We players want an auction house

Yogsfarm wrote:
Don't want an AH? Then don't use it. Stop telling other people how to play the game.

It's not in the game. Your argument is fine, stop telling others how to play by adding the AH
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Yogsfarm wrote:
Don't want an AH? Then don't use it. Stop telling other people how to play the game.

WE players?! Title of your thread should be "I want want an auction house"

That's why I play this game so much because it has no AH and fair chances for all players to attain decent gear by selling in trade chat or posting in forums unlike in AH you'll find a lot of AH snipers.
IGN: JVille
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
I don`t understand people referencing D3 case here, if anything existence of auction house kept around some players that would otherwise ditch game that was just plain bad.

At the same time I can see how traditional AH would not fit in overall barter system we have in PoE. I like idea posted by Miszou :

-Any item/s can be posted as a 'bid' (maybe with possibility to withdraw offer at any time)
-No minimum, no b/o
-No current bid/s displayed
-Seller have to manually accept offer

Now that sounds like trading improvement to me...

Yogsfarm wrote:
Don't want an AH? Then don't use it. Stop telling other people how to play the game.

This is amusing, as I could counter to you with actual in-game content -- "don't like trade chat, well then don't use it"

Your retort, as I understand, is that trade chat *takes away* from the A in ARPG; I would argue otherwise.

Auction house (well, D3's implementation, I don't think anyone is arguing WoW's AH) is a SEVERE detriment to the game. The "A" in APRG, as you say. People who are concerned about metagame rarely play the actual game. People who are concerned about metagame farm the same Andariel in NM looking for SOJ's.

This is an exercise in tedium; PoE is nearly flawless from an ARPG standpoint -- there's some room for improvement, and one of those areas is trading; neither calls for an auction house. A tool developed by Blizzard that the developers themselves have admitted to "hurting the game, because the legendary ping was too important".

I say no shit? GGG realizes this, they're ahead of the curve. You're Jay Wilson in 2002 saying auction house and total beta wipes were doubling it. Just stop bro.
+1 for auction house.
No WE don't. If you guys want an AH so much why don't you go play D3? Oh wait... ;)
No thanks.
I know this is 13 pages already but heres my input:

GGG have easier trading plans, and I assume they will be in 1.00 release, though that is only speculation.

For a long time GGG have said they want to make trading on the site available, as well as in game, as well as refining the current trade system. If done right, then there should be no need for an AH.
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
ciknay wrote:
I know this is 13 pages already but heres my input:

GGG have easier trading plans, and I assume they will be in 1.00 release, though that is only speculation.

For a long time GGG have said they want to make trading on the site available, as well as in game, as well as refining the current trade system. If done right, then there should be no need for an AH.

Doesn't appear to be in the release :(

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

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