All Ears Achievement Dialogue List and Lore (verified)

zblue2014 wrote:
I count 184 dialog 6 missing

few tips how I did

ACT 2 -- I agreed to help all three
1.) first agree to oak and talk to Alira
2.) agree to help Alira and talk to oak
3.) again agree to help oak and talk to kraityn
4.) again agree to help kraityn and talk to oak
5.) again agree to help oak and talk to kraityn
6.) again agree to help kraityn and talk to alira

Oak will say "so you are Alira's rat"
Oak will say "so you are Kraityn's rat"
Alira will say "so you are Aak's rat"
Alira will say "so you are Kraityn's rat"
Kraityn will say "so you are Oak's rat"
kraityn will say "so you are Alira's rat"

Went to pyramid without the amulet
immediately talk to eramir

Is it still needed to agree with all bandits then helping other etc as shown above? In list sheet there is only order in witch to kill bandits to get eramirs dialogues so this bandits dialogues didnt count right?
Also going to pyramid w/o amu isnt needed also right?

Thx for answers

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
A very good guide .Thx OP for the effort . If is done "by the book" it won't be any problem to get all 190 dialogues
I done it on a second char , after screwing the quest by not talking with Eramir right after killing one of the bandits. .
Working on the last 9 achievements left :)
I have followed the spreadsheet removing dialogues as I have encounted them ingame and I am now sitting on A3 Cruel with 183/190 and there are only 6 left in the spreadsheet. I dont understand where I missed one.. This is the third character I am trying to follow the spreadsheet and this time I have been extra cautious and still managed to mess it up.. This is one irritating achievement for sure.

Now, how do I find out which one im missing before I start Merciless, maybe I can get it there if it doesnt involve the bandit :/

Edit: YES! I find my missing dialogue with my latest char, thankfully able to do it on merciless because I missed it on normal and cruel! Finally done with this lame (imo) achievement! :D So happy now.
Last edited by CrazylikE#7023 on Aug 5, 2014, 12:27:17 PM
can sb explain me in detail how that book of reform works? i dont want to screw sth up, only missing the last 5 dialogs from the banditquest on merciless, have done so far everything from the spreadsheet.

thanks :)
GgrrrH wrote:
can sb explain me in detail how that book of reform works? i dont want to screw sth up, only missing the last 5 dialogs from the banditquest on merciless, have done so far everything from the spreadsheet.

thanks :)

Well, say you have chosen to kill all for the skill point aka siding with eramir, and you want to change it to help oak you do the regret + amber amulet to gain oak's favor. To be sure, you can look at the book before finishing the recipe. To find the recipes, look up vendor recipes on the wiki and search for book of reform, should be the last recipe on the page.
Permanently locked out dialogue just makes it tedious and obnoxious.
Just tried to do this achievement using the guides, checklists etc...A word of warning to other who attempt this:


Just used all of my hardcore regrets to get kraitlyn after finishing merciless at 188/190 dialogue. Respecing to a bandit only gives you ONE optional.
thanks alot,, just got this achievement yesterday using this guide.
thanks to
Gawd this achievement is more annoying that it should be. Just finished with 189/190.

Meridin wrote:
Gawd this achievement is more annoying that it should be. Just finished with 189/190.


That is 100% my fear. I am an achievement whore, but this one will remain elusive.

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