Self-Found (League) [Thread outdated!]
" Word. Self found league in a Multiplayer ARPG. Preposterous! They want to defile the very core of item hunting in traditional ARPG. They want to mess around with the RNG. Outrageous! |
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Last edited by Henry_GGG on Aug 27, 2013, 10:21:13 PM
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I am (a mathematician). I'll just voice that solo play doesn't mean we're anti-social. I'm very social. I also prefer to play my computer games solo. The two are by no means mutually exclusive.
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" yes dude, all or nothing = extremist. Duh Discussions about 'balance' are not all or nothing discussions. Duh Your definition of 'easier' and 'harder' are erroneous in the first place as the issue is a time concern, not a difficulty concern. And, no, it's not a difference of 'want it now' versus 'wait 3 years for it' before you run down that jerk-fest of a direction. |
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A major part of the game is how the skills function, and how they are implemented. I agree with qarl that acquiring 4-links is part of the problem. Atm when you find an item, you evaluate if it is good, and then if it has the desired links to support your skills. At early game this doesn't prove to be a problem since there are not many support skills available and no mana to sustain them. But in mid/late game, an item is evaluated in a different perspective. First you look at the links, then u look at the stats, then u look at the color's. If one of these fails, the item is labeled "garbage", mostly because if u would link a mid game item u lose out on currency. The fact is u don't lose out, but it feels like u do because of the trade and current orb value's. So to change this i have made a sugestion, and i hope qarl reads this and responds if this is a bad solution, and if so, why.
Suggestion : Every link before 4 linking is kept on your item. This would mean RNG is stil a factor in acquiring the initial 4 links. However u can never go back down to below 4 links once they are acquired. an example would be a 4 socket item with 1 link, the next fusing you spam on it could ONLY give you another link, it would not destroy links. Above 4 links, the old system stil aplie's where u can get 5 links then 4 links again ore magically 6 links. Another problem that is encountered is the lack of support skills at mid/endgame. The reason people make an "alt" character just to get certain supports. Personally i don't think this is as much as a problem as the 4-link issue, but i understand that it is ridicules. At midgame and endgame, all characters should be able to choose out of a wider and wider variety of support skills. Imagine i want to make a melee/witch. The game supports this, however, in the current version of the game i must first make a marauder/shadow/templar in order to acquire melee skill gems. After i have done this i must level one of those toons to acquire certain melee specific support gems. The question becomes "why?", i am perfectly aware that trade exist's, and that u can trade for them. But this again forces players to trade, when in reality there is no need for this. It would be logical to acquire ANNY support gem at mercilles u desire, don't forget u give up a support quest in doing so, so eventually u might stil have to trade for what is missing in your build. I find it weird that we all do the "sever the right hand" quest, go to the same NPC, but for my witch she holds out on melee support gems. If i wouldn't know its not here fault, she'd get a smack on the head. Hope qarl can give me a response about my linking suggestion. And if he see's some logic in my second point. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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[removed by Admin]
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by Henry_GGG on Aug 27, 2013, 10:25:55 PM
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Please keep your replies on topic and free from personal attacks.
Further posts that do this will result in a probation. |
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" Huh, why was DarthSki44's post removed. He didn't say anything bad, it was just generic stuff. |
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" Thought i would post this again, i felt there was some need for it. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes