[1.2.1][v5.0] Dual Shockwave Totem - LowLife/DPS/IQ/IR/3 Auras or Life/DPS/2 Auras
" NEW ! Lowlife version
Lvl 83 current passive tree: Final passive tree: Current Gears:
DPS mode:
My rings are not optimised and Redbeak can probably be replaced by a better wand. IQ/IR mode: Current Stats:
![]() Life version: OLD
This build can be played with a Templar, Witch or Scion. There are very similar but it will be probably more easy to start with a Witch. If you want to start with a Templar: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/462748 If you want to start with a Scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/618682 -------------------------------------------------------------------- " -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody :) Today, i would like to share my last new creation. ♦♣♠ Cool story bro ♠♣♦
I didn't found an other thread talking about this build excepted here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/439898 But i have made mine before checked this thread ;) So, why a Templar Dual Totem ? Because i already have a Witch Dual Spark. I'm lucky, i have a Shavrone. It's for that, i would like to use it a lot and not reserve it to only 1 character. And why Shockwave totem ? I love this game because you can cook your own build. My goal was to do something new, with a skill that concidered "bad" or "very bad". I have a full dual spark totem stuff so, why don't use it for an other character ? It will be cheaper for me :) I have checked all change logs history for Shockwave totem and we have this: " --> Gem added, nerfed, fixed, fixed, buffed, buffed, fixed <-- Hmmm interesting, why GGG nerf it ? I have started played PoE since 10.0 only so i don't know the first version of ST. After reading this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/30764/page/1 The first version was cool and useful, maybe OP but after the nerf it was crap. I have based my reflection about that, Why GGG nerf this gem ? The answer: There forgot something when added in the game -> LowLife + Redbeak I have done some tests with my Witch Sparker, not optimised build and it was pretty fun to see. ->
![]() How to make it viable now ? -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ How Shockwave Totems works ? ♠♣♦
1st: Shockwave totem is a spell only for casting, not for damage. That's mean increase spell damage from nodes or stuff will not work on it but cast speed nodes/stuff will. 2nd: Shockwave totem doesn't benefit of Spell critical chance/strike, don't waste some passive. 3th: There are too low nodes to increase the general critical chance, critical base is 4%, to hard and expensive to have more than 10%... no need. 4th: Shockwave totem is an AoE, all nodes increasing the area of effect will work on it. 5th: Increase the crappy damage using lowlife, dual Redbeak or Redbeak/Daresso's Courage shield. 6th: Mana regen ! 7th: Cast speeeeeeedddddddd ! And... it works ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Bandits rewards ♠♣♦
Normal: Help Alira (+40 mana), you will think later about a +1 passive respect. Cruel: Help Oak (+18% physical damage) Merciless: Kill them all (+1 passive) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Passive Tree ♠♣♦
The Core:
Lvl 100: With the core, you can personalized the build as you want. The lvl 100 is one of these variation, one example. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Progression ♠♣♦
You can play Shockwave when you reach LowLife mode with Redbeak sword. Don't play it too early, it will be crap. Before that, you can play all skills you want but don't forgot to lvlup your gems. In my case, i have started to play LowLife at lvl 50 in Domination. Around Lvl 17: Around Lvl 35: Around Lvl 55: Around Lvl 70: Lvl 100: -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ The Goal to reach ♠♣♦
After many hours with this build, i know what you need to reach to play with fun. 1) 30% area of increase affect is enough, of course, more is better. but if you want to use Concentrated Effect, you will have: 43% (from 20/20 Increase Area of Effect gem) - 30% (from Concentrated Effect) = 13% You have to take the 3 areas nodes from templar to have 33% 2) You have to reach 2.7 attack speed. You will have more later by lvling gems. 3) 3000 DPS is good. You will have this with lvl 18 Shockwave and later you will double it with Concentrated Effect. End Game Stats: DPS: 6500 Attack Speed: 2.85 Res All: 77 ES: 4000 ES/S: 200 Evasion: 37% -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Gears and Requirements ♠♣♦
Attributs: Strength: 151 (for Shockwave) Dexterity: 153 (for Haste) Intelligence: Max as you can Redbeak: +100% Damage when on lowlife Eye of Chayula: +16 to all Attributes 30% increased Rarity of Items found Cannot be Stunned Doesn't care about the 20% reduced maximum Life, we are LowLife. Perandus Blazon: +30 to all Attributes +20% to Fire Resistance (8-12)% increased Quantity of Items found 20% increased Flask effect duration -2 Physical Damage taken from Attacks Doesn't care about the (15-25)% increased Block and Stun Recovery, we can't be stunned with Eye of Chayula. Wonderstrap: +(5-10) to Strength +10 to Dexterity +(5-10) to Intelligence +(10-16) to Maximum Energy Shield 100% Increased Rarity of Items Found when on Low Life 10% Increased Movement Speed Every thing is good here, you must have +10 Dexterity. Shavronne's Warpping: Chaos cannot bypass your ES ------------------ The Shield is the most important part of this build with Redbeak/Shavronne. There are 3 shields available for this build: Springleaf: + Cheap + 6% life regen when on lowlife - 24% block - 8% res all - Low ES A very good option to start, you have 6% life regen it will help you to survive (but only you). Daresso's Courage: + Cheap + 20% damage, + up to 32% block + 120% Speel block when on lowlife - 10/20% res all - No ES You want more damage ? This is the best option. Prism Gardian: + 49% res all + 1 for auras gems on this item + Blood Magic + 25% reduced mana reserved + 48 ES + 20/30 Dex - 24% block - Expensive You want 7 auras ? Fuck Yeah ! This is the shield i currently use because i have enough DPS. I love it. ------------------ You can also use an other shield with more ES/Res all. Dual Redbeak is good for DPS but you will sacrifice your survivability. Aurseize glove is good for IR but there is no ES. Good to use with Andvarius ring. Rainbowstride is good but you will have issue with dexterity. The Magnate belt is good for DPS but in this case, you have to take 1 more +30 Dex node. ![]() ------------------ Helmet: There is no unique helmet for this build, not yet ;) Chitus' Apex / Geofri's Crest / Honourhome are a good option to start. ![]() ![]() ![]() But the best is: ES, +2 minions, IR and res you need. ------------------ Rings: Many options here depending of what you need/want. Andvarius, good for IIR but you must counter the -20 res all. ![]() Le Heup of All, good option for DPS, attributs, res all and IR. ![]() Lori's Lantern, res all, run speed, reduce damage taken with unlucky, chaos res. ![]() Perandus Signet, Shockwave consummes a lot of mana, you need a lot of mana regen. Very good option to start. ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Gems and links ♠♣♦
Body: Shockwave Totem Add Fire Damage Faster Casting Increase Area of Effect Concentrated Effect Culling Strike or item Rarity or Item Quantity Helmet: Raise Zombie Minion Life Minion Speed Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Without Prims Gardian: Boots: Reduced Mana Clarity Discipline Haste Glove: Reduced Mana Blood Magic Hatred Purity Weapon 1: Bear Trap Add Fire Damage Culling Strike Weapon 2/Shield: Elemental Weakness Faster Casting Reduced Mana or Increase Area of Effect With Prims Gardian: Boots: Reduced Mana Clarity Hatred Vitality Glove: Bear Trap Add Fire Damage Culling Strike Elemental Weakness Weapon 1: Blood Magic Reduced Mana Purity Prims Gardian: Determination or Grace Haste Discipline -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ How to run 7 auras ? ♠♣♦
To run 7 Auras or more, you need Prism Gardian/41% reduced mana reserved nodes and lvl18 Blood Magic/Reduced Mana gems. You must have 3x 60% auras on Prism Gardian, then 1x 40% auras with Blood Magic and Reduced mana. The 7 auras are: On life: Prism Guardian: Determination or Grace/Haste/Discipline Weapon: Purity On Mana: Boots: Vitality/Clarity/Hatred Without Prism Gardian, you will be able to run 5 auras: On life: Glove: Haste/Discipline/Clarity On Mana: Boots: Hatred/Purity You can also run 8 auras removing Grace and purity to add all 3 separate purity but you have to do some sacrifice. Me i prefer the 7 auras setup, Grace is very useful. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Flasks ♠♣♦
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ My Old Build (Not supported anymore) ♠♣♦:
This build was my quick update for 1.0.0.
It works fine but the new one is clearly better. Passive Tree: Gears: Redbeak Springleaf or Daresso's Courage Eye of Chayula Perandus Blazon Wonderstrap Shavronne's Warpping 6L Shavronne's Warpping with: Shockwave totem Faster casting Add fire damage Culling strike Concentrated effect Increase area of effect 3L Weapon or shield: Blood magic Reduce mana Hatred 3L Weapon or shield: Elemental weakness Reduce mana Faster casting 4L Glove or Boots: Reduce mana Discipline Clarity Portal 4L Glove or Boots: Bear trap Add fire damage Culling strike Portal 4L Helmet: Raise zombie Minion life Minion speed Minion and totem elemental resistance -------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦♣♠ Video gameplay ♠♣♦
" Oak lvl 64: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2GOjFda2bY&feature=youtube_gdata_player Dock lvl 72: http://youtu.be/6HU4YwIO6i0 Piety run (Solo) lvl 74 (Don't pay attention to the skip frame, i'm playing with Wine on Mac): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BYBauDC8f4&feature=youtube_gdata_player Piety run (Duo) lvl 74 (my friend has recorded the video for me): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11v7no_piety-run-avec-un-dual-shokwave-totems_videogames#.UeGhQlO3Zlp -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading this thread, i hope you will enjoy this build and help me and the community to improve it :) I will update this thread periodically ;) Note: I'm french, English is not my native language ;) i hope you will understand what i have writen :p "
" Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Sep 4, 2014, 3:35:54 PM
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Because this build can also be played with a witch, i duplicate my thread in the witch part.
Witch seems a little more appreciate than Templar ;) (2800 thread vs 4800) Original thread is here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/462748 You will find my progression and improvement. Enjoy Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Aug 7, 2013, 11:36:42 AM
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Build reworked because Malachai and Covenant will not work in a near futur and are currently annoying to use with patch 0.11.4: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/504563/page/1#p4479905 Vitality and Purity removed Progression fixed and updated Passive tree updated Gems updated Stuffs updated Life build removed Some categories have been simplified |
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Build updated and ready for 1.0.0 :)
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wouldnt it better going for the other totem passives near sharper, instead heading to path of savants?
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why not use that unique prism shield with blood magic built in so you can run more auras, have more resists, and switch to andies? (which add dex btw)
also, would wrath or anger auras affect your totem damage? I'm guessing the elemental damage nodes are for the added fire damage and the hatred aura. So you are saying a node that adds spell damage + area of effect radius, the totem does not get the damage boost, just the area of effect? But if node says area damage, the totem gets the dps boost? how does this build do solo in scepter of god and also in map groups 70+ ? Does this build have more dps than sporker now? thanks for the build, i might try it out after some more research. IGN: First_Sword_of_Bravos Last edited by Badfish_07#4182 on Oct 29, 2013, 4:31:44 AM
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" I will update the whole first page when i will have correctly tested the last build with max auras boost. Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Oct 29, 2013, 7:22:57 AM
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This seems like a pretty interesting build, but I think you need to take a look at your links in the progression part. I don't know if it's just me who's failing, but I seem to get a broken build every time
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"Yes, all links are broken excepted the first 2 in 1.0.0 part. I need to take time to do a real update. |
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Looking forward to it, seems like a pretty cool idea. Plus I kinda miss my sporker :(
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