How works quantity/rarity find in detail?!
i really need to know how magicfind in general and iir/iiq works. I need to know the mechanic behind this because i could collect some weird experiences with different sets of iir/iiq gear. But to keep my secrets about the "ideal" iir/iiq setting for farming specific items im only telling the obviously strange stuff. The following numbers are the average outcome of my runs in about 1 hour farming. Those average numbers are proved by farming for weeks with the same gear for every set of iir/iiq gear in the same area and difficulty. (im no multiboxing [Removed]) Best examples: Type 1 farm time: 1 hour gear: iir=438% iiq=78% outcome: 0-2 uniques 1-2 worthy orbs special notes: strongly increased chance of 5+ linked items it seems that the chance of getting extremly rare uniques is slightly increased Type 2 farm time: 1 hour gear: iir=289% iiq=128& outcome: 3-6 uniques 3-5 worthy orbs Type 3 farm time: 1 hour gear: iir=212% iiq=156% outcome: 2-4 uniques 4-6 worthy orbs Type 2 seems to be the most efficient gear type of farming but in the end im not sure because its not clear how it really works, because of the crazy differences between the gear types and especially for Type 1 makes me wonder. =Licht ist Leben= Last edited by Bex_GGG#0000 on Aug 26, 2013, 5:52:45 AM
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I've been all over this since closed beta. Doing hour runs is never going to be a good enough sample size to get any results(because RNG).
The general consensus is that: more IIQ=more items(better currency drops) more IIR=the more RARE the items will be I personally like high IIR with some IIQ( I run 443 65(ish)) with this combination I seem to get at LEAST 9 rares from Bosses/Exiles with 3-4 from rare mobs and 1-2 from Magic mobs. MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."
GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?" |
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" FYI, IIQ is multiplicative with IIR and raising IIQ, by default, raises IIR as more items in general means more rares as rares are a certain percentage of total items and so more items overall means more rares. " Even if you ran these same trials for a month, it wouldn't matter. RNG is RNG. As for your question:
IIQ means more items drop in general but doesn't apply to maps unless it's on the map.
IIR means more rare items drop (Magic, Rare, and Unique) but doesn't affect Orbs, but I don't know if it affects maps. IIQ is multiplicative with IIR meaning that if you have both, you get much more rares. IIQ from party bonuses is multiplicative with IIQ from gear bonuses. So say I'm in a group of 6 (250% IIQ) with 100% IIQ and 200% IIR. That means the group has a total Item Quanity (IQ) of 350% and I have a personal IQ of 200% with a personal Item Rarity (IR) of 300%. It would be 350% * 200% for a total IQ of the mob killed of 700%, assuming I get the killing the blow and all the party members are near enough to me for the group bonus to apply. Then the 700% IQ is multiplied by my 300% IR for a total of 2,100% IR of the items dropped, or 21 times as much rare items and 7 times as much items that drop. So yeah. That's how IIQ/IIR work both individually and in groups. A few other points:
The bonuses don't apply to Damage over Time effects.
Your personal IIQ/IIR doesn't apply in a group if you don't get the killing blow. IIQ/IIR applies to minions IIRC. There's one other bug where IIQ/IIR should apply but does not that I don't remember. Hopefully someone will realize what I'm talking about and chime in. Last edited by TremorAcePV#7356 on Aug 7, 2013, 2:37:48 PM
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thats the standard answer i already know and everyone is telling me.. i dont believe this so im asking here again for one of the devs to answer pls! can u say its RNG when i proved this average numbers with different sets of iir/iiq and testing them over weeks on same farming grounds and difficulty?! And getting this awesome strange and obviously discrepancy in numbers, so how can it be that i find less uniques with the double of iir than one of my other gear set and that in an average over weeks? how is that possible when iir should increase the magicfind in a normal way? Because it doesnt work as intended or the mechanic behind is unclear how it works with high rarity find. =Licht ist Leben=
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" It's simple, I forgot one thing: Diminishing returns. There's a cut off point where getting more IIR/IIQ stops giving more rares/items respectively. In fact, from allllll the information I've seen, it gives less rares/items, once you hit a certain point. I think this is to stop RMTers from farming with them as they think "More IIQ/IIR is better" so the ones who stack absurd amounts actually get penalized. Whereas, legitimate players who do it are few and far in between. That's what I think. The only number I have to support it are all the reports of players like you who show this exact result. Where IIQ/IIR past a certain value returns less items/rares. |
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Yes that must it be! Now i need the specific amount or turningpoint value. I dont want to figure it out for the next few weeks.
=Licht ist Leben=
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Ha, I forgot that too. But to me it's just RNG.
There are moments when mobs drop all whites, all blues. We can think it's diminishing, but it might not be either. I don't think a dev ever actually said that there is diminishing returns. It's just RNG. Remember, you have a 6 sided die, with no MF on you can roll a 6 to get a rare, with mf on you now can get a rare with a 2,4 or 6. Roll it, and you get 1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 1, 3. Thanks RNG(used as example). MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."
GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?" |
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" Oh I remember Chris explicitly saying that IIR/IIQ have diminishing returns. It was a couple of months after OB started. I don't remember the thread though. Bah, I wish the forum was better. That way we could follow/bookmark things like this easier. I never think to do it in my browser. Oh well. Yeah, I know how RNG works, but it's honestly P(pseudo)RNG. Because real randomness doesn't exist in the computer world. Eh. Whatever. Edit: Patch Notes 0.9.9b^ Use Ctrl+F and type in "diminish". " Last edited by TremorAcePV#7356 on Aug 7, 2013, 4:06:37 PM
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" Oh damn, thank you very much! And yea, I meant rng(as rng can get with a program function) I didnt want to go that far lol. So the diminishing returns effect solo players more? Am I wasting my time stacking so much IIR? MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."
GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?" |
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" You're welcome. Google has an amazing search engine. Really it does. I wish forums would just adopt it or something rather than attempting to make their own that allllways fails. Anyway, that depends on how much you are stacking it up to. I'm going to completely guess based on the numbers I've seen (like the OP's numbers) and say that 150-200% IIQ and 250-300% IIR are the points where you don't want to pass. This would mean 100-150% IIQ and 200-250% IIR are the sweet spots. That's just a guess from all the information I've seen of course, so YMMV. Good luck. |
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