Reave Feedback
I have a few questions about Reave, hopefully it will bring up good points for GGG to consider.
- GGG gives Reave an Area of Effect bonus that stacks - GGG then makes any skill other than Reave break the stack, which implies the AoE bonus is global - The duration of this bonus is very short, which implies they want you to use Reave relatively frequently to maintain the bonus My questions: 1 - Why such a low duration if you have the restriction? 2 - Why didn't you just make the AoE bonus a skill-specific effect like Incinerate's increased damage/radius? 2a - Or why not make the AoE affect Melee Attacks only? 3 - Why can't utility (bear trap, enduring cry) and movement (Whirlwind Blades or Leap Slam) skills be used without breaking the stacks, even if you make it so that only Reave benefits from the AoE bonus? 4 - What would be the problem even if other Melee Skills benefit from Reave's bonus? 4a - I assume you can limit this Area of Effect bonus to Melee Attacks. 4b - Reave bonus has a low duration, and you'd still need to use Reave periodically to maintain it. This leaves Cleave, Whirling Blades as well as Melee Splash supported attacks the only skills affected by it. Cyclone and Leap Slam easily take a little too long, causing you to lose the stacks. Furthermore, one-handed Leap Slam and Whirling Blades aren't exactly dangerously powerful. Even the "potentially" most dangerous combos are not that good... Cleave/Reave combo restricts you to Swords, and requires you to support 2 skills, and since only the chest can be a 6L, you will either: a) give both skills 4 supports b) Give Cleave 5 supports and Reave a maximum of 3, but that means you're going to be reaching 8 stacks of Reave with a weak Reave, when you could simply be spamming Cleave during that time, and get rid of the enemies considerably faster. And giving Reave 5 supports defeats the purpose of using Cleave. Reave/Splash combo again would have similar issues, as you either: a) give the Splash skill 5 supports and Reave a maximum of 3 b) give both skills 4 supports, but in this scenario, since one of the Supports is Splash, and Splash doesn't affect Reave, you'd be gimping the Splash skill while only giving Reave 3 supports - just go with a). Even if for some reason it was powerful to "stack Reave -> spam other ability -> use Reave to maintain stack -> spam other ability -> etc", is that a bad thing? I think it's way better than "spam Reave until your eyes fall off"... I really don't understand what I believe to be a meaningless restriction on Reave - preventing the one thing PoE is meant to be all about - customizability. Conclusion I hope Reave's restriction is temporary and that just like GGG split Mine and Trap passive bonuses in the latest patch, perhaps they're working on introducing different types of "Increased Area of Effect" bonuses (melee, attack, ranged, spell, etc) to better balance skills. Forum Warrior - Why are you creating a thread about this subject? Use Search! Also Forum Warrior - Nice necro. Last edited by Nurvus#6072 on Sep 25, 2013, 12:52:50 PM
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"No, it doesn't. I have no diea why you'd think that. "These have nothing to do with each other "It is. Incinerate has the exact same restriction against other skills as well, so I'm not sure why you'd think they're different. "Because this goes against how the skill works and proved not to be good in testing. "That would be really broken, but is irrelevant. Reave provides a staccking count, and gives itself an AoE bonus based on the count. No other skills look at that count, because they aren't reave. This does not have anything to do with reave giving out an AoE bonus or preventing that bonus applying to other skills. Reave does not give such a bonus - it gives a reave counter, and the reave skill explicitly has a passive "AoE bonus per reave stack" that increases its area. It's not giving you an AoE bonus at all, just a count. That count means nothing to other skills. The reason reave resets when you use other skills is completely unrelated to that and is because that's explicitly how reave is designed to work, just like incinerate. We tried not having it reset for other skills in testing, and it proved to be a mistake, so was changed back because the skill plays better this way. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Sep 25, 2013, 10:08:41 PM
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" These? IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
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missed a bit - had to assemble the post in pieces when I had short bits of free time while compiling, so must not have gone back to that one. fixed now
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Mark_GGG, my assumptions were mostly due to the way the skill is implemented.
The whole visible stacks buff felt odd, but now that you explained your intent for the skill, the buff seems to be completely redundant information. 1 - Incinerate doesn't show stacks, and was never needed. 2 - Both Incinerate and Reave provide accurate visual information as to the area of effect. So what are the stacks for? What would be useful to know - remaining duration - isn't shown. I truly hope you're not moving towards a UI-heavy gameplay, where you spend more time looking at buffs and stacks than looking at the fight. As for Reave giving other skills a bonus to AoE, I don't think that would be broken in the slightest - accounting for the need to use Reave periodically, as well as properly supporting all skills involved. But alas, it's a potential you chose not to explore. However, inability to use anything else under the penalty of losing all Reave stacks feels rather poor design. I suppose you want a sense of commitment when using Reave, but it's not really that fun to be forced to spam a single skill mindlessly. I mean, Reave looks awesome, but not THAT awesome... That being said, thanks for the reply. " Seriously? Some people nitpick at everything... Forum Warrior - Why are you creating a thread about this subject? Use Search! Also Forum Warrior - Nice necro. Last edited by Nurvus#6072 on Sep 25, 2013, 10:45:13 PM
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"In fact it does. Several people wanted to be able to see what stage it was at. "They are explicitly to show you the count for the skill, for both reave and incinerate. "Quite apart form it not remotely fitting with what reave is meant to do as a skill, this would be a massive, multiplicative increase to other skills. Reave gets a really large AoE bonus because it explicitly goes from a very small area to a quite large one over a few stacks. If a multiplicative AoE bonus of that size was applied to other skills after building up with reave, skills with decent base AoE would be able to hit multiple screen widths of area. "In fact, testing showed that the playstyle of it losing the count for using oither skills was more fun. It provides interesting descisions to make in combat, instead of no-brainer ones where it's always better to break reaving to use another skill briefly to get it's benefit - you have an actualy important choice to make as to whether the advantage of refreshing your endurance charges or whirling further from the enemy is worth losing the built up AoE. It also makes the skill more rewarding for fast attackers (including dual wielding) because they can re-build the count faster, which is an important part of the niche it's trying to fill. You may in fact be looking for a skill that reave was never meant to be. regardless, thank you for your feedback, and I hope you'll keep trying reave and hopefully enjoying the playstyle it works to. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Sep 25, 2013, 11:47:05 PM
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You can use two different reaves if you need to pull a support effect without losing stacks. Consider this as new uniques and supports are released.
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I'm personally very pleased with the way skill behaves, it is not a substitute for cleave and it won't work if you just swap it into your existing build and expect miracles. It has very powerful advantages on the right setup and I think the drawbacks it has are much more fun then boring damage penalties.
It really does influence your combat choices and that doesn't mean you are supposed to spam it non-stop, you can use summons for example, they do something while you are reaving and soak some missiles which covers for your lack of mobility. You can use shockwave totem to give yourself some space and still be able to reach your foes. You can put increased duration on viper strike so you don't have to break reave to refresh it. You can turn it into a ranged attack which easily reaches edges of the screen with enough AoE nodes. Reave is everything but boring, hell, we need more skills like it, not the other way around. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Sep 26, 2013, 2:26:54 PM
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" Have you tried the skill? By the time you locate the buff icon all you will see is the number 1 and before you could react it the icon would be gone. You should be able to count off 2 seconds without looking at a timer. I think the skill is pretty good the way it is. I just wish mine did more damage. Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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I personally have found reave to be great fun, and am really glad they made it not use a default attack when on no mana, I lost my reave stack so many times due to that one attack while I hit the mana potion.
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