Our view on map drop rates

I really don't understand the trouble with getting lvl 60s maps. I have tons of them sitting around, I just give them out to new players or sell them for an alch sometimes and I know a lot of other people who do the same. The problem with maps is the extremely low drop rate of higher level maps.
I ran through about 10 lvl 65 maps, all chisel'd for 20% and all rerolled with multiple chaos to get around 90-100% quantity. I got nothing out of them and now I'm back to lvl62 maps with my lvl 78 char. And practically no one is selling higher level maps so you can't even trade for them.
This leaves me in a spot where I have to grind countless 60/61/62 maps, again, to maybe hope to get back into higher maps. So I basically ran out of content, it's really frustrating to not be able to even play all the levels of a game, no matter how well or long you play.

I highly recomment GGG should rethink their general philosophy on maps. Make them more abundent, maybe by giving all maps dropped in a area a minimum level. Increase the amount of maps to levels into the 90s. Climbing up the map ladder would provide a real sense of archivement. As it is right now it makes players burn out by forcing them back again and again to the starting point.
FMK wrote:
I really don't understand the trouble with getting lvl 60s maps. I have tons of them sitting around, I just give them out to new players or sell them for an alch sometimes and I know a lot of other people who do the same.

Well, I had none and did hours and hours of grinding to get one. If you dont want to trade, the ability to get a level 60 map is very random.

When I first hit about level 60, I got about 8 low level maps without trying. Working through these gave me more maps. And more. But eventually the RNG ground down my map supply and I ran our. And then it was HELL to get another one. it might have taken 5 minutes. But it took 15 hours.

I think two things are needed -

1 - A crafting recipe for a level 60 non-magical map.

2 - Add a new drop - Map Fragment. 10 or 20 of these stack to a level 60 non-magical map. Make this Map Fragment drop fairly common so that you get a couple at least for a Pyramid run. Then the grinding is much less variable and allows you to make some progress.
Current rate from 3 different players in the last couple days go for 1chaos per lvl 60 map.

The rareness of a map dropping is upping the price of "starting" maps.

lvl60 white maps need to be abundant, or the idea of map fragments is pretty good as well.

These are my opinions, take them as such lol.
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
Same problem as 95% of the high level players. I dropped back to 60-61 lvl maps. I use atleast one alch for every low level map I do. I have used tons of worth GCP's rolling higher level maps just so I could sustain playing them, but no luck here. And ofcourse I use all my chisels that drop.

Atleast before I could get tons of maps if I had good MF gear. Now it does nothing but gives me more alt orbs to roll more maps.

There is no difficulty curve in maps. It all comes from mods. Level 69 map is not much harder than level 60 one with the same mods. Only thing where you notice the diffirence is in exp. After a while getting those iLVL 71 items is worthless too, so don't tell me that it's somekind of an reward.

I have run solely on maps from level 58 to soon 76, so there is quite a bit of them.

If someone needs some kind of data about maps I would be happy to help, just to show GGG how bad the situation is. All the high level "elite" players gets frustrated and low lvl people shouts how great it is... until they become higher level and notice the big picture.
Although, i need to say that once in the map system, the map drops seem very good. I had to buy 4 lvl60 mas for a chaos each. Map stash is pretty good for now.
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
I think there's could be alternate way to obtain maps. Some kind of "map vendor". Maybe we could purchase random maps for currency or skill gems or pieces of equipment, or whatever...
Adding more currency could increase chances getting higher lvl maps or something.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
not only map drops are screwed,after almost a month of day to day gameplay with a lot of chars (highest almost 72) i droped a total of 3 exalted orbs...three!!!!!! so stop whining guys,its nothing uncommon

i think this is just p2w model slowly creeping in,first signs are already here with meaningless resistance penalties that add nothing to the game - and certainly dont make the game more difficult,just make you store a loads of gear that is useless 99% of time

how long before you will be able to buy an "increase map drop rate charm"?

some of my IGNs:

Well as we all know there is an issue, with that said I have been running maps some days for 10-13 hours a day 7 days a week. As of right now i am unable to climb even to 65 maps from 60's the drops are just not there starting with lvl 63 maps not dropping often at all no matter the iiq of a map. With that i currently past 2 days have run all maps white with no qaul% other then if i find superiors i will chisel them because i have no higher maps so there really is no point to saving the chisels. But point of the post is that I find just as many maps drop in whites as they do in any combination of mods i have rolled = some thing is fvcked up with the game. Absolutely no point to waste endless orbs on a broken system just so you guys can save some of your currency for upgrades, under 63 not worth wasting an alt on it in hopes of a better map drop, items maybe but not maps...

Dashtun wrote:
not only map drops are screwed,after almost a month of day to day gameplay with a lot of chars (highest almost 72) i droped a total of 3 exalted orbs...three!!!!!! so stop whining guys,its nothing uncommon

Completely agree with you. Haven't seen exalted or divine drop and got ONE gcp drop per month. Wohoo!
I have no idea where are these major orbs coming from. I have strong feeling, most of them are coming from these stupid HC races, but that's another BS story IMO.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
Last edited by Manator#1915 on Sep 26, 2012, 1:10:21 PM
I wish i had a surplus of chisels to even consider using on maps. I never have more than 3 or 4 at a time. They dont seem to drop particularly often, even in very high +IIQ maps.

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