Answers to common questions (AKA in-game FAQ)
So since we have the official release of the game and have a ton of new folks, I thought it may be appropriate to have a thread to answer some of very common in game questions I see in the game. I'm going to post a few, and please feel free to contribute so I can consolidate everything in the original post. I tried to phrase questions so you should be able to search using your browsers search function (for example, firefox has EDIT -->Find). If anyone has any questions please also feel free to ask and ill post the question and answer.
How do I link an item in chat? Open the chat dialog, and press ALT+CTRL+click on the item. How do I display items on the ground? Press Z to toggle showing item names. How do I turn on trade chat? Press the down arrow on your chat box in the lower left hand corner, and at the top of the box there is a button you can press to go into trade chat. How do I change the trade/general chat I am in? Simply click on the trade/gen chat button to leave the current chat channel and click again to go in another. Also type in /trade # or /General # where "3" is the number you want to join (another way other than random, thanks Inhuman_Soul). Where is the gold that drops? In this game we use orbs or a barer system. Here's a good place to learn about the different orbs What is my XXX worth? Its hard to say, but there are many ways to determine the value of something. Best course of action is to ask someone in general or trade chat. (or get a knowledgeable friend). There is also a section here on the forums that can "PC" or price check for something. What are those forum titles under peoples names? They have donated to the game developers and received a "supporter pack". You can find out more information here Will PoE have a monthly fee in the future? No, the game will be free to play. But it is encouraged that you donate to the developers with one of their supporter packs or in game stuff such as extra stash tabs or armor/wep graphics. How do skills work in this game? There are two types of skills, passives that you receive from your skill tree and actives that are from skill gems. You earn 1 point per level to go to your passive tree plus some quests give you a point. For gems, once you have them equipped they will earn XP like your character and level up as your character does. I messed up on my build, how do I reset it? There are a total of 18 respec point you also earn from quests that you can use to respec your passive tree. Only 1 point per skill you unallocate. You can also use the orb of regret to refund a point. Where is the auction house? This isn't WoW or D3.....there is none. I clicked the wrong button on my gem and now I cant level it. Open your items tab by pressing "I", the gem will show up in the lower left hand corner of the item tab. I played in the beta and was wondering where the items went from the beta leagues once 1.0 was released? The items and characters were transferred to the standard league. Your items were placed in a "remove only" tabs in you stash (You can only remove items from those tabs). How do I reset an instance Leave the instance, either from the main portal (door) or from a way point. Then press CTRL as you click on the instance point (from the way point) or the door way. It will bring up a "list" that allows you to go in a new instance. Why are there so few wisdom scrolls dropping? At the start of the game, there are very few scrolls that drop. They increase much more as the game progresses. Also you can sell Trans orbs 1 orb for 4 scrolls at a vendor. You could also collect "trash" items and sell them. 5 scroll fragments = 1 wisdom scroll. How do I execute/create a recipe? Recipes are done through the vendor. All you need to do is sell the proper items of the recipe and the vendor will give you the recipe results (such as the 6 socket item listed below in the tips section). How do I find quest items? Press "U" to open up your quest tab/world map. It will highlight where to find your quest items. Do I lose experience (xp) when I die? In normal you will not, in cruel and merciless difficulties you lose XP. However you will not lose more than the level you are at. For instance, if you were level 70 and your XP bar is 1/3 full, you can only lose the XP in the 1/3 of a bar and stay at 70. How do I switch quest rewards for the bandits? Right now there is no way to do this. However sometime in a future patch this is suppose to be implemented. I just got scammed, what do I do? It is against forum policy to "name and shame", meaning do NOT post a thread with this persons name. Contact GGG support at with the situation and any evidence you have to prove you were scammed. I'm so poor, how do I make money/currency? Personally, I pick up EVERY blue item. Sell them directly for trans orb shards (which sell at the vendor 4 scrolls per orb) or ID them with scrolls for alt orb shards (which can sell pretty good with in bulk to other players or 8 alt orbs end up being 1 fuse at the vendor (need to sell item in steps). Recipe for creating fuse from alts are 8 alts -> 4 jewellers -> 1 fusing. And NORMALLY 2 fuse = 1 chaos in a regular person to person trade. Therefore, standard trade for a chaos should be 16 alts (unless you are desperate). How do flasks work? Flasks in this game work off the killing monsters mechanic. They refill ever so slightly when you kill a regular mob. If you kill a rare or unique monster, they refill faster. If you mouse over a flash, it indicates it has X out of X charges. The first X being the current amount is in the flask, and the second X amount being the max. Some flask properties can change these such as higher amounts of max can be filled. What does RNG mean? It stands for random number generator. When people talk about it they are using RNG as substitute for the word "random". For example, "RNG rolls are really good for me today". Important tips This is a great website with tons of information about all aspects of the game Always pick up items that have red green blue sockets linked or items with 6 sockets. The color one gives you a chrom orb when you sell and the 6 socket items gives you 7 jeweler's orbs. If you are trying to trade with someone and you need to get on another character to trade an item, throw them a friends invite before you switch characters. 1 trans orb sells for 4 wisdom scrolls if you calculate it, 16 alt orbs = 1 fuse orb. Dont let anyone try to tell you otherwise. Very helpful threads for new or experienced players! Consolidated Guides, Game Mechanics and Information Noperative's General Guide to Path of Exile I will also add more as I remember/see them in game. If you need in game help, Check out this thread! Check out my "In-Game FAQ's" thread, lots of good info for new people! Last edited by TheMage2000#3758 on Nov 9, 2013, 11:09:29 AM Last bumped on Aug 4, 2016, 9:37:18 PM
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If you need in game help, Check out this thread! Check out my "In-Game FAQ's" thread, lots of good info for new people! |
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Moved to Gameplay Help and stickied for now, its a good list! If you keep adding new info as you think of it that would be great!
No longer works at GGG
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" To change global (general) chat channel type: " To change trade chat channel type: " # is the number of the chat channel you want to change to. |
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" Thanks, added and referenced your name for credit. Also thanks Rory! If you need in game help, Check out this thread! Check out my "In-Game FAQ's" thread, lots of good info for new people! |
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This is a nice thread for people to have :)
I'd recommend putting a link to next to the wiki you lined, as it also serves as a good way to soak up generalized information and speed up troubleshooting some of the less intuitive concepts that PoE has. Also, I highly recommend you note that Increased and Reduced are additive, and More and Less are multiplicitive. I've seen a lot of questions that revolve around the semantics that govern Path of Exile, and those are often at the heart of it. If I have two fish, and you have three fish, how many fish do we have? None. These are MY fish. Last edited by Hellpyre#6298 on Oct 27, 2013, 10:37:23 PM
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Thanks Hellpyre, I've added the thread along with another one. I am going to try to consolidate a few more threads ive had an eye on that has great information.
Also can you elaborate on what you mean on increased/reduced and more/less? I'm not sure if I understand your comment. Thanks! If you need in game help, Check out this thread! Check out my "In-Game FAQ's" thread, lots of good info for new people! |
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[Removed by Admin - Off Topic]
Last edited by Bex_GGG#0000 on Oct 31, 2013, 9:08:11 PM
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Interesting thread, just 2 things:
- Auction house isn't only in WoW or D3. Aion and many other games have this system that is very useful. And please, stop bashing on D3/WoW, we already have this all day in the global chat. Now in the forums? That makes the community look like angry babies. - How about adding a part about the Flasks and how they work? When I started I thought if you spammed all the Life Flasks it would be cummulative and instant but it's not. ^^ Last edited by Fatabot#0495 on Nov 2, 2013, 10:21:08 AM
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" The WoW/D3 part was a joke, relax a bit :). Sure, ill add flasks. If you need in game help, Check out this thread! Check out my "In-Game FAQ's" thread, lots of good info for new people! |
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