[1.3]Cold Witch guide for beginners (Lvl 1 to Atziri)
Ahh right of course, nice thanks :-)
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" Yeah as said, crits = freezing = a lot of our defense and all of our group utility. Often parties comment on how much incoming damaged is reduced via keeping everything frozen. If you dont focus on crit as much, you can use added lightning for shocking, and added chaos for added damage that doesn't need critting. THeres a scion FP build that uses those gems and gets very high damage without the power charges. I dont have any personal experience with it though. I've been playing my summoner lately taking in the new changes. I will probably go ice again for the new 4mo league next month tho, its a versitile build. Last edited by kuromahou#7517 on Feb 4, 2014, 11:07:29 AM
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Some feedback on the 'optimize' skill tree:
1) You spend 4 skill points to get 70% crit chance in the top left of the templar tree. This is only 17.5 crit chance per skill point. There is lower hanging fruit in the Witch tree (25%) and shadow tree (20%). Why not take these instead? You get 45% as opposed to 70% and free up 2 skill points. If you want to stay neutral on skill points, you could even just grab 2x15% in the Witch/Shadow area and that's 75% crit chance as opposed to 70% for the same number of skill points. Summary: +5% crit chance, skill point neutral -or- -25% crit chance, +2 skill points available 2) If you skip the 3x3% cast speed nodes in the beginning of the witch tree, and instead take the 8% max mana on the other side to link the trees. Take the 3x3% cast speed nodes in the shadow tree, and gain access to 2x12% dmg nodes there. This does cost 1 more skill point though, but you get more mana which gives more room for your auras. Summary: -3 skill points available +24% damage +8% mana I couldn't think of anything clever. I assume we need every bit of energy shield, right? I also notice we don't get any points of energy shield cooldown recovery. Is this because we rely on Ghost Reaver + life leech instead? Since your build uses 106 points, that seems kind of arbitary. Could you also post an ideal build at other benchmarks up to 120 or at least 110? It seems like you could go many different ways after 106. |
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1) Why not. If you don't mind spending some regret orbs for some marginal improvement (and don't intend on taking those crit nodes in the next levels) go ahead.
2) With 106 points i'm already well over my self imposed limit of a level 80 build. Sure you can get more damage if you spend additional points, but i'm not gonna plan with it as many won't level their first char past 80, which brings me to the last point: I won't put up any trees that spend even more points. There is no "ideal" build: Whether it is rational to invest in cast speed (nimbleness + shadow tree), throatseeker and maybe some additional crit chance or go for defensive shield nodes like bulwark, deflection or phalanx depends to 100% on the state of one's gear (can one sustain higher cast speed?) and the personal playstyle (some feel more comfortable with higher clearspeed, others with a more tanky char). I never felt any need to further shorten ES shield recovery, but that may be due to my personal playstyle. Some people may cherish a faster regeneration with a more aggressive playstyle. |
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" Not sure what you mean about orbs of regret. I just plan out the optimal build, then go to it. I don't ever plan on taking skills temporarily and then un-speccing. It may make leveling slower, but in my opinion the game is hardest at the end, not the beginning and middle. Also, you say that most people won't level their first character past 80. Is this build not ideal for a non-first character? |
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" It just means that many roll other chars instead of leveling one char past 85 as grinding for those levels can be very tedious. This build made some compromises for beginners. If you already have leveling gear ready from previous chars you might skip Lord of the Dead and start on the left side of the tree as you will have enough mana regeneration and life on your leveling gear so you can postpone the stuff on the right side. You can skip any reduced mana reservation nodes as you will have maxed resistances due to the gear you already collected. When running only discipline and clarity there is no need to head for sovereignty. |
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After playing the fireball witch witch w/ fire trap it is going to be hard to play a witch that doesn't use a trap. That build has made me fall in love with the fire and forget nature of traps and look for more ways to include traps as utility or secondary skills.
Do you think using an ice skill trap as a utility skill would be worth the cost? Something like a ice nova + trap + increased AoE/multitrap + elemental proliferation/ice penetration/whatever? If you skip deep thoughts you could use the 2 spare points to pick up static blows, would that justify the inclusion of lightning damage support with the trap or another skill? I be that potion mixin', spell castin', dragon ridin' wizard. Got a 3 foot hat with a 6 foot beard, and it's only gettin' bigger. Put a staff up in my hand, and I'll shrink you down to size. All I need is a tail of a newt and some platypus eyes.
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" Trap + cold snap + elemental proliferation + increased aoe or concentraed effect (depending on whether you want big crowd freezing or rather have higher damage on a small group) is a very good support skill. If you intend on using it frequently i would invest 3 points and get Blast Radius and Amplify in the tree (maybe drop the outer power charges instead and play without power charge on crit). Static Blows ain't worth the investment imho. The damage of added lightning damage is not high enough to make it past the 300ms threshold vs bosses and rares. If you intend on using lightning trap: I'ld rather stay in the same elemental group (trap-cold snap) because it will be supported by the same passives as your other cold spells. |
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Thank you Bada_Bing for this guide!
I am wondering if you have any rough idea about how many life I need to stack (following this guide) to farm, say , lv 68-70 maps? I just want to get some rough ideas (of coz, assume the resist is capped by using purity of elements). Is there any other mod I need to care about? (Besides + max life and elemental resist mod). Thank you! |
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Aim for 4000+ life. The more the better.
Additional mods: Movement speed on boots. Useful offensive mods (aside from increased spell damage) would be faster projectiles (on the weapon). I wouldn't look for faster casting as this mod is pretty expensive. If you happen to get fc on a drop, fine. But don't spend huge amounts of currency on it. You can get the same dps increase for less currency if you only look for increased spell damage/increased critical stike chance for spells and maybe faster projectiles on a weapon. |
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