[1.3]Cold Witch guide for beginners (Lvl 1 to Atziri)
" Thanks for pointing that out. Actually that was the version i intended to use but somehow copypasted the wrong tree (the other version where you don't go outwards doesn't make any sense when you look at the preceding leveling tree). Didn't notice until now. " That version also means that you would take the ES wheel at the very end when leveling which i don't think is a good idea. Besides with enough dex on gear one might spec out of the 30 dex node but one might no longer be able to spec out of the dex transition nodes (unless for a higher price in respec points/regrets). Sniper: Yes tree would be better dropping a 8%mana node + one ES node to take sniper instead. The reason i didn't take it was that i didn't do much min-maxing on the CI version. I actually was thinking of dropping CI. Atm CI as such a bad choice compared to life that i really recommend going life. After the buff of life per level one has to invest much more into ES nodes for CI than into life nodes for a life build. Plus after the introduction of the heralds CI has to invest a lot into mana reservation nodes as one is forced to run discipline. All in all CI is lackluster in terms of damage compared to a life build without gaining that much defense (unless you spend big time on high end ES gear). On the second thought i think i'm gonna change the tree according to your suggestion. " No longer. The first vesrions of this guide featured power charge alternatives. I dropped that for two reasons: with the introduction of spell echo there are is no longer room for pcoc in the main spell. Spell echo/lmp/cold penetration/increased critical damage all give more dps while life leech is a must have imo. With the introduction of the heralds there are also no longer enough sockets available to run ice spear - pcoc as secondary attack to collect the charges. Atm i only would make a power charge build if i were to use void batterys. |
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Sorry in advance if im duplicating some question/discussion. Thread is long and google didnt show anything.
I decided to try your build since its so different from what ive been playing so far. I've been browsing unique items to boost my lvling experience and I have one question... Ever thought about using pyre in this build? Can you share your thoughts on that? Edit: Why not additional curse? wont it add more dps/survivability than anything else? Its so close I can hear its call... Last edited by Trixilai#3024 on Dec 23, 2014, 2:33:04 PM
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" I wouldn't recommend pyre. Ever since the block nerf, freezing opponents is the best defense for a cold build. Survivability would suffer A LOT without gaining much (if any) clear speed as it is very difficult to proliferate the burning because of killed enemies shattering. I think points are better spent on other things than on dual cursing. If you want to try dual cursing better get a Doedre's Damning ring for an additional curse. My personal experience is this: In late game (high 80s char) i 1-2 shot every trash mob up to 78 maps anyway. Stopping to dual curse would have only slowed me down. Imo dual cursing is a good option for summoners and dual totem as your role there is more of a supporting char for your minions/totems than dealing damage yourself. |
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" I completely agree. " But assassins mark can give you power charges now. If you have a decent clear speed it should not be a problem to keep up power charges from assassins mark only. IMO it's a mistake not to take the power charges. |
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I prefer Ice Spear over Freezing Pulse. Taking advantage of the 600% crit rate seems to dilute the crit chance nodes a lot. Isn't it better to put those points in other nodes ? (Unless they lead to the amazing 30% crit multiplier)
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" My personal experience is that the AM mechanic (20-29% chance on KILL) is too unreliable in generating and sustaining 6 (7 if helping Alira) charges to justify a 5 point investment to get 3 additional charges in the tree. Especially versus bosses where you would need them most AM can't get the charges up. I know that there are enough people and builds that use power charges. I just wouldn't recommend taking them while leveling. Once the build is "finished" at ~75-80 one could choose to go the pc route. Like i said, with all the changes that happened since beta i look at them as an addendum not as a core feature of a cold build unless one is using void batterys. " The problem with an ice spear build that only relies on the built in 600 crit of the second form is that it is rather helpless versus jumping/charging/fast moving enemies that move beyond the transition point. Once they are close (which happens a lot) you only have a 7% crit first form to attack. No freeze - no defense. |
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Whats in your opinion the best defensive way to build this? Would you recommend CI? Life? Lightning coil? Cloak of Defiance? I am playing bloodlines myself.
ign: Kapswag
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" Best defense is to permafreeze everything. Getting a high crit chance is therefore essential. Block is no longer an option due to the fact that almost all nodes were removed from the witch area. You may consider using ice spear instead of freezing pulse as your main attack due to the better crit chance of the second IS form. Have a look at these two guides as they are hardcore builds: [Beyond] K19's Ice Spear Perma Freeze That's a CI build. I personally would recommend going life (easier to find gear among other things). Just take life (and Eldritch Battery) instead of CI nodes in that case. [1.3.0] Shmizz's hardcore perma-freeze Ice spear guide Life build. Contrary to the OP i would not recommend taking pierce passives (or use pierce gem). Lightning Coil won't work with this build as you won't get enough blue sockets on an ar/eva chest. Cloak of Defiance might work if you have enough unused mana (won't be the case with a CI build). Auras would be restricted to clarity, one purity aura (ice because of reflect; switched for lightning or fire depending on the map mods or when facing certain map bosses) and one herald (I'ld take HoThunder; HoIce might get you in trouble if you explode a reflect group). With 3000+ manapool you can also run a lvl20 arctic armour. |
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Do you still think FP is overall a good gem, or would you pick something diffrent like ice spear?
ign: Kapswag
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" Of course FP is still a good gem. It didn't get nerfed. FP has better area coverage than ice spear whereas ice spear allows for staying far away from the mobs. The choice between the two gems kinda depends on which playstyle you prefer. I recommend leveling both spells and switch between them (faster projectiles aside they can be used with the same support gems + tree) to find out what suits you most. I personally prefer ice spear because it allows to keep a greater distance to mobs (but mostly because atziri is better fought with ice spear). |
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