All Ears Achievement Dialogue List and Lore (verified)
Clarissa has one more dialogue that's not listed. If you go after Tolman before her, she gets the news that he's dead while she's in the slums and that gives you a new response. It's basically "*sniff sniff* I need to be left alone. I'll meet you in town". I don't know if this is counted as an optional dialogue because you don't get a list when talking to Clarissa and it's technically part of a quest.
You said Helena might have another line if you go to town without picking up the baleful gem. She does. She says you need to get to it before Piety does or something like that but again, that might be part of the quest and not optional lore. I tried pretty much everything to get the achievement and I still don't have it. I even found everything for the "no stone unturned" achievement because I thought that might open up some dialogue options but it doesn't. I did Merveil before Fairgraves because he talks a lot about Merveil and maybe he'd like to know that she's dead. Nope. I helped all 3 bandits as well. I have no idea what I could have missed. Unless it's something stupid like showing the platinum busts to Oak then the achievement is bugged. I'm tempted to just look at the sound files to see what's missing... unless this is against the rules, in which case I'm only joking. IGN: Lurker
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" Aw, sorry to hear about that. I'm currently in Cruel Act 3, about to kill Piety, and still going super-slow, double-checking my first run-through. I've been trying certain quests in an out-of-order fashion within themselves, just in case: Victario's Holdfasts with the three busts and A Swig of Hope with the plum and In Normal, I turned in the Warehouse bust first, and in Cruel I turned in the Slums bust first, so if I don't get the achievement upon helping the third bandit in Merciless, I'll turn in the Marketplace bust first and see. For Fairgraves, I gave him the decanter first in Normal and then the plum first in Cruel; I doubt it matters, since I think he just says the same things one after the other if you simply hand in both of them at the same time. Another thing I'm going to test is talking to Cruel Act 3 Fairgraves with Merciless Act 1 Allflame in my inventory. That's kinda stretching it, but might as well try. (I just won't finish A Swig of Hope in Cruel until after doing this. On the flip side, I really hope there isn't more dialogue if you take a previous difficulty's plum/decanter to the next difficulty's Act 1 Fairgraves...) Edit: ^Nope. Also, I've tried talking to every other NPC in Act 3 while having Siosa's four pages and also the plum/decanter in my inventory. I was hoping that Grigor or Lady Dialla would have something to say about those quest items, but I didn't notice anything. Hopefully, by tomorrow, I'll get to Act 2 Merciless and help the last bandit. Still, it bothers me quite a bit that I can't account for at least Edit: Welp, helped the last bandit, killed Vaal, and went back to talk to him, but no achievement. Time to be a sad panda and go cry in the corner now. Sigh, I'll follow up and try the Clarissa/Lady Dialla leads posted below on a new char, even though I probably already checked for them. If I don't notice anything different, then I'll try that last platinum bust. If it still doesn't work, then I'll ragequit and start working on that Nemesis rare mob challenge :'( Last edited by Jinsyn#7203 on Nov 8, 2013, 2:49:15 PM
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Not sure if it's still there due to the voice update (the dialog options got changed with the update), but I recall Clarissa has dialogs about the Infernal Talc and Thaumetic Sulphite.
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i think i mentioned talking to grigor or whatever his name is after finding tolman but not clarissa, im so clever
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" I had a different approach: turning in the busts 1 at a time, then 2 together, then all 3 together. As far as I can tell, quest items have hidden tags to show what difficulty they're from. They may look the same but they're not and merciless Fairgraves should ignore the cruel difficulty bong. IGN: Lurker
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I've discovered one that doesn't appear to be in your list:
Act II - Eramir The Dark Altar It became available when I got to the top of the pyramid, but went back to town before activating the altar. It's a strange one. What he says only makes sense if you go to the top of the pyramid before acquiring The Apex. It seems like a relic from a time when the quest progession may have been different. |
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" Ahh nice! So that would appear to be an out-of-order dialogue for Act 2 then. I'll update list, thanks :) |
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I can only assume that this excludes the Scion dialogue when you save her?
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" Not 100% sure but I think as a playable character, Scion maybe doesn't count as an NPC? |
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Not sure if it's optional but (if I remember correctly) Lady Dialla has different dialogues when you talk to her for the first time while already having Ribbon Spool (or both Ribbon Spool and Infernal Sulphite).
Last edited by dwarfpower#0113 on Nov 8, 2013, 7:04:24 AM
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