Item Indexer / Search Tool / Shop Generator - php/sqlite3

Another little change:

Now the actual name of the stash tab is displayed and also fixed portal and reave skill gem not showing.
And now I also sorted out quest items into a seperate type and rarity selection.
Just made another little update. Made sure new skill/support skill gems and quest items are correctly categorized.
Last edited by hyper_ch#1759 on Oct 30, 2013, 7:31:19 AM
Fixed a problem with the Golden Pages
Another little update was made to add the new Storm Call skill since GGG doesn't seem to update it's item data anymore here:
Updated and a bit confused: wasnt there a message shown (inside the "screen") while indexing in previous versions? "Now" there's only a notification (on mouse-over) in the status line; would be better for non-confusing about whats happening, if it would say its (still) working!
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Last edited by Mr_Cee#0334 on Dec 2, 2013, 3:23:17 AM
Haven't touched that... and no, there wasn't a notification in the past :)
Just made a little update.

(1) You can define now whether to use the FTS3 or FTS4 engine. FTS4 was added to sqlite in v. 3.7 and is supported by PHP 5.3 while PHP 5.2 only works with FTS3.

(2) I disabled the follow location on the curl stuff so that safe_mode and open_basedir limitations in PHP (if set) won't interfere

(3) I fixed Cast on Critical, Barrage and Enhance gems
another few updates and missing gems added
Added the new skill gems :)

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