Soul Reaver Reave CI crit shadow Updated 2.6!! Assasin 4 Million DPS

trashs1 wrote:
hi did u ever tried uber atziri?

i got a build inbetween chucas and atlas, with "alright" gear 12000es/300k dps

did uber today, as my 2nd try, first was long time ago and i failed, today i was litteraly able to facetank vaals/trio and atziri(except her huge flameblast, dident try that xD )

i only got 75% all ress, so no fancy aura or anything, no spellblock etc.

completed it with 0 deaths :)
ign: Zlashtadar / Xtadar / Ztardar / Ztarder
Rousseu wrote:
Is it okay to replace reave with double strike and melee splash?

"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
Reaver Videos:
I tried this build a couple of times but in the end always returned to life since it just felt better and stronger but i want to give it another shot as soon as i achieved to get some more currency my question is why is noone using the very strong shield nodes that give tons of energyshield

this would be my attempt on it, you not only get more block (which is always pretty nice) but also alot energy shield because of the %defences maybe you can tell me why its stupid :)
if you have a 600+ es shield, shields notes start to outscale flat es nodes, however this also depents on party setup... our party runs lvl 25 disciplin with all aura nodes... so it rly depents if you play in solo or in groups.
"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
Reaver Videos:
TypePlus wrote:

Passive tree (115 nodes)

Hi, I am trying to follow this as my second build seeing as though my first attempt at a marauder was weak to say the least.

Am i correct in assuming the 58 POINTS-PRE CHAOS INNOCULATION is what you follow untill you have enough energy shield to use CI? Is it then a case of using however many passive respec points / regrets to change the passive tree to the 115 node version?

Thanks for your help!


correct you get 18 respec points total from all three acts and missions.
ign slashzilla
"Buy when there is blood on the streets, even if the blood is your own."
Slashzilla Reave Guide-
Last edited by Atlas305#3834 on Aug 28, 2014, 3:44:28 PM
danisonxtc wrote:
hellmins wrote:
where is the three for this build

plz read the first post. however this build is not for you.

Please don't tell people that this is not for them. They have the information, let them read and decide for themselves. it is not up to you to decide who it is or is not for. I appreciate you being helpful Dan but you made a video yourself showing a budget version. A big point of this expansion is to make gear much more accessible to players with crafting. If you are smart you can pick up gear and craft on whats missing. Here is an example.
Not end game but certainly attainable.

You are correct it is not a beginner build but it is achievable. If they want to strive for this build then let them. Let's keep it positive :) It was my first build and still my favorite.
ign slashzilla
"Buy when there is blood on the streets, even if the blood is your own."
Slashzilla Reave Guide-
Last edited by Atlas305#3834 on Aug 28, 2014, 10:25:25 AM
DeuceDragon wrote:
Been leveling up a reaver as my 2nd char on rampage and loving it so far, on my main i had a dagger drop that i think will tide my reaver over until i can afford to drop a few exalts on a real nice dagger:

By my reckoning it has 1 suffix slot left that i can craft with Vagan, both local crit and AS are suffixes i believe so i am wondering which would be better in this case, this build is crit based but the base AS on this dagger is glacial, thoughts?

You have one suffix left that is correct. Although crit would help I would go with attack speed as 1.2 is way to slow for Reave. You would hammer mobs with flicker strike if you choose crit chance though :)
ign slashzilla
"Buy when there is blood on the streets, even if the blood is your own."
Slashzilla Reave Guide-
Xtadar wrote:
trashs1 wrote:
hi did u ever tried uber atziri?

i got a build inbetween chucas and atlas, with "alright" gear 12000es/300k dps

did uber today, as my 2nd try, first was long time ago and i failed, today i was litteraly able to facetank vaals/trio and atziri(except her huge flameblast, dident try that xD )

i only got 75% all ress, so no fancy aura or anything, no spellblock etc.

completed it with 0 deaths :)

Nice work! Yes definitely doable. The quicker you dps her down the easier it becomes.
ign slashzilla
"Buy when there is blood on the streets, even if the blood is your own."
Slashzilla Reave Guide-
Atlas305 wrote:
Xtadar wrote:
trashs1 wrote:
hi did u ever tried uber atziri?

i got a build inbetween chucas and atlas, with "alright" gear 12000es/300k dps

did uber today, as my 2nd try, first was long time ago and i failed, today i was litteraly able to facetank vaals/trio and atziri(except her huge flameblast, dident try that xD )

i only got 75% all ress, so no fancy aura or anything, no spellblock etc.

completed it with 0 deaths :)

Nice work! Yes definitely doable. The quicker you dps her down the easier it becomes.

ye seems that dps is key in there :p
ign: Zlashtadar / Xtadar / Ztardar / Ztarder
i always check the /played time of those ppl, and those ppl are usually below lvl 85 and havent played the game much, its definitely not a good build for those ppl, thats just the fact, i dont want ppl to come to this thread after they "failed" with their char and shittalk reave just because they dont have the necessary gear to make it work.

that hellmins guy's highest char is:

Level 73 Marauder
Standard League

"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
Reaver Videos:
Last edited by danisonxtc#0218 on Aug 29, 2014, 1:56:16 AM

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