Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
Hi guys , i spent playing this build for like 500 hs , reaching level 89 , 100% solo play
After reading the 1.1.0 patch notes and seeing the new passive tree i got a bit sad at start thinking that the changes made in the passive tree together with the Life Leech general nerf will also nerf quite a lot this nice build Seems that the changes didnt affect it so much , at least not the version of build i was using To summarize , i was using this build together with Cyclone-LGoH-Concentrated Effect-Added Fire Damage Auras : Hatred and Grace Stats before 1.1.0 patch at level 89 ~4910 HP ~22250 DPS on Cyclone tooltip with Hatred ON ~9012 Armour with Grace ON ~280 life regen/sec +77 for fire/cold/lightning resists -51 chaos resist :) My gear :
After 1.1.0 patch - passive tree - level 89
Stats after 1.1.0 patch at level 89 4636 HP 24208 DPS on Cyclone tooltip with Hatred ON 9182 Armour with Grace ON 208.6 life regen/sec +77/76/76 fire/cold/lightning resists -51 chaos resists again :) So the trade offs were : -284 HP -0/1/1 fire/cold/lightning max resists -72 life regen/sec -Amplify passive node (12% increase Radius of Area Skills/8% Increase Area Damage) for +1958 DPS with Cyclone +170 armour Regarding Life Leech , i am using Carnage Heart amulet which gives me 9% Life Leech Together with LGoH gem from Cyclone setup the leech is so big and constant that the actual Life Leech nerf (multiple leeches not queing anymore) seems not to bother me at all. Regarding the nerf of BoR which is quite an enabler for this build at end-game , dunno what to say , probably a decent 6L chest armour + a good helm (like Abyssus or any other) may be taken now more in consideration for those starting this build on new leagues and/or not having a legacy BoR All in one , the new patch seems to influence in a negative way many builds , ours also , but is not a big negative effect as i was worrying before building the new passie tree :) Happy points redistribution ! Offensive stats ![]() Defensive stats ![]() Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Mar 6, 2014, 11:47:01 AM
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Hmmm,.. looking at it again, and that 110 point build is actually remarkably easy to respec for Ranger. Just drop the top three 6% life nodes, which face it are crap anyway, and you allready automatically lose that 6% attack speed node directly attached to the Duelist.
to: I know I missed a point somewhere, but I can't find it. One single point isn't going to make the difference though, and even if it is, you cap drop some minor node to grab it. You sacrifice 18% life and 6% attack speed, but gain 16% life, +12 life and 42% evasion (which is armour with Iron Reflexes) rating. Levelling might be a bit more difficult due to the Ranger's position on the tree and low early Strength, but other than that it sounds like a win to me. " Yours is a tad more difficult, but can still be done by sacrificing some physical damage. I do think 118 is too much as a general build though, anything above 110 should be left to the individual. Otherwise noobs like myself will choke on it, aiming for 118. Enfin, I will try and see if I can post my own variation in a bit, dedicated for a Ranger. I'm not too happy with that mana node in the 110 option, and the 118/120 option seem to be more difficult to reroute for a Ranger. With the new tree and all, I think there might be room for some optimisation. |
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" Ah,.. that's probably because LGoH is NOT life leech. Thus, its performance is not affected by the nerf. Interesting though, because really the only Blenders that use LGoH, are the ones that HAVE made the transition from Dual Strike to Cyclone. Seems this patch might have made the transition more viable, or rather made not making the transition less viable. That in turn would only make the Blender more of a dedicated Blender. |
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" I made some adjustments to the original build based off the path you took from duelist to marauder. Thanks for posting :D IGN: FVX
Twitch: im2P | |
My marauder start variation:
Some things can be droped/switched, like taking axe or sword specific nodes if you are 100% sure you will be using them. Last edited by Vamaloxe#1137 on Mar 6, 2014, 11:53:18 AM
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I ended up with this build: Just did a couple of Dominus runs. Seems fine. A little less health than before patch. A little less damage. Insane elemental resist after patch, 84% on all three + 7 end. charges. --== Enjoying the game ==-- Last edited by Twiiik#2500 on Mar 6, 2014, 3:29:42 PM
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Yeah ive taken the time to get inspired and to look at the passives with fresher eyes, initally i wasnt super pleased with x2P´s shortcut to RT and Bodox´s path to the Mara area, but i have grown accept the pro´s of them, compared to the cons of it, so i readjusted my build and it seems i have reached a convergence with both x2P and Bodox - props out to both for solid pathing and time investment in the spec!
120/100/80/60 Suggested Passive Trees
120 Point Summary
Health 226% increased maximum Life 88 to maximum Life 15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks 4.5% of Life Regenerated per Second 2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life 0.2% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge Mitigation 56% increased Evasion Rating and Armour 41% to Fire Resistance 40% increased Armour 32% to all Elemental Resistances 18% to Lightning Resistance 18% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding 18% to Cold Resistance 10% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield 2% to maximum Fire Resistance 1% to maximum Lightning Resistance 1% to maximum Cold Resistance Damage 158% increased Physical Weapon Damage while Dual Wielding 89% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons 76% increased Physical Damage with Swords 65% increased Melee Physical Damage 57% increased Attack Speed 52% increased Physical Damage with Axes 20% increased Accuracy Rating 16% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding 12% increased Physical Damage 9% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons 8% increased Attack Speed with Swords 8% increased Attack Speed with Axes 4% increased Movement Speed Other 230 to Strength 170 to Dexterity 30 to Intelligence 2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range 1 Maximum Endurance Charge
100 Point Summary
Health 186% increased maximum Life 88 to maximum Life 15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks 4.5% of Life Regenerated per Second 2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life 0.2% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge Mitigation 56% increased Evasion Rating and Armour 41% to Fire Resistance 40% increased Armour 32% to all Elemental Resistances 18% to Lightning Resistance 18% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding 18% to Cold Resistance 4% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield 2% to maximum Fire Resistance 1% to maximum Lightning Resistance 1% to maximum Cold Resistance Damage 158% increased Physical Weapon Damage while Dual Wielding 89% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons 57% increased Attack Speed 55% increased Melee Physical Damage 52% increased Physical Damage with Swords 52% increased Physical Damage with Axes 20% increased Accuracy Rating 16% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding 12% increased Physical Damage 9% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons 8% increased Attack Speed with Swords 8% increased Attack Speed with Axes 4% increased Movement Speed Other 230 to Strength 160 to Dexterity 30 to Intelligence 2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range 1 Maximum Endurance Charge
80 Point Summary
Health 168% increased maximum Life 62 to maximum Life 15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks 4.5% of Life Regenerated per Second Mitigation 56% increased Evasion Rating and Armour 32% to all Elemental Resistances 18% to Fire Resistance 18% to Lightning Resistance 18% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding 18% to Cold Resistance 12% increased Armour 1% to maximum Lightning Resistance 1% to maximum Fire Resistance 1% to maximum Cold Resistance Damage 104% increased Physical Weapon Damage while Dual Wielding 52% increased Physical Damage with Swords 52% increased Physical Damage with Axes 40% increased Attack Speed 35% increased Melee Physical Damage 28% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons 12% increased Physical Damage 12% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding 8% increased Attack Speed with Swords 8% increased Attack Speed with Axes 3% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons Other 170 to Strength 100 to Dexterity 30 to Intelligence 2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range
60 Point Summary
Health 94% increased maximum Life 32 to maximum Life 2.5% of Life Regenerated per Second Mitigation 56% increased Evasion Rating and Armour 22% to all Elemental Resistances 18% to Lightning Resistance 18% to Fire Resistance 18% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding 18% to Cold Resistance Damage 104% increased Physical Weapon Damage while Dual Wielding 40% increased Attack Speed 35% increased Melee Physical Damage 28% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons 12% increased Physical Damage 12% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding 3% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons Other 130 to Strength 70 to Dexterity 30 to Intelligence 2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range Thoughts about the spec Generally we do seem to have received a decent over all buff - all things considered, the new tree gives a variety of options that is worth considering, very much so as these tree´s are suggested, should you be running an all blade configuration, then by all means reinvest general points in the specialized (and often better) clusters, should you be swamped in resistances on your otherwise nigh-perfect gear, then by all means start dropping and reinvesting. Going through the setup there are a few areas i can comment a bit about. Defenses I have largely gone for a heavy layered defense setup, this means lots of redundancy and fall backs once you have your core items (Old/New BOR). If we take an extended combat phase with a single target with no negative modifiers, and we decide that our target executes 1000 hits on us on a fight that we initiate (to get blind up-time), each hit will hit for 100 Phys + 100 Elemental. Then we should see something along the lines of this: 1000 hits will first have to go trough our first layer of defense: The Negators 75% will be evaded by the BOR blind 58% will be blocked by our total block value (Base block + BOR + Passives) a probability calculation of these two events happening will give us a 89.5% success rate This means that out of 1000 hits, we will only be hit 105 times (RNG BE PRAISED) this equals a total of 10.500 Physical damage and 10.500 Elemental Damage. Now its time for our second layer of defense to kick in: The Reducers This is our (capped Merc) resists: 76% and our Physical Damage Reduction (conservative estimate) 45% from armour. leaving us with 2520 Elemental Damage taken and 5775 Physical damage taken However we will also be having Endurance charges running providing anything from 0%-20% reduction, lowering our damage taken by 0-1155 Life points. The damage taken is taken could now go directly to soaking, but rather we have a third layer of defence: The Recuperators While we are suffering through the total of >8295 life points worth of damage, we will also be regaining health through various means: Life Leech @ 20% of total hp/s Life Regen @ 5,5% of total hp/s Endurance Regen @ 0-1% of total hp/s at 5000 life it would be something along the lines of: Life Leech @ 1000 hp/s Life Regen @ 275 hp/s Endurance Regen @ 0-50 hp/s or an average total 1300 hp/s In the grand context it would be something along the lines of: 7720 Total Damage taken, from an enemy that does say 5 ApS making our fight 200 seconds long, means that we would be suffering 38,6 DP/S while maintaining 1300 HP/S. Of course the damage values are extremely low, but as these are only for illustrative purposes i hope everybody gets the Jest of it, should this somehow fail (for whatever reasons), then i highly suggest to have Cast on Death + Portal gem setup... Offence There is really not much to say about offence, with proper gear DPS is not alpha/omega, hitting 25.000 DPS is quite attainable with a couple of PDPS weapons and a BOR (any), while i had no trouble what so ever running maps with 12K dps (no BOR). On the offensive side, there is the question of the Life Leech node, the 2% may come in handy, but it must be kept in mind that if we are above the Life Leech cap, then we will suffer from severe diminishing return rates, this point can be invested in a multitude of places, but this is largely up to individual discretion. As with the previous tree´s, weapon choices are still important Dual Wield mechanics favor super fast main-hands and slower/hard hitting off-hands for APS Synergy. At the same time, Melee AOE mechanics favor long weapons over short for extended radius, it is there for suggested to have a Sword, Thrusting One-Handed with a base range of 7 (9) with passives, for optimal AOE Radius. Utility The passives hold limited utility skills, largely these will come from our skill gems and support gems All in all I am quite pleased with the final result, tho i will most likely move 2 pts from Heart of Oak and invest them in 2 "Sword Damage and Life" nodes near "Cruel Blade", should I go past my leech cap and my resistance caps, I would likely reinvest the LL node and the 5-7 18% Res/Block nodes into the blade barrier cluster and into a single +6 all res node. In regards to the current top suggestions by x2P and Bodox, then I see neither of the setups as weaker or sub-par, rather slightly different focuses and priorities, a direct comparison between the specs is sadly hard to do, due obvious reasons (111/118/120 point builds) but either should serve quite well, all 3 specs have converged so the overall layout is quite similar so there are now only minor disputed areas and for most it is only a matter of taste and preference, for me at least it has been great to follow the developments and theorycrafting since 1.1 launched - enjoy! Edit: had misplaced a point in each of the tree´s, this has now been fixed. -/ Sebuda Last edited by Xcellers#6402 on Mar 6, 2014, 5:01:15 PM
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This is a setup I came up with since I went Scion for my blender build instead of Duelist. It has the bonus of unlocking the path to Harrier and the added attack speed nodes along the way (even those got nerfed in the update a little).
Full 120 point build. So far, I've been able to put in 93 points at my current level (74) and it works just fine. The speed definitely isn't the same as before the patch, but it doesn't really hinder anything much. |
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When BoR nerf , does this build 's defense will be ok?
and now maybe need 6L arrmor to cover BOR's power!!!>< |
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" Rickykidd, you can see some comparison work on 6L/Legacy BOR/New BOR here (scroll down): -/ Sebuda
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