elemental equilibrium

I was just wondering how the -resistances work, if you hit an enemy with each elemental type in a given sequence, for example, does it work this way:

deal 1 cold dmg
enemy gets: coldres 25, fireres -25, lightningres -25
deal 1 fire dmg
enemy gets: coldres 0, fireres 0, lightningres -50
deal 1 lightning dmg
enemy gets: coldres -25, fireres -25, lightningres -25
deal 1 cold dmg
enemy gets: coldres 0, fireres -50, lightningres -50

or does it work this way (im guessing it does):

deal 1 cold dmg
enemy gets: coldres 25, fireres -25. lightningres -25
deal 1 fire dmg
enemy gets: coldres -25, fireres 25, lightningres -25
deal 1 lightning dmg
enemy gets: coldres -25, fireres -25, lightningres 25
and so on
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It works the latter way.

But also:

deal 1 cold and 1 fire damage

enemy gets: coldres not changed, fireres not changed. lightningres -50

deal 1 cold and 1 fire damage and 1 lightning damage

enemy gets: no changes to resistance

(Damage has to be done with the same attack or spell for this to work.)
Last edited by Serika on Sep 8, 2012, 2:36:39 PM
ah i see, interesting, thanks :)
I know this is an old post but it's pretty relevant to my question.

So, if you cast your fireball which does 200 dmg and you use a added cold dmg, it would give it -50% lightning, so your next spell you should hit with a lightning with added cold dmg, so then it has -50% fire, something like that, correct?

So, in short....


Fire with added cold support


Lightning with added cold support

Can someone confirm that for me please?
Ok so that's great, but how do you EMPLOY it? Are you really alternating spells through all 3 elements (or back and forth between 2)? Is this an efficient way to kill? The witch is closest to EE of the good casters, and she's got different tracks for each element you want to boost. Seems if you're going EE, you have to build up more than 1 element so you can't stack as much.


EE is tempting but I need to know how people are using it.

aaronsan wrote:
Ok so that's great, but how do you EMPLOY it? Are you really alternating spells through all 3 elements (or back and forth between 2)? Is this an efficient way to kill? The witch is closest to EE of the good casters, and she's got different tracks for each element you want to boost. Seems if you're going EE, you have to build up more than 1 element so you can't stack as much.


EE is tempting but I need to know how people are using it.


I've run a few characters on EE, it's much easier to use now than when it was first implemented. One character focused on molten shell as main damage source with burning passives, so I would alternate between lightning strike and ice nova to ensure that when it blew up everything nearby was weak against fire. Another simple example would be alternating between ice nova and shock nova with fireball to finish off stragglers. EE makes up for lacking damage nodes as long as you don't mind being a bit more strategic than spamming one skill only.

I find the EE gameplay to be satisfying and fun, but not as powerful as just spamming MP freezing pulse.
Hey guys,

wondering how EE affects group play. Does the +25 and -50 resist affect the monsters for my party aswell, like if we were in a map with that mod? Or only for me?

In the situation I'm thinking about, I would use a lightning spell on my totems, arc or shock nova and fire traps.

Reading on the wiki, it says: "The effect doesn't stack and lasts 5 seconds or until replaced with a new one." Does that mean it could go from +25 lightning to +25 fire every 5 seconds or like every 1 seconds, assuming that my totem is casting at a normal rate and that I have the fire trap burning the monster.
Kaffoo wrote:
Hey guys,

wondering how EE affects group play. Does the +25 and -50 resist affect the monsters for my party aswell, like if we were in a map with that mod? Or only for me?

In the situation I'm thinking about, I would use a lightning spell on my totems, arc or shock nova and fire traps.

Reading on the wiki, it says: "The effect doesn't stack and lasts 5 seconds or until replaced with a new one." Does that mean it could go from +25 lightning to +25 fire every 5 seconds or like every 1 seconds, assuming that my totem is casting at a normal rate and that I have the fire trap burning the monster.

You and your totems/traps apply the EE debuff to monsters and your minons/party members can take advantage of that (or be hindered with poor planning). If you group with an elemental witch, as EE you want to complement her with the opposing element. If she uses only GMP ice spears, your lightning totems and fire traps would be a boon.

The effect lasts for 5 seconds unless you hit again before that. It's applied each time you deal elemental damage with EE. Burning doesn't cause the debuff, but seems to benefit from it (ie. land fire crit cause burning, hit with cold or lightning to reduce fire resist while mob is on fire).
Lo4f wrote:
aaronsan wrote:
Ok so that's great, but how do you EMPLOY it? Are you really alternating spells through all 3 elements (or back and forth between 2)? Is this an efficient way to kill? The witch is closest to EE of the good casters, and she's got different tracks for each element you want to boost. Seems if you're going EE, you have to build up more than 1 element so you can't stack as much.


EE is tempting but I need to know how people are using it.


I've run a few characters on EE, it's much easier to use now than when it was first implemented. One character focused on molten shell as main damage source with burning passives, so I would alternate between lightning strike and ice nova to ensure that when it blew up everything nearby was weak against fire. Another simple example would be alternating between ice nova and shock nova with fireball to finish off stragglers. EE makes up for lacking damage nodes as long as you don't mind being a bit more strategic than spamming one skill only.

I find the EE gameplay to be satisfying and fun, but not as powerful as just spamming MP freezing pulse.

Cool, thanks! Actually I do like alternating skills, I just didn't know if this was a useful approach. Looks like Arc Totem plus fire trap is a really good approach too!

can minions trigger EE, too?
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