Some 0.11.4 Changes

Feedmenow wrote:
It seems like they are just fixing Alpha's in this patch, and leaving covenant and malachais for a future patch.

The way they have phrased it makes me seriously doubt that, but one can hope.
IGN - Wolens
or if on other account, IGN - Vissej
So you can't use the Reduced Reservation with your Auras on a non-Helm slot, then remove it, and keep the Reduced Reservation anymore?

But one key thing I noticed, it says "when you change areas", if you were to keep Alpha's in your inventory and change it every time you entered a new area/map, you'd still be able to make use of it.

PS. Isn't spec'ing into Reduced Mana Reserved Nodes, casting Auras, then respec'ing out of them, the same thing?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Aug 13, 2013, 2:00:44 AM
Sheriff_K wrote:
I'm assuming this doesn't change the Reservation when you remove it, just the people abusing the +Level with identical Helm sockets?

Seems like it. Its doing what fire trap does, resets itself when entering new areas. It wont turn off, but it will reset at a lower level if only the lower level one is equipped.

I'll enjoy reading the full patch notes, and the ensuing thread afterwards. Sure to be 15+ pages of crying.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
Sheriff_K wrote:
So you can't use the Reduced Reservation with your Auras on a non-Helm slot, then remove it, and keep the Reduced Reservation anymore?

But one key thing I noticed, it says "when you change areas", if you were to keep Alpha's in your inventory and change it every time you entered a new area/map, you'd still be able to make use of it.

PS. Isn't spec'ing into Reduced Mana Reserved Nodes, casting Auras, then respec'ing out of them, the same thing?

and i hope that they fix this too
Wtb Alpha howl, 1 alt!

I lold alittle.

(but srsly a needed fix for game balance, and u all knew it was bound to happen sooner or later)

Nice work GGG, keep it coming :))
Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
Pibadi wrote:
You just kill the Alpha Howl with no reason. I don't understand that.
No one will be buy this helmet more than 15 chaos. Strange decision like for me.
And ppl who talking about "I use the helm on my ranger, this is super BEST HELM for me" - you are guys just have no idea about this game.
Btw, if you do the same thing with Covenant - this is destroy some builds.

hahahaha coming from the low life dual totem lamer seriously

the first thing you do is run to eternal lab and aura exploit with alpha and covenant

was about time

@ the guy dude it depends on rolls 1-3 ex lol ANY roll goes for 3ex in onslaught

SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman#1405 on Aug 13, 2013, 2:06:18 AM
Fall3nLEg3nds wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
Fall3nLEg3nds wrote:
Whats this price drop? Alphas has always sold between 1-3 depending on rolls. You guys are going on a rant lo, nothings changed. Alphas is still a awesome helm and widely used for Ranger's.

you are kidding, arent you?

Alpha has been used in 99% of cases to do the aura exploit

the same applies to covenant and malachi stimula. the latter two are crap items that would fill 'crap unique shops immediately' when fixed.

alpha howl is different, but only slightly, as it is decent (and im going to get one when it drops to 2-3gcp post-patch)

but dont kid yourself about what it was used for - it was the aura switch exploit

Apparently you don't play Ranger or Bow builds that actually use the Alphas Howl since its considered best in slot. But to avoid argument, yes it did have other non-intended usage but for bow builds alphas is the helm and required no switching.

You guys all seem to forget something here - We are BETA TESTING this game! why use a unfixed bug (like swapping out equipment to gain buffs) and then build around it and even use it all the time.

GGG should ban people that exploit bugs in the game because they are not BETA testers - they are arsehole cheats!

Thanks for the great game Chris and team keep the bug fixes coming!
Really looking forward to the new stuff. Keep it up, guys!
dspair wrote:

The tasty, tasty tears.

Good job GGG.
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ventiman wrote:

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