Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

Nice build, first build that I could use that made it through everything without problems. Can usually make harder maps up to 72, but not with all mods. I don't trade, I find or make all my items myself.

The build I use:

And my items now:

I also have a BoR, but actually this seems to work better, with a Grace aura.

Any suggestions for making my build better?
Falco271 wrote:
Nice build, first build that I could use that made it through everything without problems. Can usually make harder maps up to 72, but not with all mods. I don't trade, I find or make all my items myself.

The build I use:

And my items now:

I also have a BoR, but actually this seems to work better, with a Grace aura.

Any suggestions for making my build better?

I cant see where BoR lose to your chest + helm.thats not even possible. BoR with dual wield is a must. BoR is worst only in 1 case. godly 6 link 100+ hp 1700+ armour 3x 40% res. Blind vs most of melee unique boss is the best skill in this game. i have 50% block chance + blind which give 75% to avoid beeing hit so monsters have like 25% chance to hit me and 50% of the time they are blocked ofc melee dmg:)...I would go for BoR all the way...Also your build isnt crit build so not using resoulte technique is a bad idea. U must go to RT passive.
The next key is enduring cry. as melee class u need to have endurance charges. no wonder u cant go over 72 maps. i make 75+ maps with hard mods with same items as u.because i use bor+ alot better point distribution in passive tree.
Last edited by GoldenPiggy#3306 on Jan 17, 2014, 6:53:58 PM
Might I suggest spectral throw for your AoE instead of a melee splashed dual strike?? I feel like it would be pretty effective at clearin fast and it gives you a little bit more range. I just feel like melee splash on your dual strike really brings down that single target damage. Im gonna give this build a try and test out the spectral throw with it. I'll let you know what happens.
Hi all! I'm a level 72 duelist currently following this build.

My resists suck at the moment at 29% Fire, 48% Cold, 191% Lightning (yes. so much lightning resist!), -6% Chaos Resists. And it's really hard for me to find decent rings that have high resists AND mana regeneration rate. My main problem with this build is the mana even with just Dual Strike. It is really impossible for me to get the suggested axe. It is just too expensive. I have a BoR though. My main question is, would sacrificing 3 life nodes (total added 34% life) for 3 mana nodes (32% added mana, 40% mana regeneration rate, +10 int) be better? That way, I can easily shop for decent resist rings without having to worry about mana regeneration rate mod. Plus I don't have to sacrifice dps by removing one of the gems for blood magic.

Here is my gear:

Passive Tree:

Currently at 21k dps on Dual Strike BoR and 3.4k dps on Cyclone

Thank you so much!

*P.S. Not really using the Clarity gem as of the moment since I still run into mana issues.
Last edited by preckie#5620 on Jan 18, 2014, 1:21:08 AM
Hello all,

i wonder how much costs a bor ?
I need one but i'm pretty poor.
I'm curious why you pick up the endurance charge from the bandit quest, but don't spend any skill points on endurance charges. Is that because none of the charges are conveniently located enough. So it's worth 1 skill point to get +1 charge it's just not worth 2-4 skill points?
Any blender here able to do things like kill double torture chamber boss with temp chains? Or kill residence dom with extra projectiles and -max res?

If so please share what strategy you used in your build to counter the lightning instagibs found in these areas. I have been thinking perhaps vaal pact would do it but I would like to hear some ideas before doing any respec.

My gears:

IGN: Tuqo
Runninglegs wrote:
korzasa wrote:
@Runninglags dude look at your weapons :D Thats why u deal only 3k

Well with 10c u dont get much :-/

With 10c you can get 200+ DPS weapons, which is way better than what you are wearing.

ElWizpig wrote:
Might I suggest spectral throw for your AoE instead of a melee splashed dual strike?? I feel like it would be pretty effective at clearin fast and it gives you a little bit more range. I just feel like melee splash on your dual strike really brings down that single target damage. Im gonna give this build a try and test out the spectral throw with it. I'll let you know what happens.

Melee splash actually adds damage at later levels. With 20% quality the splash radius is quite good.

preckie wrote:
Hi all! I'm a level 72 duelist currently following this build.

My resists suck at the moment at 29% Fire, 48% Cold, 191% Lightning (yes. so much lightning resist!), -6% Chaos Resists. And it's really hard for me to find decent rings that have high resists AND mana regeneration rate. My main problem with this build is the mana even with just Dual Strike. It is really impossible for me to get the suggested axe. It is just too expensive. I have a BoR though. My main question is, would sacrificing 3 life nodes (total added 34% life) for 3 mana nodes (32% added mana, 40% mana regeneration rate, +10 int) be better? That way, I can easily shop for decent resist rings without having to worry about mana regeneration rate mod. Plus I don't have to sacrifice dps by removing one of the gems for blood magic.

*P.S. Not really using the Clarity gem as of the moment since I still run into mana issues.

Remove added fire damage gem, replace with blood magic gem. Mana problem solved.
Yea, hahaha melee splash with dual strike is insaneeeeee. Sorry I ever doubted you. Spec throw is really good for a 2H build or crit daggers.
How do you have so much armour (literally over 9000) with this build?

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