Why would Templar need a nerf?
" Sure, but that applies to Templar just as it applies to Duelist. My question is, why did Templar get nerfed so much harder than any other class? Not to mention the fact that Duelist goes Leap Slam at lvl 10 anyway, so it hardly affects them to the same extent it affects Templar. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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wed was a pretty ridiculous support gem
Races aside, I always felt it needed to be toned down. Both 40% less damage and wed nerf together will hurt race Templar quite a bit though, I agree, but we might see the rise of the two handed cleaver with the new two handed mods. Last edited by boof#2056 on Oct 22, 2013, 3:22:13 PM
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Races are getting a major overhaul in balance.
-Scion Class -Cleave (multiplicative damage penalty, applies to elements as well) -Dual Strike (mana cost increased) -Fire Trap (reduced mana, reduced damage) -Weapon Elemental (reduced mana, reduced damage) -2 Handed weapons have increased damage, incl Bows but only physical damage on Bows -Aura rebalance (depends on how much they are buffed) -Life per level bonus -Starting passive tree bonuses changed for Shadow, Marauder, Witch Long Races only: -Trigger Gems -Fusing Orb buff -Drop only gems now quest rewards Several of these depend on the numbers to say who comes out ahead and who is left behind. |
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But surely I can't be the only one who thinks that Megan Boone doesn't look like a real person?
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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You got it wrong the WED nerf isn't targeted to the templar it's targeted to Lightning Arrow, Elemental Hit Wanders and other builds using the WED Gem.
You should understand by now that Quarl isn't fixing on a big scale seeing the consequences. He is only fixing specific stuff such as cleave, or sadimas with level 11 req. Totally ignoring that there are other Uniques such as wanderlust. But I can assure you that as long duelists have Leather and Steel there will be another way to mule gems and abuse the high speed leap slam. |
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Other skills possibly being able to compete with cleave is a good thing. The nerf was heavy handed and could have been implemented in a more interesting way, no doubts there, but its for the best nonetheless.
WEDs been way too strong since it was introduced. It should have been dropped from 61% to 30% along with melee physical back in mid CB. They could have used to rebalance leapslams move speed to start out low and scale with levels while they were at it too. Its a shame theyre always so slow to fix these sorts of obvious, glaring imbalances. IGN: KoTao
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" You know, the giggle-worthy idea that anyone takes leather and steel in races aside, I'd like to know what effect it is you think leather and steel actually has on leap slam. | |
Templars will be strong if you groundslam/spectral throw now I think.. Obviously not as good as the marauders, scions, and duelists with leamspalm. They will be miles ahead of anyone. Hopefully stuff gets balanced or every class gets leapslam as a quest reward lol
Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Oct 24, 2013, 12:27:54 AM
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" Movementspeed! Sure a QS is good but MS boots and Heavy armor without a penalty+QS are better. And you can be certain that the best Duelist Cleave players who didn't race much such as Truncator took leather and Steel. " Don't make leap slam travelspeed based on MS would be a better fix. QS+Leapslam is just too strong on a duelist at 10-17. But if you are smart and mule certain gems you will be playing scion in all races which are 90min or longer and you can be certain this will result in a massive skilltree nerf or better it should result into other classes having a third startroute Manaproblems? Bam 40% manaregen node->Aoe Aoe Aoe " Spectralthrow is quiet the same as Lightningstrike with less damage and LS isn't a skill you use during short races. |
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Regardless, it seems that racing will be very different for Templar in the future, seems like Templars will be ground-slamming from now on. I tried Cleave Templar and played until lvl 34 and the damage was horrible compared to pre-patch, even with ok gear.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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