Reave Feedback
" I am not really sure I understand the complaint. In almost every game of this nature, your character will tend towards a "main attack" skill with some auxiliary skills used in certain situations. That is the same in PoE. Similarly, you are free to use additional skills as you see fit. In fact, anyone who does not yet have a 5l or 6l does not have an especially compelling reason to not do so, other than their own personal preference to use only one "main attack". How is it different elsewhere? |
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" I am not sure where you gather the bolded part above. You posited that the testers held a preconceived notion that single-skill spam was good and proper, and this influenced their feedback on Reave's "punishment" towards using skills other than Reave. My response was to dispute this conclusion about the testers, as it seems they found it more engaging to have real consequences whenever they want to use auxiliary skills mid-combat when Reave is their main attack skill. I agree with this position. When you are using another skill, say Cleave, there is no decision about whether to pop your curse, or refresh blood rage, or whatever other aux skill you might consider using. This is monotony. With Reave, you have to decide on the fly whether it is worth losing the stack to get the benefit of your aux skill. The choice to "spam" a single main attack skill is a personal preference that is by no means mandatory, tho it is obviously encouraged by the 5l/6l situation as I detailed. Personally, I have been playing a CI crit dagger shadow with Reave as my main skill. I was unsure it would pan out, and so was leveling a melee splash & double strike in my secondary weapons. But I find Reave much more fun and engaging, apparently in a very similar way to the testers. Getting the stack up and shredding progressively through a huge crowd of mobs is a lot of fun. :) And when blood rage runs out mid-fight for whatever reason, the decision of whether to recast mid-fight, whirling blades out to recast, or just plow on without it adds to the subtlety of the character. |
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I really think its a flaw that you can't curse and reave without re-setting it, I understand the punishment forced to spam ideal with say going reave-reave-viper strike-back to reave without it being affected, but curses too... mark1030 " Cool I use Hrimsorrows with my reave(incr atck speed, icnr critical chance,incr critical multi) The addition of added fire and incr weapon ele would be awesome if I had a 6l. cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) |
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" Mayhaps devs might be prevailed upon narrowing that restriction only to skills that deal damage in any way, so curses or enduring will be fine. You know, never before did I have the need to put inc duration on viper but with reave it's very useful, you stack charges and reave away, by the time they expire the beastie is dead. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Oct 2, 2013, 5:44:36 AM
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it's annoying when i lose stacks by casting enduring cry or something like that
also, even a 1 second increase on buff duration would do wonders for the viability of the skill other than that it's a fun skill and i enjoy using it |
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" In scrubcore leagues the choice is irrelevant as death does not matter, and hardcore leagues there would be no choice, since a player would always side with survivability. What was the meaningful choice with it's current implementation? No one uses the skill because it is terrible. Sure it may be fun now if a player is using a dumpster char, but it is pretty obvious the testers either gave useless feedback, or they intentionally gave poor feedback. |
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raics " Exactly, curses,enduring cry,blood rage shouldn't reset the reave. Being forced to re start reave each time I cast the critical curse is lame. Viper strike with incr.duration is amazing in combo with reave. geniusbean " Come back DEV there is more to answer for...Why can't a player at least be able to cast a curse or enduring cry, blood rage? bloodreign " cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) |
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" I understand the end-game has different requirements from the early-game. In fact, that was precisely my point. Reave is a Level 1 skill. If there are any skills in the game that should be usable for early game (before 5L+ is available) then it should be the level 1 skills. Everything you've argued is that Reave needs to be that way for end-game. So why is its level requirement 1? Reave is a total bust in races because it is not a good level 1 skill. Reave is not even good enough for you to level with it, despite being level 1. If Reave is only interesting when players have 5+ links then it's not a level 1 skill. Which is more important, the level requirement or the effect? In the long run it may be the effect, however, the current lack of claw skills for leveling makes the short term need one for low level skills that are interesting. Reave failed in this regard. The fact that it is level 1 suggests that it was not intended to fail here. But it had no way it could succeed in the low levels if the only consideration given to the skill was how it can compete at high levels. |
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" Except for being cursed with Temporal Chains. But I would really like it if you could use different skills without dropping the stacks. It would be add more depth if it allowed you to use other skills, especially something like Smoke Mine. (Which I haven't tested to see) Whirling Blades, Flicker Strike. Maybe even Bear trap would be on that list. I don't understand the argumentative tone that comes across from Marks reply, rather than a more open discussion on it. You can't tell me that it wouldn't be fun to use Reave to max stacks and then spend them like combo points to have one really big Ice Nova. Shmo's Suggestions; Dozen Skills! |
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I have leveled as Reave from lvl 20 to 73.
So far + much more fun than than Cleave! + great synergies with attack speed and area nods + no dmg multiplier - scalable with Phys as well as ele + huge area of effect - after getting stacks up can be easily considered as ranged class + manacost - Multistrike dependence - without Multistrike i consider Reave as not viable (both keep stacks up and possibly reflect problems) - quality bonus - i would expect increased Area Effect over Attack speed - stacks drop after using another skill - problematic mostly for solo play Overall i consider Reave to be at the moment the top 1H+Shield main skill over Lightning Strike. For playing in groups i don't think the stack dropping is such a big issue, since if you go melee, you usually don't need to curse (double/triple curse builds take care of it), throw totems or something like that. Only problematic is Enduring Cry, which is basically a mandatory skill for every char / build. What surprised me is that stacks drop even if i use my secondary Reave for single target (with Concentrated effect) What i would suggest is to modify the quality bonus or to add +1% increased area per stage for every 4 levels to level up bonus. + more visible animation I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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