Legacy Items: An Owner's Thoughts & Guild's Thoughts & Our Petition!!! Note: Moderators Needed!
I agree, I think GGG is ignoring the non-ladder leagues a bit too much this time around and it really suck for people that enjoy standard or hardcore and don't wanna play ladder
IGN : @Supernico
http://www.twitch.tv/nicosuper |
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Since this is at the very top of Suggestions currently, I feel I can ignore my own previous advice to not bump this.
This is a cross-post from iamstriker's thread in General Discussion
"Well, I can at least rest assured that my previous opinion of you was totally justified. When it comes to a controversial, populist issue where the (apparent) majority is in the wrong, it certainly appears you can count on iamstriker to stand on the side of wrongness. Here's the important thing to consider here: there are players who love their old unique items. They farmed them or traded for them, they are theirs rightfully; I guess there are some crooks too, but fuck them, I'm talking about the innocent here. They want to keep these items, and you know what? They should be able to. That's why GGG did it; they were thinking about the rights and desires a group other than you. And just like with the loot options issue, your suggestion is to marginalize a playstyle not your own, boosting yours at its expense. (Granted, last time you were much more subtle; but can we not agree by now that the introduction of loot options meant the death of Short Allocation? Can we at least stop pretending that which is dead has not been murdered?) Now I'm not saying that your particular playstyle isn't a little deteriorated by this. I agree that it is. But a suggestion that addresses your rights and your desires is no longer just if it infringes on the rights and desires of others. There should be a place where legacy uniques exist; and if not in the "legacy league," if not in the "dumping ground," then where? Thus the challenge is finding solutions to your plight that don't inflict plights on others. Just as with the loot options thing, there is a tangible problem which requires solving, it's just that the obvious solutions are the immoral ones, and therefore it's necessary to put on one's thinking cap and seek solutions which benefit your playstyle at the expense of no one. This solutions will not be easy or obvious. The obvious, immoral option will be the most popular, and we must fight it while coming up with better solutions. Here's one right off the top of my head (not sure how good it is): What if we had a non-Legacy PvP mode for Standard and Hardcore leagues? Simply put, any legacy unique (or legacy Onyx amulet with its superior +all attributes mod, etc.) would ban your character from participation. This would allow new characters to challenge very old characters on an even playing field in Standard PvP. Perhaps the same concept with a ladder; if the character has legacy items equipped or has ever had them equipped (after a certain date specified by GGG to give players some time to make their characters "non-Legacy legal"), their character is ineligible for this ladder. That way you can see who levels the best playing it fair. Stuff like that, iamstryker — that's where your brain should be going here. Don't invest your effort and intellect in trying to figure out ways to take legacy items away from the players who love them; instead, try to figure out ways to carve out a niche for yourself without infringing on others. I believe you can do it, if you try. However, I'm not holding my breath. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 23, 2013, 5:16:15 AM
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I disagree
IGN : Ezzesorc, Yevonen
GMT+1 |
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I agree!
/signed |
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ITT: Non legacy item owners.
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" Thank you sir! You are a prime example of what I call civil contention. You make many interesting points and counterarguments--which you fortify with remedies/solutions without relying on yahooish antics. You are very articulate and are able to deliver your thoughts in an agreeable fashion. It does not matter that I agree or disagree with some points you have made, but I commend you for setting an example for others to follow. Thank you for your contribution. Edit: I now noticed you sited a source, and now I noticed it was two separate names. Forgive me my folly; I am nearly passing out from a lack of sleep, LOL! However, even this is what I ask for. A civil debate; it's just that simple, or you don't have to say anything beyond agreeing or disagreeing. That's what this thread about: your voice, your thoughts/ideas, your vote! ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ Last edited by Azarius#0884 on Oct 23, 2013, 5:26:09 AM
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" #1 This yes/no petition crap sickens me. This is a matter than is not just black and white and that should be disccused. #2 I am not the person who wrote the allcaps above #3 why does your thread need "moderators" over other threads? twitch.tv/nugiyen (Live almost everyday from 15.00 +1 GMT)
follow @nugiyen on twitter www.youtube.com/nugiyen |
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It is so hard to interpret the words that have been replaced my symbols! xD
I do see what you mean, as stated at the top. I wouldn't even care if there was a full wipe. I'm just a casual player at the moment. Just disable for pvp was my overall point. And keep it for 1v1 duels any people can make prerequisite rules. Problem solved, no?[/quote] No ...problem not FREAKIN solved -.- saying " move along,to new FUCKING TEMPORARILY ladders" or " nerf just for Tournament PvP " or saying like you did just now even more stupid crap "1v1 duels any people can make prerequisite rules." You clearly haven't played PvP Much :) EVEN IF NEW PLAYERS JOIN AND SEE ANOTHER PLAYER IN RAGGED CLOTHES AND THEY ACCEPT DUEL,AFTER/DURING THE COUNTDOWN THE OTHER PLAYER JUST SWAPS TO A BEAST OVERPOWERED LEGACY ITEM/ItemSet) AND THERE GOES YOUR @!%!#%!#! FAIR PLAY AND THE NEW PLAYER WILL SAY - THE HELL.WITH.THIS.NONFAIRPLAY.GAME. That's how i believe new players will react should your opinion prevail instead of the others :) . And it's a shame....you know...what a pitty...PoE started so well,is still doin so well,but that's what these Legacy items will do to it,Ripley's believe it or not.[/quote] Then you can just say that they switched their items and you would have won the duel. If they can't agree and follow pre set rules then they're the weak ones. You know you've one if they've had to resort to breaking pre made rules. So you go down on the ladder one space for loosing an unfair duel? Typing is caps and swearing is not very nice, I have done nothing to offend or hurt you. Don't direct your anger at me, talking is easy. I am more than willing to listen to more explanation. (Time for my caps) SO WHO CARES IF YOU GET MOVED DOWN THE LADDER. IT'S A F**CKING GAME! YOU KNOW YOU WOULD HAVE BEATEN THEN FAIRLY THAT'S ALL YOU NEED. BLOCKING LEGACY FROM PVP SOLVES THE PROBLEM. UNLESS YOU CAN POINT OUT OTHERWISE, I'M NOT READING 30 PAGES TO TRY AND FIND IT SOMEWHERE ELSE. The way you are representing your point is quite rude and not setting a good image, and if you're in the guild then you are even diminishing that. Be civilized. Now explain it please. If they are just disabled for pvp and have pre set rules for 1v1 where you know you would have won, what's the problem? P.S. no I haven't PvP'd on here. I have no legacy items. My opinion is coming from the loosing side. |
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if you buy a car and a new less valuable version comes out would you be ok if they take out the parts that make your car more valuable?
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" It's not all black and white. That comment is an indication to me that you have not read the entire thread. If you read through the post like I have (all of them), then you will see some people are not just for one thing precisely. Some people are more on one side or in the middle or near the middle or just mixed to the point of just not knowing for sure what should be done, but that's totally not what you just called "black and white." Nevertheless, the vast majority within this thread does not like the idea of having OP legacy items existing in the new patch. ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ Last edited by Azarius#0884 on Oct 23, 2013, 5:29:26 AM
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