Why would Templar need a nerf?

PolarisOrbit wrote:
OK, after playing 1.0 for a bit, here are my predictions for normal races:
-Templar, Duelist will be in decline
-Witch, Marauder won't change much
-Ranger very tough call because bows got better and other options got worse. I will guess no change if she gets early access to Reave (didn't check) because the Cleave to Reave drop will be compensated by the bow boost. If no Reave then a significant drop.
-Shadow probably improves a little bit. The new class to beat?
-Scion will be good in races that are either very short or very long, but not medium length ones. She starts out strong with good passives for a few levels, but then gets stuck having to choose between attribute points to equip gear or progress toward notable. Her skill gems are nice and she can equip anything so she can adapt to whatever drops. But after the first couple of notables are taken there's not a lot left for her in the passives.

What do you guys think?

I think...

- Duelist will still be the top racer. They only Cleave until lvl 10 so the changes don't affect them much (or as much as other classes).

- Marauder got a huge buff (Berserking) which helps with their biggest problem (lack of attack speed). Maybe its a good option to also take US to prevent stun lock-cannot leap-deaths.
I don't think that will be enough to beat Duelists though.
Probably the few Marauders that (allegedly) still went GS will switch to LS with axes now - which most Marauders have been doing for ages.

- Witches got minor +spell dmg bonus and +5% life on Heart of Ice - shouldn't change much.
They will still be very good in "sins" races and terrible in "sarn" or "docks" races.

- Templars will probably go Ground Slam and watch all the Leap Slammers fly past them.

- Rangers are fucked. They cannot run auras. Enjoy your 100 mana cost/10 dps RoA build.
Maybe they can compete with Templars.

- Shadows are fucked. Back to PA + FT? lol

- Scion gets Leap Slam and Ice Nova. But the tree lacks +spell dmg and +phys dmg to make them as good as the other classes. I have no idea but imho they will suck too.

This will depend a little on the viability of Spectral Throw in races.
On paper, it doesnt seem viable to me but i haven't tried it yet.

Time will tell...
Last edited by tagpt#6445 on Oct 26, 2013, 5:31:56 PM
tagpt wrote:
PolarisOrbit wrote:
OK, after playing 1.0 for a bit, here are my predictions for normal races:
-Templar, Duelist will be in decline
-Witch, Marauder won't change much
-Ranger very tough call because bows got better and other options got worse. I will guess no change if she gets early access to Reave (didn't check) because the Cleave to Reave drop will be compensated by the bow boost. If no Reave then a significant drop.
-Shadow probably improves a little bit. The new class to beat?
-Scion will be good in races that are either very short or very long, but not medium length ones. She starts out strong with good passives for a few levels, but then gets stuck having to choose between attribute points to equip gear or progress toward notable. Her skill gems are nice and she can equip anything so she can adapt to whatever drops. But after the first couple of notables are taken there's not a lot left for her in the passives.

What do you guys think?

I think...

- Duelist will still be the top racer. They only Cleave until lvl 10 so the changes don't affect them much (or as much as other classes).

- Marauder got a huge buff (Berserking) which helps with their biggest problem (lack of attack speed). Maybe its a good option to also take US to prevent stun lock-cannot leap-deaths.
I don't think that will be enough to beat Duelists though.
Probably the few Marauders that (allegedly) still went GS will switch to LS with axes now - which most Marauders have been doing for ages.

- Witches got minor +spell dmg bonus and +5% life on Heart of Ice - shouldn't change much.
They will still be very good in "sins" races and terrible in "sarn" or "docks" races.

- Templars will probably go Ground Slam and watch all the Leap Slammers fly past them.

- Rangers are fucked. They cannot run auras. Enjoy your 100 mana cost/10 dps RoA build.
Maybe they can compete with Templars.

- Shadows are fucked. Back to PA + FT? lol

- Scion gets Leap Slam and Ice Nova. But the tree lacks +spell dmg and +phys dmg to make them as good as the other classes. I have no idea but imho they will suck too.

This will depend a little on the viability of Spectral Throw in races.
On paper, it doesnt seem viable to me but i haven't tried it yet.

Time will tell...

Quoted for truth.

I did some testing with Templar today (ground slam) not really sure, but the passive tree doesn't seem all that great for ground slam racing. You get some nice two handed dmg nodes early on (and amplify is nice too) but then you have to go on a serious journey towards baptism of light and after that there really aren't any damage nodes close-by.

I'm kind of lost honestly. It seems that in longer races (docks) templar is kinda fucked, because past baptism of light you don't really get any more two handed or mace damage nodes.

Perhaps someone can link a passive tree, but I'm kinda lost.

edit: when you look at damage per point efficiency, I think templar comes out way behind, because you take so many strength nodes to go from one damage node to the next, so you always have a few levels where your damage doesnt increase at all. once you have taken amplify you have to go on a 6 point journey to baptism of light, then you have 3 random crit nodes for more damage and then you go on another journey towards skull cracking and bone smasher, which honestly might just be too late for any race shorter than 4 hours.

Really not sure though.


this is the tree greendude linked me, not sure if its viable for races, but thats the best we could come up with.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Oct 26, 2013, 6:03:55 PM

This is level 27 right when you start farming Docks. Seems fine to me.
tagpt wrote:

This is level 27 right when you start farming Docks. Seems fine to me.

Looks pretty good. Thanks. Will have to do some test runs on monday though, to see how good it is compared to pre-nerf cleave.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
I don't think it will be as good as Cleave was. But its not that bad :) GS is OK if you can 1shot.
tagpt wrote:
I don't think it will be as good as Cleave was. But its not that bad :) GS is OK if you can 1shot.

Yeah several people have told me it's good if you can one-shot. Only thing I don't like about that though is that you have to luck out on a good weapon or else your kill speed is literally doubled.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Oct 26, 2013, 6:40:18 PM

- Marauder got a huge buff (Berserking) which helps with their biggest problem (lack of attack speed). Maybe its a good option to also take US to prevent stun lock-cannot leap-deaths.
I don't think that will be enough to beat Duelists though.
Probably the few Marauders that (allegedly) still went GS will switch to LS with axes now - which most Marauders have been doing for ages.

You know that even the glasscannon builds need level 18 for Berserking.
Ok you can do it without any life node at level 16 too but then be prepared to get killed in Dark Forest.
I would prefer some speed nodes nodes closer to Resolute Technique/The LL/WFD Node.

The witch tree is far weaker on longer races especially due to mana and life nodes.They need 3 more levels to be reached and there is nothing interesting there. The witch tree must heavily be improved for longer races.
The absence of lifenodes makes the witch far more EQ based.

- Templars will probably go Ground Slam and watch all the Leap Slammers fly past them.

The GS time is over since the 2nd CB GS nerf and the removal of Phase Run.

What you need now are builds not dependant on weapons(cleave worked so good because you had many weapon types for cleave)

Infernal Blow+AoF will be the new Templar build(alternative take the damagenodes)
This build allows you to grab Mace, Sword and axe nodes.

The Question is if going damage or going AoE will be more efficient.
Going damage would force to crowd. AoE results in a better explosion damage.
While I beliece early on Phys nodes might be better later on AoE will be better because 20% rare mob HP is quiet efficient.
You cast molten shell. Use QS and charge on a rare. Attack with infernal till explosion. Your shell will damage the mobs and the infernal blow will kill all mobs surrounding the rare.

Rangers are fucked. They cannot run auras. Enjoy your 100 mana cost/10 dps RoA build.
Maybe they can compete with Templars.

Rather specialize on Slow heavy hitting bow and crowding.


- Shadows are fucked. Back to PA + FT? lol

Caster Path

- Scion gets Leap Slam and Ice Nova. But the tree lacks +spell dmg and +phys dmg to make them as good as the other classes. I have no idea but imho they will suck too.

Sorry you are wrong. Scion will dominate each race over 90min. It's obvious which route to take, the only problem is that the build takes some time to kick in, so the scion will suck for 45-50min.

The only thing annoying me on scion are the useless sin gems.
Hell I want Hatred/Anger/Wrath! If Merv gets reduced to AF,AC and AL why not make the same with sins? If the gems stay bad I might up ending up using spectre and reviving a frenzy monkey in old fields.

This will depend a little on the viability of Spectral Throw in races.
On paper, it doesnt seem viable to me but i haven't tried it yet.

It would be better if it wouldn't be treated as Projectile Attack or have be more flexible on boni. Such as Cast Speed increasing the Rotations, Close ranged mobs also get affected by phys nodes.
For example Blade and Sword had throwing blades which acted like spectralthrow but returned in a straight line and if you moved too much you wouldn't catch it again, the heroine KI skills 1 threw a copy of both daggers up to 3 times(3 skill levels) which returned. And a Power Charge skill and only that skill was quiet useable.
You can see a video here.
But it's obviously the lowest difficulty at the End of the game where you refight act bosses and harder subosses again.
The King Tigers are far too passive. On normal they weren't that passive, on hard difficulty they had a quiet nasty combo skills and on the highest difficulty at last 3 bosses and all whites/champs attacked at the same time.
The game on harder difficulties is way harder than PoE(especially the Arena fights, normal had only the A1 one+ Secret level, Hard had A2+Secret level also A3 but without secret level and the highest difficulty by completing hard also unlocked the A3 secret level)
And only the final boss had a One Shot Attack if you stood too close and played the weakest character(Heroine)
Hilbert, ranger specializing in slow bows simply won't work because in a race you don't get to choose from an infinite amount of bows. You take whatever you get and if you don't find a heavy hitting slow attack speed bow you are done and might aswell log out.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Welcome to the world of witches.

As if it would be any different if you use 2h swords + spectral throw.

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