Hmmm... I know I just got a couple items from you a couple days ago, but is it possible for me to get two more? Im willing to give some back in.
Sadly I didn't read properly a couple things when planning my build so it will not work, however I am working on a mind over matter eb trapper. Nycta's lantern and Mindspiral would be great to compliment it. Thank you once again! :) @Insmm
Hello! Can i have just Shiversting, Rigvald's Charge and The Blood Reaper? I'm quite new at this game and those items could help me a lot ;)
IGN: Verencjusz |
Hi, i was wondering if i could get a Kaom primacy ; previously i had a lv 20 wizzard but a few days ago i rushed the act 3 and made a scion.
I know I just asked for some yesterday, but I didn't understand my build and asked for the wrong ones. I'd like to give them (and a few I found myself) back to the pool, and instead get Sadima's, Voll's and Goldwyrm. I understand if you don't want to give me any more, but either way I'd like to give back the ones I have. Thanks for being the nicest person, IGN: Witchy_McWitchesalot |
Would love a Blood Reaper if you still have one left that isn't reserved. Just started last week and I'm having trouble getting through Cruel. Thanks!
*Edit* My IGN is Raanlar *Edit* Thanks a lot man! Last edited by Raylin#7415 on Nov 6, 2013, 6:34:24 PM
Hi, I think I want to be an archer now, may I get the 48% Blackgleam and any high ilv quill rain? Thanks!
IGN: HadesExiled |
Can I have the Wurm belt? Thanks if you want to give it.
IGN MilkerManner |
Hi there!
I just started with the game (first RPG ever :-)) and was told to write here, that I´d be very happy, if you can support me with the Geofri's Baptism mace. Thank you very much! My Ingame is Krvavo Edit: Forgot to write that you are amazing!!! Edit2: I would also be very happy to get the Ezomyte Peak helmet (+16 to armor and +42 to life), the meginord´s girdle and the windscream boots. There are also other items like rings and amulets which would be great, but I don´t want to take to much stuff.. Thanks! As you said it is no problem, if I take also rings and a amulet, I´d also like to have the two koams rings! :-) Last edited by Eruo#6801 on Nov 7, 2013, 1:20:54 PM
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updated with tons of new cool items =)
I would like to get Meginord heavy belt and iron rings, one 3,3 life regen, other 2,4 lg and 28 life. Thank you. IGN: Niekselis_LT Last edited by Tendem#7757 on Nov 7, 2013, 12:42:10 PM