Razer Footprints: Poll

DijiGo wrote:
Wittgenstein wrote:
If people do not believe that 1 in game advertisement will *surely* lead to further advertisements. Then I do not understand why they are angry over 1 in game advertisement, that doesn't actually advertise anything - it's a green group of coiled snakes on the ground.


The Windows logo is "just a group of coloured wavy squares"
The Nike logo is "just an odd looking tick with a round corner"
The nVidia log is "just an awkward looking coiled up snake"


and I guess that "none of these actually advertise anything"...

Leaving the aesthetics and fallacies aside for the moment, how do you expect to be taken seriously with "reasoning" like this?

Just a shell, right?

Just a bird, no?

Is this just a horse?

And this is just 2 bulls?

that doesn't actually advertise anything - it's a green group of coiled snakes on the ground.

Leaving the aesthetics and fallacies aside for the moment, how do you expect to be taken seriously with "reasoning" like this?
If people do not believe that 1 in game advertisement will *surely* lead to further advertisements. Then I do not understand why they are angry over 1 in game advertisement, that doesn't actually advertise anything - it's a green group of coiled snakes on the ground.

You realize that logos are the most important form of marketing, right? Its the easiest way to make people notice you, to make them think about your company and automatically consider buying your products.

The problem with those "only 1" arguments always is that they are pretty naive. Obviously its "only 1" at some point, it has to start somewhere after all.

A really good example for GGG following that concept is loot tension. Their original view was that people should also fight other players, then they implemented perma allocation. Its just one change right? What happened shortly after? All kinds of items started to be perma allocated.

Personally I dont care about this deal. I highly doubt that they would have agreed to it if they didnt need it badly but to be honest I believe that this is the beginning of the end, at least for me. The recent changes already made me being way less interested in the game as a whole, the fact that this clown company is in a partnership with them now is something I dont really see positive.

You need to understand that it usually doesnt stay "a one time thing" when it comes to adds.
Last edited by nynyny#3398 on Sep 2, 2013, 9:05:46 AM

logos are different, some would match the in game aesthetic better than others. The horse for example is common in medieval iconography. The two bulls would probably fit as well.

Obviously some other logo's wouldn't fit the aesthetic at all, like your bird or the shell - though really, I could see that shell on a shield and not think much of it. It's a case by case basis.

That same reasoning is what Chris followed when he gave them the thumbs up for this but turned down others.

Lets say that the RAZER effect was having the word spelled out as you ran across the screen R-A-Z-E-R in big green neon letters - that I would find out of place, and horrendous. But that's not what we have. Similarly, the horse would fit but not the word 'Porsche'.

I'm not sure about all of you but I can look at a horse and not see Porsche even if it's the Porsche horse (fun to say). I can look at 3 coiled green snakes and not think of Razer. I can look at an image of a sea-shell and not think of gasoline. I can look at a lightning bolt and not think of Harry Potter.


Also, your attempt at making me look foolish by raising obviously fallacious counter examples to what I was specifically mentioning - is a strawman.

For example: I think 3 coiled snakes fit the aesthetic to the game, if you then were to imply that I thought an MTX that said T-Mobile in pink lettering was the same thing, you'd be guilty of setting up a strawman. In order to argue against my position you need to tell me why 3 coiled snakes aren't in line with PoE aesthetically, because that is the issue we are discussing. If, I am correct that we are now discussing aesthetics.

*edit 2*

Logos are important, but more often then not they are placed within an applicable context relevant to the product/company that they are trying to advertise. Or, they are placed in a high volume out of context to draw attention to them - like in gorilla marketing campaigns for example. However, if I were to start up a video game and see a horse on it's hind legs, or two bulls running at each other, or a sea-shell - I wouldn't associate any of those images to their respective companies/products. I'd assume most companies know this, which is why they don't do it. In the movies, if Porsche wins some marketing space, you see the whole damn car or they mention it by name or the say a famous catch-phrase that is associated with the product. They do not just place a horse on its hind legs and expect you to make the connection... unless they are going for some subliminal effect. I believe, that had GGG not announced this, people wouldn't be upset - they may dislike the way it looks - but they wouldn't have immediately made the connection to Razer, just like if GGG wins a deal with Porsche and gets to put the horse as an icon on a shield, people wouldn't flip out about it - unless - GGG announced such a deal. Now if GGG gets a deal with Porsche and puts in sports cars - that's a different thing altogether.

*edit 3*

About the 'loot tension' - that was changed due to the outcry of the player base for over 2+ years that FFA shouldn't be the only option. GGG changing a stance on an area of the game based on player feedback isn't a bad thing, its a sign they can bend their will slightly to that of the consumers they are trying to attract.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
Last edited by Wittgenstein#0994 on Sep 2, 2013, 9:36:41 AM
FYI the horse is Ferrari not Porsche.
No matter how much you think you can look at the brands you are familiar with and not make any connections - you cannot.

It is done subconsciously. Your mind consists of a web of interconnected memories, and everytime you see the logo a thought forms subconsciously that is connected to the brand, or at the very least that it connects to whereever you have seen it before, and if their marketing has been successful those memories are positive. That is why companies place their logo inside something you already trust to associate the logo with something you can trust, pursuading you to trust them more easily. It is all about connected memories, that is how our minds function and you are no exception even if your conscious mind will not recognize it.

Yes, with great disciplin you can learn to become almost immune to the influence, however not entirely and you have to specifically devote your energy and focus in order to resist the influence.

It is well known in marketing how powerful a brand logo is for that reason.


I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Sep 2, 2013, 10:41:45 AM
I guess brand names are lost on me then, considering I didn't know what the horse even represented!

Not going to touch the 'subconscious' thing - a bit to Freudian for my taste, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... But, I can certainly look at a sea-shell and not think of gasoline. Maybe its due to my lifestyle? I rarely watch TV or look at Magazines. I had never heard of Razer before this announcement either.

About being able to see brands and make connections, again I think it has to do with placement. When I look at a cathedral and see a cross I think of Christ, when I look at an arithmetic problem and see a plus sign, I do not think of a cross or Christ, when I look at a lower case 't' written without the curl at the bottom I do not think of arithmetic or Christ or a cross. Now, if you were to show me the sign of a cross and asked me what I saw - thus drawing my attention to the symbol, I would most likely say "I see a cross" - this is why I think Rorschach tests are inherently flawed because they make you look for a symbol, looking at clouds they are only clouds until you play the cloud game. Whatever is happening at the subconscious level is impossible to speak too since, its at the subconscious - imo.

Either way, I thank you all for the debate - was very interesting. Look forward to the next GGG 'catastrophe' that we can all discuss.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
2) Dislike them
GGG is killing the atmosphere of Wraeclast since OB!!!!!!!!!! I like several Microtransactions items - but most of them are disco party inventory...
3.0 IC Elemental Facebreaker Ascendant (HHC) - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1972518
2.6 Burning torpedo BLS Berserker(HC) - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1866111
2.5 HoWA BF Elemental Raider - Hybrid 800+int - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1785450
Last edited by Damac0101#4648 on Sep 2, 2013, 1:31:26 PM
He who is that clown in the OP's screenshot? And the second screen are that his feet?
Wittgenstein wrote:

Also, your attempt at making me look foolish by raising obviously fallacious counter examples to what I was specifically mentioning - is a strawman.

No strawman here, if you are referring to my comments:

You used an objectively false statement/premise (a contradiction in terms actually)

- "1 in game advertisement, that doesn't actually advertise anything"

to support an argument that the issue is merely/more/just etc. about aesthetics:

- "it's a green group of coiled snakes on the ground"

I wouldn't even be bothered about arguing the aesthetics, so carry on.
After Kripp is told about the Razer Footprints...

"...I thought they were joking, I thought I was being trolled"


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