For those interested in making Uniques..

Jonathan wrote:
The link is actually in the OP. Fontin Smallcaps is the name of the font used for items.

Just wanted to double check I had the right version and format to work with, TTF it is I'm assuming. I used the font on templeofexiles for a while and actually removed it because of these problems.

Funnily enough, I remember that the font actually works in firefox and chrome, it did on my site as well. I did some testing then and found out that the SVG version of the font is fixed when running it through fontsquirrels font face generator which I'm guessing Dylan did. The TTF doesn't work in photoshop with lowercase ffi only, uppercase works though.

It never occurred to me at the time but I found a converter and converted the fixed SVG to TTF and I think it works...

All my testing shows this seems to work (I've had a couple of beers :D), the TTF in there should work in photoshop and hopefully also the game :D

If you want to make the fixed TTF just convert the fontface fixed SVG file through this tool:
Thanks for the templates! Here's one I came up with:

The numbers aren't balanced obviously, but the hook is that it has a chance to cast Ethereal Knives on attack.

And the dagger is from Assassin's Creed II lol
Last edited by BurnOutBrighter#5741 on Oct 5, 2012, 8:35:11 AM
That looks great BurnOut. I'm hoping we'll see effects like that on uniques in the future as well as chance to cast x lvl skill on hit/kill.

sijima wrote:
Are you saying that my diamond unique flask "Efficient Griffin Taffia of Quaffing" will not be in the game?!?
This made me lol
Last edited by FaceLicker#6894 on Oct 5, 2012, 11:16:52 AM
Here's another one...this one's a little more serious, though not entirely. I used "embroidered gloves" as the base...something I should have included on the bottom line of its title, but I couldn't think of a way to do that without ruining the item name. xD Either way, I've yet to see support gems added in this way (globally, rather than only to skill gems in the item). The resists are to show a range (25-30% means it could roll 25 to 30, for example).

I might throw another up in a little while; that one should be completely serious, if I decide finish it.

EDIT: Aw, used the blue text instead of white for the ES mod even though it wasn't modified. :( Too lazy go fix/reupload. Text should probably be modified to "heaping shares" to keep tenses the same, but this is just for fun anyway. I'm being too nitpicky!
Last edited by MonopolyLegend#6284 on Oct 23, 2012, 6:18:52 PM
Here's a more serious one. Similar complaints/notes as I had listed on the last one, but you'll get the general idea:

EDIT: One thing I was not clear about was that the Physical Damage and Increased Spell Damage mods were meant to be local - I'm not sure how to clarify that on the item. Otherwise this thing would be OP as hell with physical spells...

It's meant to be a powerful mid-level weapon (40 to low 60s, I'd imagine) that is effective for both spellcasting and melee damage. At higher levels, something like this would mainly be used for the Iron Will mod. I considered a mana mod as well, but this might already be a bit much.
Last edited by MonopolyLegend#6284 on Oct 23, 2012, 6:31:22 PM
That actually seems like a badass unique for its level. It's a really great hybrid item with a true hybrid theme.

P.s. I get a good laugh everytime I look at your gentlemanly hat. It makes me happy.
MonopolyLegend wrote:
Here's another one...this one's a little more serious, though not entirely. I used "embroidered gloves" as the base...something I should have included on the bottom line of its title, but I couldn't think of a way to do that without ruining the item name. xD Either way, I've yet to see support gems added in this way (globally, rather than only to skill gems in the item). The resists are to show a range (25-30% means it could roll 25 to 30, for example).

I might throw another up in a little while; that one should be completely serious, if I decide finish it.

EDIT: Aw, used the blue text instead of white for the ES mod even though it wasn't modified. :( Too lazy go fix/reupload. Text should probably be modified to "heaping shares" to keep tenses the same, but this is just for fun anyway. I'm being too nitpicky!

Should be Mum's.
RIP Bolto
Ah, you're right. I live in the U.S. where "mum" isn't a normal thing to hear...entirely forgot about it. xD
I don't know how to use CSS :) Oh well.
Alma 48:17
17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.
Moroni wrote:
I don't know how to use CSS :) Oh well.

If you've got Adobe Dreamweaver, I can help you out. I am unsure how to implement CSS files by hand, in all honesty, so I use Dreamweaver. I know it's a fairly simple process either way though.

Regardless, as long as you can link the .css file, you shouldn't have to edit it at all. The HTML is pretty straightforward (add/remove <span> tags that are applicable to what you want to change, for example). If you've got any specific questions about it, feel free to drop me a PM. I'd like to see some other custom uniques up here! :D

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