You are making it REALLY fucking hard to make me want to play
Going to put this in a spoiler again, because it's yet another rant about either A) how fucking unlucky I am or B) how fucking BROKEN this game is. I warned you. Bye.
This is absolute trash. It's absolutely stupid. I am at the point where I must BUY maps now, and guess what? 5 73+ maps in a row, and all I get is 2 fucking level 68 ghetto's? I don't give 2 damns if I'm writing another rage post about map drops, or the map mechanics..because it is FUCKING BROKEN. I'd rather fucking play D3 than this because at least their shit end game ISN'T BASED OFF OF FUCKING RNG.
How is it I spend multiple exalts to buy the maps, then at least an exalt or 2 rolling them with chaos/chisels, and yet..I get fucking nothing? Oh I did get a shit vendor unique! And lots of alteration shards from the shit rares I picked up! FUCKING INCREDIBLE! /sarcasm What's the fucking deal here? Something, SOMETHING has to fucking give. I might just be the unluckiest guy who fucking plays this game, because EVERYONE that has 2 lvl 87+ accounts and the amount of hours I have, let alone the fucking maps I run they have at LEAST found an item worth more than 3 exalts. I HAVE NOT. It's pure fucking stupidity, and it's mind boggling. I've never found a unique worth more than an exalt, I've only found a total of 5 exalts in my career playing PoE, only found one divine, what the FUCK gives? What am I supposed to do?? Sit there and fucking farm lunaris? I keep asking this, and yet not once has a member from GGG told me what the fuck is the point of playing this game without doing maps. There IS NO FUCKING END GAME. Maps are not end game, because they are complete fucking bullshit. You need to fix the fucking mechanics because I'm sorry but I'm not spending money out of my pocket to support this fucking game, UNTIL YOU FIX.YOUR.FUCKING.SHIT This is fucking retarded. Every day I get on and play, have fun for a bit then realize how much currency I'm fucking wasting (and I'm about completely out of currency now ON TOP of all that bullshit) so what do I do? Make a new fucking character and farm ledge for alchemy orbs?? It's fucking laughable. It truly is. Am I being targeted for making posts like these? Is that even possible? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that this game only treats the people who fucking RMT, or people who scam, etc, the rich get richer, and the rich are the only people who can actually enjoy the fucking "end game" because everyone else is limited to running Lunaris? Level 68 zone? If I did 30 lunaris runs, I'd MAYBE get fucking 1% xp. MAYBE 1%, and that's a big maybe. It's fucking idiotic, it's broken, and it needs to be fucking fixed. Instead of making a 10 hour long download patch filled with FUCKING NOTHING except for a new bow for rangers, and a new shitty fucking skill (reave) how about you oh I don't know...make an actual fucking end game? Make something that I can farm and build up items/currency without having to SPEND currency to do it??? I spend exalts upon exalts rolling maps, and the best thing I find is MAYBE a decent rare worth MAYBE a few fucking chaos, and guess what I have 4 stash tabs so I can't use any of the vendor recipe's because I don't have fucking room for it. This game only helps people who pay to play, and who "support" the game..but guess what, why the FUCK am I going to support something that is trash? I'm not saying the game is trash, but how about you actually fucking do something. Maybe a useful fucking patch? Some more fucking content? Fix your map system? Make it that I can't get a fucking 68 map off a 75 bazaar that is perfectly rolled with Larger area/pack size/rare mobs and high iiq? Such a fucking joke..each day I have to write one of these fucking posts, and all it does is get overlooked. Whether or not you agree with the way I write these rants, or QQ posts whatever the fuck you want to call it, I know 90% of the people agree with me that maps are fucking broken. This game is officially broken, and it's going down the same fucking path as D3. How about you do something, or if the only suggestion you can give me GGG is to wait 3 months for the new content and acts to come out, I WONT FUCKING BE HERE TO PLAY. Complete.Utter.Bullshit Back down to 2 72's, fuckin fantastic. Fix your broken fucking shit grinding gear, or you wont have any gears to grind because everyone will fucking leave. This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
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Beta br0. Cualm down.
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I know, I know. But instead of doing all these weapon effects, shit like that, work on the actual game mechanics, the game content, etc.
Who gives a flying fuck about your sword looking like a fairy is fucking using it? |
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Some people (Like myself) enjoy the effects. Also, making a game, hosting servers for said game, paying employees and etc costs money. And since it's a free game without advertisements...
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" I care. Also, when were you really going to support, if not yet already? |
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Quit playing the game for now and come back after official launch. FFS.
Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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You don't have to play 24/ can go play diablo 3 for a bit, or any other game. Go out, get another job, or a job, as the case may be...
Once you beat piety on merc, and run a few maps, the game really ends there. Sure, you can grind for some uniques for another character or what have you, but in the end, making your character more powerful is a waste of time. Easier to wait until there is actually some content added to the game (zones, etc). |
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Whats actually a waste of time, is telling russell, who does the art, to go work on coding content.
Further, wait til after release. Not for new levels from the act, but so the devs will actually have the game complete and begin working on side projects. I.e. maps. |
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I wouldn't have said it with so many f-words, but your thread title somehow fits what I'm feeling about the game right now.
I have a level 86 witch in Onslaught, and 1/ I really want to play PoE, I love this game, and 2/ I love my witch character, I don't want to reroll. But the end game system as it is now prevents me to do so. Beside from the RNG problem, there is also the "playing in a party is mandatory" thing once you have to roll lvl70+ maps. I have around 10 lvl71's, and if I roll them solo, I know I will put all my currencies on it and I won't have enough to roll the additional maps I'm possibly gonna found, while someone with a stable high level party will in theory put 1/6 of what I'm going to spend for the same outcome (gear and XP speaking). Public parties almost never go above 69 maps, and it's really hard to find a nice party to roll HL maps with on a daily basis when you're on your own and know nobody in the league. So yeah, I want to play the game, very badly, but in practice, I'm fucked for now. IGN : @Morgoth Last edited by Morgoth2356#3009 on Aug 23, 2013, 5:08:27 AM
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I was once where you are. Solo to the bone. But it doesn't cut it after a while. Too slow, too expensive.
What I did was join public parties a lot (even low ones), find some people <Removed by Admin>and invited them on friends. Do that a lot, and slowly you will become a member of several informal map groups, get invited for the next time, greeted when you log in etc. As people burn out, even fixed max groups will have openings. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Cagan_GGG#0000 on Aug 23, 2013, 10:07:03 AM
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