the same people trying to demonize me are the same ones who were saying shit like "cum" on this thread. Please stop your crap already... I am fed up. People have a right be angry after being ignored since the whole silver branch ordeal... now it has gotten worse... now you get what you asked for people, oh, nvm, now you don't want it...
BAM, too late now I bet!
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ Last edited by Azarius#0884 on Oct 23, 2013, 10:18:54 AM
Posted byAzarius#0884on Oct 23, 2013, 10:17:42 AM
Crushader wrote:
i play 1-2 years and dont had luck dropping kaom.
and now i will only hear it again: "oh you have no kaom, so noob!"
ah we understand you have no luck... jelous?
Posted byLPSoldier#2239on Oct 23, 2013, 10:19:06 AM
Spiralyo wrote:
I do agree.
But I also despise your attitude towards this entire thing. Yes, this is a petition, but please remember that this is a public forum. Just because you created the thread does not give you the right to dictate what everyone who posts within it says, least of all threaten to report people for offenses they haven't committed. Though I do agree that the ad hominem remarks are unnecessary and should be removed.
And as a Law student at university, I can quite happily say that very few people within this thread have violated the ToU - not that I've looked at every single post, merely a few pages. Try having a bit of respect for the community and encouraging discussion rather than looking down on them and threatening them with the banhammer, as someone who claims to run a guild of 300+ members I would have expected more.
On-topic of the petition though: I feel the best and easiest way for GGG to counter-act this whole legacy catastrophe is to simply make the items unavailable in PvP as a few people have suggested already. Makes a lot of sense to me.
[Removed by Admin]
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ Last edited by Brian_GGG#0000 on Oct 23, 2013, 12:30:48 PM
Posted byAzarius#0884on Oct 23, 2013, 10:21:15 AM
Azarius wrote:
Spiralyo wrote:
I do agree.
But I also despise your attitude towards this entire thing. Yes, this is a petition, but please remember that this is a public forum. Just because you created the thread does not give you the right to dictate what everyone who posts within it says, least of all threaten to report people for offenses they haven't committed. Though I do agree that the ad hominem remarks are unnecessary and should be removed.
And as a Law student at university, I can quite happily say that very few people within this thread have violated the ToU - not that I've looked at every single post, merely a few pages. Try having a bit of respect for the community and encouraging discussion rather than looking down on them and threatening them with the banhammer, as someone who claims to run a guild of 300+ members I would have expected more.
On-topic of the petition though: I feel the best and easiest way for GGG to counter-act this whole legacy catastrophe is to simply make the items unavailable in PvP as a few people have suggested already. Makes a lot of sense to me.
[Removed by Admin]
Seems to me that you're the one being offensive now... No need to insult me for expressing my opinion.
Also, about the "cums" thing that someone said. It's a common play on words of "Kaom's" due to the fact they can be pronounced the same way.
Last edited by Brian_GGG#0000 on Oct 23, 2013, 12:33:15 PM
Posted bySpiralyo#7951on Oct 23, 2013, 10:49:47 AM
Definitely don't agree. I'm sure GGG would ban the use of some legacy items in actual tournaments much like they stopped them dropping entirely in new leagues anyway. At least they're no Black Lotus or Time Walk.
Posted byReedman#4347on Oct 23, 2013, 11:09:54 AM
I disagree. I'm glad that you are able to discuss this civilly in your OP, and I wish I could see more of it on these forums :/, but fundamentally, I feel that their is no loss to the majority of player in having legacy uniques. While a large percent of players (myself included) do play in Standard League, at the very least a substantial minority of those players don't care about trading to a massive degree.
On the other hand, the fact that old items are not changing is a huge plus to me, because it sets a precedent that I think is good for the game - namely that even if a unique is changed (even to an extreme degree), someone who had built around the specific properties of their items will not suddenly find themselves with equipment worthless to their intended build. I think that because that precept is so important, exceptions cannot be made even for items considered wildly out of scale with the rest of the game.
If I have two fish, and you have three fish, how many fish do we have?
None. These are MY fish. Last edited by Hellpyre#6298 on Oct 23, 2013, 11:15:53 AM
Posted byHellpyre#6298on Oct 23, 2013, 11:13:52 AM
Azarius wrote:
Spiralyo wrote:
I do agree.
But I also despise your attitude towards this entire thing. Yes, this is a petition, but please remember that this is a public forum. Just because you created the thread does not give you the right to dictate what everyone who posts within it says, least of all threaten to report people for offenses they haven't committed. Though I do agree that the ad hominem remarks are unnecessary and should be removed.
And as a Law student at university, I can quite happily say that very few people within this thread have violated the ToU - not that I've looked at every single post, merely a few pages. Try having a bit of respect for the community and encouraging discussion rather than looking down on them and threatening them with the banhammer, as someone who claims to run a guild of 300+ members I would have expected more.
On-topic of the petition though: I feel the best and easiest way for GGG to counter-act this whole legacy catastrophe is to simply make the items unavailable in PvP as a few people have suggested already. Makes a lot of sense to me.
You are being an damn jerk... stop this shit... I am tired of this bullshit lately. BTW, you should toss away that law degree; you don't deserve it. You're the kind of person who would let a rapist get away with having violated countless children based on how you act. I've kept my cool for 4 days... I even got REAL LIFE THREATS...enough is enough!!!!
You are correct...enough is enough...and this thread should have been locked and probably would have been if everyone at GGG wasn't busy with the launch. Your point has been debunked, you have been proved a fraud, and now you are flaming the people that remain because they are embarrassing you.
Sorry kid, welcome to the internet, where you cannot lie and scream and get your way.
I also took the time to read the ToU and you, technically, are in violation of paragraph 9, subsection (b). I say technically because it clearly states "as may be determined by Grinding Gear Games in its sole discretion" which means even though you wear your tin-foil crown you are not the supreme ruler of the thread.
Posted bymrtannerwold#6441on Oct 23, 2013, 11:26:07 AM
mrtannerwold wrote:
Azarius wrote:
Spiralyo wrote:
I do agree.
But I also despise your attitude towards this entire thing. Yes, this is a petition, but please remember that this is a public forum. Just because you created the thread does not give you the right to dictate what everyone who posts within it says, least of all threaten to report people for offenses they haven't committed. Though I do agree that the ad hominem remarks are unnecessary and should be removed.
And as a Law student at university, I can quite happily say that very few people within this thread have violated the ToU - not that I've looked at every single post, merely a few pages. Try having a bit of respect for the community and encouraging discussion rather than looking down on them and threatening them with the banhammer, as someone who claims to run a guild of 300+ members I would have expected more.
On-topic of the petition though: I feel the best and easiest way for GGG to counter-act this whole legacy catastrophe is to simply make the items unavailable in PvP as a few people have suggested already. Makes a lot of sense to me.
You are being an damn jerk... stop this shit... I am tired of this bullshit lately. BTW, you should toss away that law degree; you don't deserve it. You're the kind of person who would let a rapist get away with having violated countless children based on how you act. I've kept my cool for 4 days... I even got REAL LIFE THREATS...enough is enough!!!!
You are correct...enough is enough...and this thread should have been locked and probably would have been if everyone at GGG wasn't busy with the launch. Your point has been debunked, you have been proved a fraud, and now you are flaming the people that remain because they are embarrassing you.
Sorry kid, welcome to the internet, where you cannot lie and scream and get your way.
I also took the time to read the ToU and you, technically, are in violation of paragraph 9, subsection (b). I say technically because it clearly states "as may be determined by Grinding Gear Games in its sole discretion" which means even though you wear your tin-foil crown you are not the supreme ruler of the thread.
Stop being a jerk... stop being a jerk... how many times do I need to tell you and your friends? You guys continuously harass me and other individuals on this thread. Many of you would have already been permanently chat muted if they were not so busy with release... so stop already...
Posted byAzarius#0884on Oct 23, 2013, 11:55:32 AM
Some of you continuously harass people on here. You also make hasty generalizations and put words into peoples' mouths. Stop this BS already. I also went to file a report with the police Dept. today. They are going to investigate and find out who sent me that death threat. I hope you are aware that many countries work together on this type of shit... it's considered "internet terrorism"... it is a serious and major offense, so I hope whoever sent me those death threats doesn't live in one of countries where it illegal...
Posted byAzarius#0884on Oct 23, 2013, 12:00:09 PM
I personally don't have any of these godly legacy uniques, but I know people have saved up all their currency to buy one god-tier unique in their legacy state. So anyone can understand how disappointing it would be if something you worked so long and hard for got changed.
Having said that, I think legacy uniques should stay in the game only if:
-They can't be traded/sold (because their value has skyrocketed to the point of economy-breaking absurdity).
-They can't be used in pvp (obvious unfair advantages).
Posted byRyogaHibiki#6513on Oct 23, 2013, 12:04:34 PM