Item Indexer / Search Tool / Shop Generator - php/sqlite3

Added support for the new Vaal Skill Gems
Can someone advise using this tool ?
What does it do compared to procurement or using xyz with nick yourself ?
It's only your personal indexer. You can give others access to it or not... I use it to quickly find items - mostly jewelery :)

You can test it at:

Source is all there: -> "Item Index Tool Tab"

It's not multi-user compatible... no auction platform... just a small indexer that makes my life easier :)
*major addition today*
Thanks for the useful new function! Would be great to have it optional be possible as an include list instead of only an exclusion!
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Added this. You can now select yourself if you want to have an include or exclude list of tabs.
I especially like how you have to enter your username and password.
Closed beta member since: March 19, 2012
How else could you get the items in your account?

Also, the whole code is there. You can audit it to see if the username and password are transmitted anywhere else...
Probably would be slightly better to enter it manually (just as variable, non-storing) instead of holding it inside the script. Not a real issue as long as you run it locally, but I'd agree to f3rret that its kind of risky to practice as plaintext on a 'real' webserver.

Issues: a quick test with the new code, and some selected tabs to include, results in the error "failed to find item" (with no further information) as I tried a preview-check. Seems it will need some time to investigate what the 'bad boy' is ^^

Feedback: would be a real good improvement if it could be possible to configure the shop generator for different leagues/purposes: interactive selection of leagues and tabs... ;)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Last edited by Mr_Cee#0334 on Mar 31, 2014, 7:48:43 AM
Mistake detected: your array for the shopTabs start counting with 0 instead of 1 (obvious from a coders view, but irritating for (others) and not explained how to be taken. shifting the index would be the best solution, I think.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &

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