Disconnect before Dominus fight

Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5800 @ 3.20GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
Memory: 6144MB RAM
Operating System: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_gdr.130913-2141)
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430

Not having disconnect problems, but having insane FPS issues during the whole fight.

I can run every other part of the game at high settings, but I have to turn it to the lowest settings I can run and STILL have bad FPS, plus a 3 second pause on Dominus death.

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing crazy resourcing issues during this fight.

Also, not sure if this is a hardware issue on my side, or not.

Maybe someone can tell me if I should upgrade something?

I started a thread on Reddit that some other people have expressed concern over lag/performance issues for this fight.

Last edited by keifkeif#4115 on Oct 27, 2013, 12:15:45 PM
Okay, to the people who are in the same situation as i was(cannot go to cruel/merciless, because of constant crashes before or after dominus fight.)

My solution: Run the game in 800x600 res without shadows, trillinear filtering. Yes it will look awful, but you can kill the boss without crash.
At least it helped me.

Despite of my "solution" this issue has to be fixed.

@dehogynem Thank you very much!

Changing my resolution to 1024x768 in windowed mode (instead of windowed fullscreen) allowed me to finish the fight and proceed to merciless. I cannot believe that I finally did it ... I literally disconnected more than 10 times before I tried deogynems "solution".

Please fix this soon.
@dehogynem - thanks for the suggestion!

It looked bad, but I was able to load (and eventually complete) the Dominus fight at 800x600. Still had one client crash (TPing back into the fight after refilling flasks in town) but a vast improvement.

I'm now stupidly overlevelled, so Act 1 Cruel should be a cakewalk...
Last edited by Qhorrin#5518 on Oct 27, 2013, 6:18:21 PM
died 3 times now to him on merciless due to screen freezing during the fight, dont worry thats only 30 full clears of act3x at lvl85 to get that exp back, cheers for the new boss fight and the new xp mechanics GGG, having so much fun levelling my characters.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Basically, this really needs to be fixed, and it probably should have been tested more on a variety of cpu setups before being implemented. There is absolutely no way that the scene for the Dominus fight should have RAIN falling, among other complaints. I finally made it to Cruel after my 4th time trying to fight Dominus on Normal, but I dread facing the experience again. I had to turn my video settings lower than the in-game menu allows (by editing the config file) to make it through the fight and portal without crashing.
AigauJin Hardcore LS Mara
Come on GGG, fix this already! What are you doing? There is not even an answer to this post...
Same issue here...

And also the place gives me a "laggy ambiance", it feels so sticky to move specially when it starts raining blood..

Maybe this is because of the excessive ambient animations outside the tower like "some black cloud swirling" and you can see the "entire tower" all the time in the screen... it eat lots of memory... i've checked it in task manager.. it eats like 2,000,000K+ memory

I think they can limit the lag if they make the battle are on flat grounds... i've notice it on some dungeons w/ cliffs ... my fps suddenly falls
Last edited by Betabotz#5528 on Oct 28, 2013, 12:26:39 AM
I also had a crash to desktop (Path of Exile "not responding") during the final boss fight. It was my first playthrough on Normal difficulty. I had killed the first two phases of mobs, and was just starting to attack Dominus when it crashed.

My system specs:
Win 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel i7 3.40 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GT520
Gave it another try today and still get sometimes a crash during the boss fight,
mostly it happens when he pops up some totems in the 2nd phase.
I never get crashed on the 1st and last phase > if i get so lucky to reach it.

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