Reave Feedback

None of these aforementioned things bother me... the fact it uses 1 weapon at a time even if you're dual wielding the same kind of weapon has yet again disappointed me

When will I be able to have a "Cleave" like skill with two daggers or two claws, I don't really care about the nerfing either in this regard cleave is at 40 percent phys yes? Don't even gaf... the dagger and claw skill could be 20-25 hell 15 just give me something to pretend to be the offspring of Wolverine with got damn you GGG! Lol
Last edited by PathofNerfsAnarchslaught#1316 on Sep 27, 2013, 11:20:32 AM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Nurvus wrote:
I suppose you want a sense of commitment when using Reave, but it's not really that fun to be forced to spam a single skill mindlessly.
I mean, Reave looks awesome, but not THAT awesome...
In fact, testing showed that the playstyle of it losing the count for using oither skills was more fun. It provides interesting descisions to make in combat, instead of no-brainer ones where it's always better to break reaving to use another skill briefly to get it's benefit - you have an actualy important choice to make as to whether the advantage of refreshing your endurance charges or whirling further from the enemy is worth losing the built up AoE. It also makes the skill more rewarding for fast attackers (including dual wielding) because they can re-build the count faster, which is an important part of the niche it's trying to fill.

You may in fact be looking for a skill that reave was never meant to be. regardless, thank you for your feedback, and I hope you'll keep trying reave and hopefully enjoying the playstyle it works to.

It may be true that Reave has more decisions this way, but I would still have to call in to question the diversity of testers and scope at which they evaluated the skill (in a vacuum vs. one component of the larger game) to have gotten this kind of feedback.

It seems as though there is an a priori assumption by skill testers that players shouldn't typically use more than one skill at a time, and are providing feedback inside of that bubble. It is somewhat understandable given the current skill variety in the game, but still a weakness of the testing group. At the very least, when the forums are complaining of the game revolving around single skill spam, adding skills which punish players for mix-and-matching seems out of touch.

My suggestion is to broaden the base of testers.
PolarisOrbit wrote:
It seems as though there is an a priori assumption by skill testers that players shouldn't typically use more than one skill at a time, and are providing feedback inside of that bubble. It is somewhat understandable given the current skill variety in the game, but still a weakness of the testing group. At the very least, when the forums are complaining of the game revolving around single skill spam, adding skills which punish players for mix-and-matching seems out of touch.

The reason for high-end players using primarily one main skill is a function of 5l and 6l gear being only possible on one piece, or at most two if using a 2h weapon. Given this hard-coded restriction on how many skills can be linked with 4 or 5 supports, it seems obvious that "successful" builds will always gravitate around one super-charged(supported) skill.

But almost every build still uses other auxiliary skills, be they curses, movement, charge-building, etc. Reave as a main skill forces more in-battle decision making than, say, cleave because the only consequence of choosing not to cleave for a moment is not gaining the benefits of 1 cleave. With reave, you must compare the benefits of your aux skill with the benefits of keeping a full reave stack.

From Mark's comments, it seems the testers expressed their opinion that this choice enhanced the gameplay by making combat MORE engaging. Instead of just spamming your main skill, with occasional mindless interjections of your fav curse, you must actually decide when is the right time to use those other secondary skills.

In other words, the game will always tend to revolve around spamming your #1 skill. Reave's mechanic forces you to actually think, instead of just spam.
777isHARDCORE wrote:
In other words, the game will always tend to revolve around spamming your #1 skill. Reave's mechanic forces you to actually think, instead of just spam.

This is precicely what may end up ultimately holding Path of Exile back in terms of players - or at least supporters.

This is why players STILL consider the possibility of returning to shitty games like D3, despite PoE being better in nearly everything.

A single spammed skill throughout the entire game will wear down on players' enjoyment of this game in the long run.

The saving grace is the fact you can make alot of different characters to break the monotony, but within each character, it's monotonous, and at some point regardless of how many new characters you make, the feeling of monotony won't go away.
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Also Forum Warrior - Nice necro.
Last edited by Nurvus#6072 on Sep 27, 2013, 5:33:39 PM
777isHARDCORE wrote:
PolarisOrbit wrote:
It seems as though there is an a priori assumption by skill testers that players shouldn't typically use more than one skill at a time, and are providing feedback inside of that bubble. It is somewhat understandable given the current skill variety in the game, but still a weakness of the testing group. At the very least, when the forums are complaining of the game revolving around single skill spam, adding skills which punish players for mix-and-matching seems out of touch.

The reason for high-end players using primarily one main skill is a function of 5l and 6l gear being only possible on one piece, or at most two if using a 2h weapon. Given this hard-coded restriction on how many skills can be linked with 4 or 5 supports, it seems obvious that "successful" builds will always gravitate around one super-charged(supported) skill.

But almost every build still uses other auxiliary skills, be they curses, movement, charge-building, etc. Reave as a main skill forces more in-battle decision making than, say, cleave because the only consequence of choosing not to cleave for a moment is not gaining the benefits of 1 cleave. With reave, you must compare the benefits of your aux skill with the benefits of keeping a full reave stack.

From Mark's comments, it seems the testers expressed their opinion that this choice enhanced the gameplay by making combat MORE engaging. Instead of just spamming your main skill, with occasional mindless interjections of your fav curse, you must actually decide when is the right time to use those other secondary skills.

In other words, the game will always tend to revolve around spamming your #1 skill. Reave's mechanic forces you to actually think, instead of just spam.

Thank you for that thoughtful analysis. Correct me if I misunderstood, but you have argued that due to 5/6L restriction, end-game naturally gravitates toward single skill spam, so therefore skills should be designed for single skill spam. My response would be that end-game is not the whole game. If a skill can't cut the mustard before end-game why would it get so much better when you get to end-game? It is a great folly to design a level 1 skill for how level 80+ characters would use it. Either the skill should have had a much higher level requirement, or it should have been designed to work better for the modes of play available at the level it is unlocked.

AFAIK, Reave is not a popular skill compared to alternatives, such as Cleave. If the intent was to create a choice for players to make, then it would appear that players have made that choice: not to use Reave.

I like reave but don't get why it can't be affected by incr duration support? Do the incr skill duration passives work on reave though?

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
PathofNerfsAnarchslaught wrote:
None of these aforementioned things bother me... the fact it uses 1 weapon at a time even if you're dual wielding the same kind of weapon has yet again disappointed me

It disappoints me too, but for a different reason. If Reave worked like Double-strike and just used your main hand weapon, that would open up a lot of awesome potential for off-hand support weapons. As it is, you can currently only use maces or axes as off-hand support, and those usually have the worst global mods.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Finkenstein wrote:
I like reave but don't get why it can't be affected by incr duration support? Do the incr skill duration passives work on reave though?

No, according to devs there's absolutely no way to mess with its duration.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


Damn, I guess if reave's duration could be fiddled with it would be to powerful?

O well, reave+incr crit multiplier +blind+incr criticals seems to be working amazingly well.

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
Finkenstein wrote:

Damn, I guess if reave's duration could be fiddled with it would be to powerful?

O well, reave+incr crit multiplier +blind+incr criticals seems to be working amazingly well.

I have mine linked to multistrike, faster attacks, increased area of effect, and concentrated effect. If I could get a 6 link, I'd love to have added fire damage or another damage gem in there.
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Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Sep 28, 2013, 1:12:46 PM

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