Some 0.11.4 Changes

I'm afraid of the new spiders...

EDIT : Almost missed the aura fix. Love it, it was long overdue and I'm glad you guys got to it. Hopefully the other cases follow!
Last edited by Hrishi#0000 on Aug 13, 2013, 2:54:38 AM
Looks great, but why just change the plate vest art? I want to see a full chest plate art change :D No rush in doing so though.
ACE Member.
How is something that is unintended a mechanic?

Mechanics = intended

Why are people surprised? Didn't you realize that it would be fixed at some point???
Standard Forever
Pibadi wrote:
Caustic wrote:
Pibadi wrote:
You just kill the Alpha Howl with no reason. I don't understand that.
No one will be buy this helmet more than 15 chaos. Strange decision like for me.
And ppl who talking about "I use the helm on my ranger, this is super BEST HELM for me" - you are guys just have no idea about this game.
Btw, if you do the same thing with Covenant - this is destroy some builds.

Well my low life melee templar has definitely been destroyed by this. I'll have to drop at least two auras now, possibly three. If I don't, chaos damage will completely and utterly rape me because my life pool will be sub 200 I'm guessing. And I most certainly can't drop any defensive auras right now, as I've been built entirely around them. So by dropping wrath and hatred, my tooltip dps will fall by at least 6k, and I won't be able to shock stack mobs anymore either. I guess it's time to cannibalize his gear then. Rip in piece flicker crit templar, you were one of the only fun characters I made in this cookie-cutter dominant game. I think I might just quit.

That was i'm talking about.
This "change" just destroyed some interesting builds which were based on game mechanic.
This is not a "abuse exploit" because this is NOT EXPLOIT - this is game mechanic. Can't believe they want to destroy some part of the game.

If your build requires an exploit/bug to be good, then its probably a bad build anyway.
P00PHAMMER wrote:
Five new unique items.

nice i cant wait to see the 5 new laughably bad occultist vestments

given past experience, one will be clearly OP and will trade for 20ex (or other currencies that most of these items are bought with, we all know what im talking about)

other four will end in the 'crap shops' like almost all uniques from last patch.

and the reason why these uniques are crap is the contrast between them and Shavrones/Lioneyes/Thunderfists - items that are mostly sold/bought with dollars.. sadly GGG seems to ignore the fact that overpowered items make people use RMT (that they fight against so vigorously)
I'm assuming this doesn't change the Reservation when you remove it, just the people abusing the +Level with identical Helm sockets?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
IGN: Orrus, Funishment, Grumblethorpe
Creator of TQ:IT xMax mod:
alpha howl was an exploit. point.

no other itmes push auras like that... so dont tell it wasnt an exploit.. and therr are many other builds out there

ty ggg that you have fixed it
Bayern des samma mia
Last edited by Bayerius#3761 on Aug 13, 2013, 2:55:56 AM
It seems like they are just fixing Alpha's in this patch, and leaving covenant and malachais for a future patch.

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