dominus, PoFire for crematorium+shipyard for example. PoIce is only helpful versus Merveil in graveyard and necropolis. You therefore might skip leveling+dragging it along with you. The colour also fits badly when you try replacing gems for each other in an aura/herald 4L.
CI/Life: As long as you are leveling you need not look for a specific armor type. Instead focus on specific mods: Look out for gear with life on it; second priority is resistances. It actually doesn't matter if you wear an armor based chest as long as you have the sockets for your gems on other gear pieces. The only restrictions you have to take into account are the stats requirement (you may not have enough STR for example to wear higher armor chests) and the socket colors for your gems. Additional mods: Movement speed on boots. Useful offensive mods (aside from increased spell damage) would be faster projectiles (on the weapon). I wouldn't look for faster casting as this mod is pretty expensive. If you happen to get fc on a drop, fine. But don't spend huge amounts of currency on it. You can get the same dps increase for less currency if you only look for increased spell damage/increased critical stike chance for spells and maybe faster projectiles on a weapon. Best shields to level up are Kite shields: Ceremonial Kite Shield (available at lvl 34) / Angelic Kite Shield (lvl55) / Archon Kite Shield (lvl 68). The 24 to all resistances help a lot to max resistances. As a life based char an Archon Kite shield may be even a good option for endgame as the low ES doesn't hurt for that kind of build. A CI should better look for high ES shield though. Update: That advice only holds true for LEGACY kite shields. As of 1.1.0 only kite shields with 12 to all resistance will drop, making them no longer a best-in-slot option while leveling. CI: Get as many ES as possible, that means pure ES gear (once you made the transition of course; before that look out for HP on gear as the most important stat). If you are looking for a way to mitigate physical damage use granite flasks. You can’t afford to sacrifice your main “life” pool by wearing armour based gear. Speaking of flasks: It is important that you have flasks that remove bleeding and dispels burning. Getting punctured or ignited is pretty bad for a CI as your ES will not regenerate. Start running while bleeding and the damage increases resulting in a very quick death. Removes freezing is another mod one of your flask should have. As of 1.1.0 you can encounter the corrupting blood mod on rare monsters. It stacks a bleeding effect on every attack YOU make. Without a remove bleeding flask this is lethal. Same goes for the bleeding stack that Dominus in his last form applies with his cleave attack. Don’t enter that fight without a remove bleeding flask. Like I said you will need the eye of chayula to avoid stun. Instead of settling with anti-freeze mods on flask many CI chars wear (the very expensive) dream fragments ring that prevents freezing. Life: Looking at the colour requirements of the freezing pulse setup (BBRGG) it’s obvious to avoid pure armour and pure ES gear as chest as it would be very hard to get that many off-colours. The best option would be to settle with an evasion/ES hybrid as chest. The ES would also boost the mana pool with Eldritch Battery. The latter makes a pure ES shield with high ES a good choice. You need a big mana pool to sustain your spells while running auras, heralds and arctic armour late in the game. You gotta have a flask that removes bleeding (see the info in the CI paragraph above )
Bandit rewards Normal: help Oak for 40HP when life based; kill all when planning to go CI Cruel: kill all for the reward point Merciless: Kill all or help Alira for an extra power charge. Anybody that plans on using power charges should do the latter. How to handle reflect One way is to use trap - cold snap (or have a fire trap leveled up in your backhand that you can switch to). Traps don't reflect the damage back to you, so no risk using them. Or use spell totem + summon skeletons for diversion and snipe the aura spreading enemy with ice spear. Be sure it is not linked with LMP you don't want to hit more than 1-2 enemies with it. This works as elemental reflect is not as lethal as physical reflect. The portion that gets reflected back is mitigated by your elemental resist. The damage you suffer is therefore only damage you dealt * 0.15 * 0.25 (assuming max resist without purity bonus) In other words with a life or ES pool of only 3000 you would have to deal 80.000 damage to one shoot yourself. Happens only to Discharges that fully blast a huge relect mob. You should also be able to do maps with elemental reflect as long as you don't spam FP into groups. Shoot once - retreat a bit or snipe 1-2 from the edges.
I can only describe the build i used for Atziri. Other setups might work as well (or better).
gear used (ignore socketed gems)
Stats: ~4.800 life, ~3.500 mana, 25%/33% block/spell block; 0/46 with Saffell's). 14.5k damage per ice spear projectile (tooltip) with HoI and HoT up. Start - Double Vaal: Ice spear-LMP-spell echo-cold penetration-life leech-increased critical damage Lightning Warp-faster casting-reduced duration Arctic Armour (Put into the helmet here as cold snap ain't needed) Reduced mana-HoI-Purity of Lightning Reduced mana-Clarity-HoT That leaves ~900 unused mana. Enough to spam ice spear due to the high mana regeneration. The fight should be pretty easy at this stage. Just make sure to get both to low life before killing one so that the second can be killed within seconds. Otherwise the survivor enrages making the fight much more difficult. recommended in case you need healing. I had no problems with them even without topaz flasks. Trio: 2 life flasks with remove bleeding, 2-3 granite flask with remove bleeding. The trio used to be the toughest part. With the changes to the bleeding mod on flasks they now pose much less a threat. I managed best against them when killing the tittybitch first. Don't stand in her projectile rain. A few hits will kill you even with the granite up. Killing the other two first and facing her enraged form is a bad idea. Tried it twice never managed to kill her. After killing her, other tittybitches will permaspawn. With Arctic amour up they will do no damage though. With the other two should pose much less of a problem now as you can be immune to bleeding during the fight. Atziri: Switch the shield for Saffell's frame for additional 4 max resists and extra spell block. Switch off HoThunder and run Purity of Fire instead. Keep reduced mana-HoIce and also run reduced mana-PoLightning-PoFire-Clarity. That'll boost your fire and lightning resistance to 84 without flasks. Put spell totem - enfeeble in the shield. Surgeon's Ruby + Topaz flask recommended so they refill during the fight: Put spell totem-enfeeble next to Atziri. Don't use selfcast curses as they will be reflected on you. Use Lightning warp to move away from the spells. With PoF up and ruby flasks you can tank one flameblast (even a maxed one). Just try not to stand in overlapping flameblasts. During a healing phase you might try to switch ice spear for freezing pulse. The fp will get all of the healing zombies, while with ice spear some might get through to atziri. Sticking to ice spear is ok though. A bit healing ain't no big deal imo. Place another enfeeble totem once the zombies are through. During the split phase just pay attention to not cast at the one holding the mirror as that will reflect the ice spear (and insta kill you). I tried the whole thing with freezing pulse once but using ice spear is much more convenient versus atziri as you can attack from every point in the room whereas with FP you are forced to move in again after you lightning warped out of the way of a flameblast. The whole fight takes significantly longer that way (aside from the fact that the second form of ice spear does more damage than a freezing pulse). Last edited by Bada_Bing#4191 on Sep 4, 2016, 2:02:32 PM Last bumped on Sep 4, 2016, 1:33:07 PM
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Added chaos > cold pen
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" No. It's not. 1) Supporting gems should reinforce the core strength of a gem. In case of cold spells that would be the freezing effect. The duration of the freeze (or the possibility to freeze at all by making it over the 300ms threshold) depends on the amount of cold damge that was dealt when critting. Replacing cold penetration with added chaos damage would decrease the cold portion of the overall damage thereby shortening the freeze duration. 2) Even by pure damage numbers cold penetration > acd: I assume 0 cold and 0 chaos resistance here (if you want to pick different numbers you have to pick them for both resistances) A lvl 20 FP averages 227.5 damage (we can ignore cast speed here). I have 88% increased elemental damage from the tree. That ups the damage to 227.5 * 1.88 = 427.7 A lvl 20 cold penetration gives 35% resistance penetration that is the same as a 35% damage increase: 427.7 * 0.35 = 149.7. That's the additional damage that comes from cold penetration. A lvl 20 chaos damage averages 101.5 damage. As it is not affected by increased elemental damage that is all that it adds to the overall damage. In other words acd only gives 2/3 of cold penetration's additional damage. |
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Is this the build you currently use on your 80+ witch?
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thx for nice beginners build
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" No. The lvl 86 is a fireball/fire trap build; the lvl 81 HC is an extremely defensive summoner/dual spork hybrid build that went tits up after the spork nerfs. I've played a freezing pulser as my first char up to lvl 79. I can vouch that the above build will work with (almost) selffound gear. The only things i ever bought were a 5L chest and an eye of chayula. Played maps lvl 66-70 with that char before i decided on building a different char. If you want to play high level maps you have to invest in gear: the way you spend passiv points lvl 80 up is pretty irrelevant; it's all about optimizing gear in late game. |
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Nice I like this will give it a try
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I'm following your guide, because I really like it. The only thing I wonder is:
You say that especially CI chars may want to drop Lord of The Dead(which I do want to do) But which build would that result in exactly? If you could post that, I would be extremely pleased. |
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" As CI you can simply spec out of Lord of the Dead and take the increased 8% mana to close the path to the left side: revised CI without Lord of the Dead A life build would have to spend 3 extra points at the start (12% increased spell damage, 8% increased spell damage. 3% increased cast speed) before one can spec out of Lord of the Dead. Last edited by Bada_Bing#4191 on Nov 2, 2013, 3:15:33 PM
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" Awesome, thank you so much! |
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