The Infernal Blow HEAVY METAL Marauder - Build Guide (1.1 Updated!)
This looks like a fun build Ziggy. I'm coming back too late into the Anarchy ladder to really make a serious go at this, but I've been leveling my current Mara with the intent on getting as far along with this as I can.
Looking forward to getting Infernal Blow so I can really kick the build off. |
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Very nice build. I switched to it from ground slam marauder.
BTW, you might drop strength node for endurance charge duration node. Sometimes few seconds help.
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why the hell when I click show it doesn't show nothing? :| I want to see his build, damn
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done ;)
excuse me ziggy, I wanna try your build, it seems pretty bloody and fun, I'm also a deathcore drummer so I love it ahahahah. I have seen your videos but I wanted to ask you just one thing. I can't understand if this is a build made for fun in anarchy or if it is also pretty effective in pvp and pve. I like it so much, But I don't know if it's better a shield with aegis or your two handed hero in 1vs1 and teamplay, 'cause of survavibility. Sorry to bother you :D |
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a simple "my dps is XYZ" at the top would be nice don't you think?..
IGN: Jarengax
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" Yeah, that was me. Glad you enjoyed it! Endless ledge is really fun, it's very tense despite being so simple. " I think my DPS is around 10k. It's pretty easy to get that with just the Marohi and the few damage nodes I get + Hatred. There's no real perequisites in terms of damage for the build - it all comes from the setup naturally. If you can't get a marohi just go for a Blue 2H mace with 90% or so phys damage and quality - they are easy to craft. I didn't bother to include it in the OP as DPS is a pretty misleading stat and says very little about the effectiveness of your build. Especially in this build where a huge amount of the damage comes from exploding mobs. " I decided to make it in Anarchy so I could play a 'Power' build without worrying about dying, which tends to happen a lot when you are experimenting with melee. It's a very viable endgame PvE build and could potentially even work in hardcore with some care (though I don't recommend that, it was mainly designed to be fun and not played super carefully). I don't know about it's PvP suitability, I imagine it's not that impressive. It's main strength lies in exploding large packs of mobs - doesn't really translate over to PvP. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content Last edited by ZiggyD#7244 on Sep 7, 2013, 10:38:47 AM
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thx for answer ;)
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It says you have 24 points left in that build to use. Soo i have a question.
I messed around with using fire damage increase and i noted that when playing by myself it did had a significant increase in my Infernal Blow hits, this was with the Added Fire Damage Gem and the fire damage more toward the bottom. When i removed those points i noticed my infernal blow was more than half as weak on non resistant mobs. If a pure fire damage build not viable ? I was thinking of maybe doing a build entirely based on molten shell, infernal blow, and maybe discharge for an insane kind of "Instant living bomb" type of build. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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Hey, I usually only drop low lvl uniques on my main and since I started doing a Mara and following your guide, I had several uniques coming in handy for this build.
the +2 range and lvl 20 increased AoE should be nice, just found it 5min ago, the mana on kill really helps untill you have Bloodmagic. Same for - they really made stuff easier.
+1 lvl to gems and culling strike, on top of the high damage for a lvl 13 also came in handy and I used it untill lvl ~30. Thats not the reason I write this, though. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing this awesome build and as for now (lvl 33) I have a hell lot of fun letting stuff explode! |
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" I think you should play around with this when Avatar of Fire is added into the game in 1.0.0 ;) UPDATE: I updated the build OP for the addition of endurance charge on melee stun. More ifno in this video: I'll be updating the build further at launch, of course. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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