Legacy Items: An Owner's Thoughts & Guild's Thoughts & Our Petition!!! Note: Moderators Needed!
I agree.
I certainly won't quit over this but I'm not really playing competitive. As I understand, the main issue for the developers is going through the database and adjust every item. At least Chris made it sound like that, something about 22 hours database maintenance. Hopefully GGG can set aside one day for that when the initial Ladder reset and Release frenzy has succumbed. Like I said somewhere else, it would have been good to have a proper day of downtime for everyone to patch, not a lot of people actively play right now anyway. Now it's too late for that. ... is not a troll
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I disagree
I've lost items through wipes, and I think it's better for the game having items that are difficult to obtain. | |
" I'm admittedly a little behind on the direction of the game, but if GGG wants there to be competitive PVP with rewards, I think what you do is scale the Legacy item down to whatever the live version of the item is during the match. No matter what they do, I don't think it's worth quitting over. However, if they don't address the problem, lets say you do quit, just for fun. You're still in touch with a few of your buddies from your guild. One day, lets say 2 years later, you decide to play again after you guys try out the new Torchlight 5. For the 2 years you're gone, people playing 4-5 hours a day 5 days a week will not have as much wealth in the game as you do strictly because of a single Legacy item that has been constantly increasing in rarity, not only keeping up with inflation, but rising far far above it. The people wanting the Legacy aren't wanting it for some nostalgic memories, but to either try to flip it, or just simply use it. Keeping a discontinued item (or version of the item, it's the same effect) in the game is only toxic to it. |
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In the end, my best advice to those of you who have certain wishes, the best thing to do is to just not long onto the game anymore. Don't buy micro points. Just wait. People left d3 on mass scale, and that's finally what drove D3 to do the changes they did to appeal to the majority. I also got a response from Chris @ GGG via e-mail. He says the following:
Thanks for the link, I appreciate the effort and sentiment. I can't reply or do anything about it in the immediate future because we're hours away from release and desperately trying to get the game to deploy properly. Chris This is my response: I appreciate the feedback, and I understand your situation. I used to work for David Perry's Acclaim, and things were in a state of pandemonium at times. I am sorry if my first e-mail had any typos--I am OCD about what I write due to my profession. I am currently discombobulated for having stayed up for 4 days without sleep. It is now 6:32 AM my time (GMT - 7). GGG has done something to bring back a part of us that died in the past with certain gaming companies. No matter what you decide to do tomorrow, know that you have made history for this gaming genre, and you have set the bar higher for titans like Blizzard Entertainment. You also inspired me professionally to take certain risks. Thank you for all that you have done and for allowing me to take part in the experience. Sincrely, CWS, a GGG fan. I can finally go to sleep after having no sleep for 4 days now... I admit that GGG has done a lot to raise the bar for this gaming genre, but from what I ascertained over this week from the public, I feel that some people are being left out, and I tried to stand up for you guys... I did my best. We shall see where it take it from here. Good night my friends. ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
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" i worked my ass off to get a q20 lvl 20 bear trap. now it gets nerfed. please explain to me why it makes sense that my item gets nerfed and kaoms is not. Last edited by bibi1338#0362 on Oct 23, 2013, 8:53:26 AM
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Agree, feel like it takes away from standard
and is a bad bad decision. Closed Beta|Open Beta|Release|League Only Last edited by CrownOfThorns#7528 on Oct 23, 2013, 8:52:46 AM
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To Chris @ GGG:
This isn't Magic the Gathering bro this is Path of Exile, we don't need Black Lotus, Wills, and other cheese items to take away from the game. If you wanna beat up on someone with an unfair advantage go take some donor money and make a 15,000$ legacy deck, dont turn your game into it. (Reason why I think he thinks this way) Closed Beta|Open Beta|Release|League Only
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I agree.
No need for legacy items. |
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I agree
From a HC only player (90%), because I see the situation similar, though mostly self found and no pvp I don't think I am that effected. |
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