Hi! CAn i get death`s harp death bow and coldwyrm nubuck bootspls
Last edited by Sp0rtE#6973 on Nov 5, 2013, 12:35:21 PM
Hey there, could I have Sadima's touch? I dont have any good items for my witch and im not that wealthy to buy any good ones. Thanks in advance! IGN:Snooopp_VII
hi, way i have a blood dance with 6% frenzy ?!


Firstly, thanks so much for organizing this: it's things like this that really make a new player feel welcome and actually want to play the game.

Secondly, could I have any of:

Karui Ward
WonderTrap (the one with 2 greens and 1 blue linked (second from last))
Zandethus' Cassock (the one with +96% energy shield) (not high enough level to use it yet, but it would be nice to have when I get there)

I understand that's a lot to ask for, and if I could have just one it would be Karui.

Thanks again

IGN: Witchy_McWitchesalot
Hello Simon, StormShot here again. I would like to return the lower level items you gave me but I would also like to borrow some new ones =)

May I borrow the Foxshade Wild Leather, Hrimsorrow Goathide Gloves with 2 green and 1 red linked sockets, and The Blood Dance Sharkskin Boots with 2 green and 1 blue linked sockets please? =)

Thank you so very much for being such a generous person ^_^
i am a new player that plays on standard league my ign name is "Gentile"
would be very nice if i could have theese items " Geofris baptism brass maul" and "ICETOMB Latticed Ringmail" or u can just give me one of them if u feel like it. I am pretty new so i dont really know what to buy in the market and prices and stuff
IGN: Gentile
Last edited by SveaRikePatriot#6129 on Nov 5, 2013, 4:41:24 PM
Hello, first of all I know that looking at my profile it obviously seems Im not new, I joined the forums when the game was in cb or so, but I actually never played till a few months ago that I played 2-3 weeks then stopped again.

I reinstalled the game around 3 days ago and noticed there was a passive skill reset, so I tried to remake my blood mage archer build ( which I completely messed up by the way xD) and on top of that I noticed right after I applied the new build that all auras take 60% mp now (so life for me, cant barely activate one now) so I'm getting mauled now since I messed up so bad.

I started a new char (scion) and I have no good items or uniques so I would like to ask if I could have a kaoms 2h axe, volls protector armor and blood dance boots.

You can see on my profile I barely have no achievements, points or anything and Im struggling with my ranger joining ramdom parties to try to get one of those end quest gems for my new char.

Sorry for the wall of text xD
And of course if you still think I dont qualify I'll understand.

Youre doing a great thing by helping new players by the way. ^^

My IGN is Eowyen (messed up ranger) or Ryfiah(new char)

Free bump cause this is a great, awesome idea.
Last edited by Ali_B#1974 on Nov 5, 2013, 11:46:08 PM
Hello! I'm trying to build a nice stash for my friends to I can get them into this game.
I even made a guild for us with our gaming channel's name. But they're stuck in Neverwinter (which is a fun game. I try to juggle both). Hopefully I'm not asking for too much!
-Short Bow
-Death Bow
-Plank Kite Shield
-Tarnished Spirit Shield
-Ornate Ringmail
-Latticed Ringmail
-Sharkskin Boots
-Silk Slippers
-Paua Amulet
If I can't get this amount of items that's understandable.

IGN's I will most likely be on are jkClaws, jkBows, or jkScion.
Thanks for your time!
hi m8 can i have pls peregrine helm,foxshade,grimsorow gloves if possible the three green linked and a karui ward amulet. thanks again
ign lolisima

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