Spectral Throw
Hi everyone.
I had ST before and after the monday's patch. I do less damage since the skill doesn't glow anymore. I tested with same gear, same gems, and i need more time to kill the same mobs. Doas it get nerfed? Now, just spectral throw sucks. thx, juste have to change my skill tree again.... ps: now, ST (with 2 hand) cannot hit when mob are on a door or just behind (door open). The skill is stopped by the wall. So i have a range attack, but i have to go at close combat.... Last edited by 19nicolas81#6238 on Nov 13, 2013, 5:30:04 PM
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Hi everyone,
was wondering, does fork work with spectral throw? I mean its projectile and all but i didnt see any benefits when i equipped with st, just a drop in dps thoughts anyone~? Last edited by brutalrazial#6907 on Nov 14, 2013, 2:05:03 PM
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Spectral Throw cannot fork nor chain because it always pierce
For further informations: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Piercing#Piercing.2C_Forking.2C_and_Chaining http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build IGN: NinjaArabStrategist Last edited by NinjaArabStrategist#0191 on Nov 14, 2013, 2:51:18 PM
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thanks for the info dude muchas grachas
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The skill icon shows symbols suggesting it works with Chain and Fork, but neither have any effect. Not sure if it's the icons or the skill that's bugged in this respect. Either way its a fun skill.
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Chain and Fork do apply, ST is a Projectile.
It also has 100% Pierce, which supersedes both Chain and Fork. |
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Last edited by DuckYourHead321#1854 on Nov 21, 2013, 5:01:30 PM
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There seems to be alot of confusion here with how ST and shotgunning works. Although strictly not a shotgun as we understand it from other skills. ST can still hit the same target more than once per cast. Which is generally considered a shotgun effect even if these hits have a time between them.
It is true that ST can not hit the same target more than once in less than 0.3 seconds with the same projectile. However everyone seems to use this with faster projectiles which makes the skill less effective in this respect. Pairing this with slower projectiles instead means that the weapon stays in the same place long enough to hit the same target more than once. This 0.3 seconds also appears to be effected by attack speed some how. I can make my Lmp-ST hit the same target multiple times and via positioning I can make all 3 hit the same target. There also appears to be something strange happening with how ST calculates "weapon size" we know that 2H's have a melee range of 5 and 1 hand have a melee range of 4. But I am not so sure that is what actually determines the "size" of the weapon for ST. From the experimenting I have done there appears to be 3 different weapon sizes for 1h weapons and atleast 2 for 2h weapons. Claw/dagger , maces/sword, Rapiers. 2-hand weapons except staff and staffs. Claws seems to have a very very small size. Where rapiers appear to be able to hit almost as much as a 2 hand weapon. staffs seems to have a massive hit range. I suspect that the size of the weapon is actually dependent on its graphic rather than a based on the value of range associated with that weapon. It would be nice to have some clarification on how weapon range and weapon size impact ST and if the increase melee weapon range nodes have any impact. Edit: Oh and point blank doesn't work, probably because it's based on distance from the melee weapon which is the projectile which has to be in melee range to hit the target. Last edited by Ozsmeg#5347 on Nov 25, 2013, 8:19:25 PM
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the "sizes" you are refering too is similar to the radius/range of each melee weapon. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707/page/226#p5041495
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Well that makes a little more sense. It is still not exactly what I am seeing but it is much closer and does offer reasoning behind the rapier thing.
Claws seem to have a microscopic area though and I am not sure that this accurately explains that. |
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