0.9.12 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race

Kemichal wrote:
Coldet wrote:
Seeing as I currently hold the top Shadow and I somehow survived in extreme hardcore mode it's probably time to take a break.
My connection at the moment:

I myself rage when my ping goes over 80ms, are you on mobile internet Coldet? GL in the rest of the race :D

Edit: Just saw in my monitor that you are #1 Shadow, very impressive with that connection!

During my evenings I have a fair ADSL connection with an average 180ms ping. But I'm a bit of an Addict and can't stay away so I literally sit in a camp chair on jobsites and play PoE while my guys install wooden floors :)

Sadly this requires a mobile connection - at least I can still play - just have to play really carefully with one eye on the latency graph.
I'm BACK :)
OBsuh wrote:
Well shit, AncientLeap down last night, 54 in sins. ~3k hp and 80% lightning resist, desync took me to a spark skeleton party, and then decided to rubberband me around awhile. Died trying to click exit game. Click click, click

The deadly sins! Sucks to die that way. My death in sins was nearly as stupid, though entirely my own fault :(
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OBsuh wrote:
Well shit, AncientLeap down last night, 54 in sins. ~3k hp and 80% lightning resist, desync took me to a spark skeleton party, and then decided to rubberband me around awhile. Died trying to click exit game. Click click, click

alt+f4 works.
I've learned that I'm a Default league kind of player. No shame in my game. Just not made for HC.
Angryafrican wrote:
Meh, happily in the top ten and then I get retarded and afk in a corner while I answer the door...DED!

Not uncommon to die that way.. couple races ago for me in Vaal Ruins, opening door and I was not expecting a birthday present. Also not expecting to die on the damn WP.. .-_-

Now I wear headset and ignore the RL realm. ^_^
"literally the worst feeling in the world is talking to someone about something you really love and just watching the interest fade out of their eyes" - Thebrotherswinchester
Just died at Vaal normal, my client crashed and next time I logged in I was in default league. I hate it that you can alt+f4 and get away safe and sound, but if your client crashes you die, should be the other way around...
Advice is needed:
Seriously, my Shadow "Stinkie" was not intended. I started this race building a Templar (FrozenTotem) which is currently level 20+. but because of my atrocious connection during work hours I decided to play a second "support" character to collect gems that I would need for the Templar's Totems.

Stinkie literally just evolved and I have no idea what I'm doing with him. I seriously need some "Constructive advise" for the road ahead. This is his current level 53 Passive tree.

And in the Spoiler is his gear: Most of which desperately needs upgrading
I'm BACK :)
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why arent prices applied per class like in 3h races?
the unbalance happens also for longtime events.
proof for this? look at the ladder and the overall played chars.
another option would be to think about groundslam ^^
i mean its really sad, that half of your creative sounding skills is never used because they are in comparison too weak against things like a range attack supported by melee support-gems...

just my 2 cents
Last edited by Khastro on Sep 14, 2012, 4:26:58 AM
It is nice to wake up to a new race day and your teammate with whom you have been duoing the entire event dropped you this while he grinded a bit alone.


Also, yeah I wanted to build a 2-handed char without groundslam and swords instead...but what's the use? One keeps coming back to groundslam because it is so overpowered. Especially when one has a unique hammer like this :D

Just arrived in merciless. Top50 position achieved and will now try to grind it down safely to 60. An incentive to go over 60 when you have no chance of reaching 70 would be nice btw. I think a prize step at 65 would make sense. After 60 way too many people just call it a day and quit the race.
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Is anyone experiencing far less than average rare item match up for Alchs in this league?

There have been times when I've been low on matches, but I almost always had a few every level or two.

Now I would hazard I've made 10 total matches over 60 levels saving every single rare.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."

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