Dancing Frenzybreaker Duelist [2.0]
What makes this build very enticing?
What makes this build very enticing is that not only can you start using this build early on in leveling, but you can improve it even more through end-game. This build is not done until you have reached maps and the rest of the way is just optimization. This build is very economic-friendly, and in most cases you will probably have most of the gears in your possession tucked away in your stash. Facebreaker: A couple of chaos to 2 exalts (600% to 950%) Legacy Facebreaker will most likely be one of the most expensive gear of this build, if you are going for 990%+ FB. Blood Dance: Around a couple of chaos, not much. (Try to get a corrupted version with + 1 max frenzy charge for more benefits. Will be more expensive.) Bringer of Rain: With BoR getting another legacy version, I think the non-non legacy version will be much cheaper. I still recommend getting BoR with the 15% chance to block version. I am honestly not sure how well this build will do in new leagues with the new BoR. Legacy BoR (the first version) will probably be worth a ton. Meginord's Girdle: Non-legacy version should be worth in the chaos range, and the legacy version should be like 2-8 exalts depending on the seller. Also, this build emphasis on speed and power as well as durability. This build will want you to play solo no matter what. If you happen to get these items, and manage to synergies them really well, you should be able to go far into the maps system with not much of difficult. You can test your build by putting difficult mods in the maps, but try not to go overboard since this build is not invincible. This build is there to make your map experience as melee memorable. Another thing to note, Frenzy charges had an update to the mechanics (in patch 2.0) by having added 4% more damage per charge. You can get up to 28%, or 32% more damage (If you have up 8 FCs) which is very big for this build. What are the skills needed for this build?
Frenzy, Enduring Cry (or Rallying Cry for more DPS), Summoning Flame Golem and Enfeeble.
Auras (Combination) 1) Grace/Purity: is what I recommend 2) Hatred/Purity: if you want even more DPS Updated: With 2.0 Awakening making another drastic changes to auras, this build at best can run two auras, but it is more than enough with all the changes that has been made to the game. What gears are necessary for this build?
As for jewelries, I recommend getting them with Add physical damage mods with dual/tri res. Some may have the luxury to even include life as well, but they are really expensive (possibly each can be even more expensive than your entire build) if you want all three to have max roll or close to it. Though, it is up to you how you want to proceed this. Maybe you prefer The Anvil to have more block chance and make the shields you wear even better than it is. It is also up to you what shield you want to use, but I recommend using Saffell's Frame as an alternate shield when you switch shield slot with "X" in most cases in what key button you for spell block portion and increasing your max res. Edit: I forgot to add Rumi to this build a while back, but it is a must have for this build to be more tanky. Legacy or non-legacy, it is still a great addition to have. Pros
- You will be able to mow down enemies like paper. Even the bosses will be at your mercy if you build up all your charges, use Enfeeble, and use the right shields in the situation.
- Having Blood Dance, you will have a lot of life regeneration. It will make you feel like you have almost 7k HP in 5k HP depending how much you get via gears and tree. - You are durable to elemental damage, and immortal to physical damage. Not even Kole or two of em can kill you if you make your build strong. - Clearing maps will be much faster, and if you have a good portion of your flasks, Quicksilver flask, you can finish the map in under five minutes with great efficiency. Cons
- If you follow my build exactly the way I did, you will have to keep an eye on chaos mobs since they can do a good amount of damage with chaos res at -60%. They cannot one or two shot you, but if you give them the chance, you will die even with insane life regen. Not a big con, if you kill these guys as quickly as you can. You can further reduce the issue with Enfeeble.
- Like most physical builds, physical reflect may pose a bit of a problem. Double physical reflect will be your only issue, so watch out. Edit: With the nerf from the last major patch(1.2.0), reflect is not a big issue, double reflect may still pose some problems but it is doable if you are careful. - Keeping the charges up may be an issue in parties, but as of 2.0, with the new charge duration nodes, you can keep your charges up (with Frenzy Charge in this case) up to 20 seconds. Much better in the past, so the con is not that big. As for solo, there is not much of a problem anymore. - NO MF gear.......unless you have Andvarius or two tucked away in your stash. Actually, you can use Item Quantity gem as well, but you have to replace either Multistrike or Melee Splash. I recommend Melee Splash since you do not lose DPS, but do lose AoE. It is a small drawback, but that is your choice if you want to include IIQ in this build. You can try to get MF jewels as well, but make sure they at least have res, and DPS, so your build is not compromised when farming high level contents. Bandits Rewards
Normal: You will want to pick up the +40 Maximum Life because eventually, you will lose some of your gears to this build. Oak
Cruel: It is up to you and how you feel on this. Remember, I did say that this build emphasis on speed and power. In this case your main source of your DPS comes from physical damage, and following closely behind would be attack speed. Oak for 16% Increased Physical Damage or Kraityn for 8% Increased Attack Speed. I did picked Oak though. Edit: Cruel Reward from Oak got nerfed from 18% to 16% in patch 2.0 Merciless: FRENZY CHARGES!!!! Kraityn is the one to give you the last frenzy charges needed to complete the frenzy portion of your build. Passives 25 points
At the start of the game, you are mostly going to need to stack defense and health if you want to pull through Cruel Difficulty. Once you reach lvl 16, and wear Facebreaker, your DPS will skyrocket. Adding a 4th frenzy charge will help a lot to get by Normal Malachai eventually. Having Crest of Perandus shield is a huge plus which will help you get through Normal and a good portion of Cruel until you hit level 46, so you can switch to Great Old's Ward shield for more DPS and still have defense to get by Cruel Malachai. 50 points
As you progress the game, you will still be one or two shotting almost anything. You will still continue to stack defense and HP along with getting the fifth frenzy charge. 75 points
I still continue to stack more HP, armor, % life regen (big factor), and a bit of DPS from Strength nodes as I go up the Marauder Tree. 100 points: Be prepared for the wall of text
You also need to allocate to Unwavering Stance (at the start like 76-80 points into your build) since stun eventually will become a bit unbearable in Merciless with not having enough HP and armor to really prevent permastun from occurring. This is mainly a mechanic behinds stun that is tied with life. If you want to know more about stun, check this page out from poe gamepedia. At this point, you should have 5 endurance charges, and very close to creeping up to the 6th Frenzy Charge. At this point, go all out on getting all the remaining frenzy charges and endurance charges. At this point you build is pretty much complete. All you need to do now is optimize your build to make yourself a force to be reckon with. As you can see from this passive tree, I specced out of Unwavering Stance. Why did I do it? Well, up to that point, my HP is well over 4k, probably almost halfway to 5k. Along with having high DPS and defense, so my chances of getting stunned is really low. No point of having Unwavering Stance, but if you feel that you still need, then go ahead and keep it. Also, might as well allocate to Iron Reflexes to get more a lot more armor from BoR and Grace, and Resolute Technique to get back the DPS you lost from accuracy deduction. As for the remaining points to hit 100, I went up the tree where Beserking and Constitution notables are to get more HP and DPS. Of course getting them required another 11 points on top of the 100 points shown in the passive tree link. You will be one point away from Solidity notable once you hit 100 passive points. Up to you where you want to go after 100 points has been allocated. Blind makes a powerful combo with Enfeeble. They are the perfect tools to make Kole and other bosses fools. Since you are specced in IR you can only evade up to 5%, the accuracy part of Enfeeble will be voided since blind already minimized the chance the mobs can hit you to 50% based from your evasion. Of course, this does not mean that Enfeeble is useless now, on the contrary, you can still lower crit chance, crit multiplier, and damage the cursed mobs to the % that is stated on the curse gem. In my case, I only use Enfeeble on bosses and chaos mobs. Please bare in mind that Blind is useless to spell mobs since spell damage does not check accuracy, so you will still get hit no matter what. Enfeeble is still useful in this situation against spell mobs since it lowers crit chance/mult and overall damage. Better than nothing, I would say. Edit1 (8/24/2014): Blind had a tweak in the hit chance. It used to be 25% chance to hit, now it is 50% chance to hit. Meaning, blind got nerfed to an extent. Enfeeble also had its effective lowered I think in the recent patch. Both still form a powerful combo. Edit2 (12/13/2014): Just to note, Solidity and Defiance notables are a great addition to this build because you get more block chance, DPS, and defence from shield. Edit3 (7/14/2015): With the jewel cluster addition, that extra one point to allocate to stinks if you are at in the level 80s already. However, if you happen to get a really good jewel, then spending an extra point or two might be worth it. My Gears
My Character Spreadsheet
Defense: Lioneye's Remorse ![]() Saffell's Frame ![]() Great Old One's Ward ![]() Offense: Took out the picture without any frenzy charges up since it would require me to post even more pictures. The range is from 18-22k DPS. With all frenzy charges up (8) without Great Old One's Ward equipped ![]() With all frenzy charges up (8) with Great Old One's Ward equipped ![]() With all frenzy charges up (8) without Great Old One's Ward equipped AND with Flame Golem up ![]() With all frenzy charges up (8) with Great Old One's Ward equipped AND Flame Golem up ![]() Disclaimer I would like to give credit to http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/460220 for inspiring me to make a Frenzy Facebreaker build. Of course, I made some changes to make a build a bit different from whom I am crediting to. The foundation is pretty much the same except for that I am wearing Blood Dance, and not using Prism Guardian. Edit: This post will be edited many times either for tweaking my build or for any typos found in my post. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Jul 14, 2015, 4:11:18 PM
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I'd suggest to take Resolute Technique (since unarmed attacks can't crit) and Elemental Adaptaion along the way. You can do that with ease if you optimize your skill tree. Do you really need al that intelligence? What about the 10 strenght above the Golem's Blood cluster? And what about the 30% fire resist near the marauder Diamond Skin? And the Less Damage from Crits really is useless.
Here's what i'm suggesting :
You'll lose 15% armour 10 dex 30% fire res 30% less dmg from crits But you'll get 40 str 2% movement speed 2% max resists 100% hit chance 15% all res And thats without touching all of the Intelligence nodes. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Aug 19, 2013, 5:54:02 AM
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" All those intelligence nodes are for Enfeeble since I have it at lvl 17. I tweaked the tree a bit (wasted a good amount of regret though) and lost some life, but managed to sustain my res (because your suggestion was not enough for my fire res to max to 85 when I equipped with Saffell's Frame) while increasing my DPS because of RT (though I was planning to head to RT at some point, it is just painful to lvl up now). I just updated the pictures under character spreadsheet. I going to test out these new changes when I wake up, so I can properly edit the post when I have done enough testing in maps. Right now I am heading off to bed. Thanks for your suggestions. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Aug 19, 2013, 7:00:01 AM
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Why don't you get the 3 life nodes below fervor(1+ frenzy charge)? If you remove the 3 life nods below Beef(30+ str), you can pick those up. The three below Beef are 6 each, while the one below Fervor is 6, 6 and 10. So a free 4% there!
Also, what's the reasoning of not getting Unweavering Stance? Especially since you are going with iron reflexes, your evasion is going to be neglectable. Never get stunned for just 2 points away seems nice, especially for a facebreaker build, where you don't have that much range. Other then that, seems pretty solid to me. Can you upload a clip of how it looks ingame, stats etc? I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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" I was there at one point, I just allocated to Resolute Techinque which required me to move some things. I can take out one of the 6% life nodes from under Beef for the 10% one under Fervor. My reasoning for speccing out of Unwavering Stance is that I have so much life regen (to some extent, above average HP) and armor that I am barely getting stunned, and those stuns at most last a second, if I can even notice it. Yes, Evasion is neglectable, but having Blind working means that anything that gets blinded will only have a 24% chance to hit me by default. Of course, Blind synergies very well when you have a lot of attack speed, especially when you have 8.00 APS. Blind procs pretty often now that I noticed as of late with the bosses always getting those little white stars on their head (not sure the shape) which indicates that they are blinded. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016 |
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Cant wait til i get home so i can take a look of this build, shame i can not watch the tree on my phone currently..
However; This has been my dream for ages, frenzy, those boots and melee... so much fon! Love it! zzZzzzZzzZz
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Updated main post by adding more info inside the 100 passive points spoiler tag.
After testing out Resolute Technique in maps, it has helped me out against mobs in phy reflect maps since I barely lose HP (with other factors involved that has already been mentioned) when I hit them. I even managed to do player have no life regeneration or mana mod (took a risk) with chaos degeneration in Jungle Valley map with just 2% LL. It was really tedious, but I never died since my survival depended on me hitting mobs all the time to replenish my HP flask to counter the chaos degen mod. This build still has flaws, but man is it amazing. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Aug 20, 2013, 2:46:05 PM
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This dropped on me, so I now got a better version of Lioneye's Remorse. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016 |
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Putting my character on hold or farm mode when I have the chance since I am going to be busy with Uni, and most of my time is going to be spent on forum.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016 |
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lol, when tested facebreaker got same dps:
![]() Blood Dance fun to use in pvp. Last edited by LendoKaar#1071 on Aug 28, 2013, 10:13:40 PM
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