Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
Need advice from you guys, I'm thinking to switch from DS to cyclone, have enough exalted to get a BOR but not sure how do i deal with the mana issue as the author stated cyclone will cost a lot of mana and if blood magic is used life will gone very quickly( never try cyclone with blood magic before so really no idea) and currently i have to rely on the 2% mana leech from ring, 4% life leech from the amulet and warlord's mark to survive. And current items and build i can only turn on hatred aura because if i turn both on i wouldn't even have mana to dualstrike.
Dualstrike with hatred: 21k Life :4.2k armor :5k fire rest.:93 cold rest.:80% Lightning rest.:75% Passive tree is same as the author post. Current Gear: Please advice on how should i switch from DS to cyclone, the main issue is mana concern and my all resist will dropped to about 60%. Is it good to replace my belt and amulet with Carnage Heart and Meginord's Girdle Heavy Belt? Thanks in advance :) P/S: I have around 20-25exalted to spend on gears, but it costs 40~50exalted to get a Soul Taker Siege Axe in Domination League ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my SHOP ♕ ░░▒▒▒ ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my IGN@oOAmbushRangerOo ♕ ░░▒▒▒ ▒▒▒░░ ♕ WTS 70/71/72/73/74/75 maps 0.5/3:2c/1c/2c/3c/4c ░░▒▒▒ Last edited by gulong#5317 on Dec 26, 2013, 10:50:00 AM
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" Well, there are many reasons, one of them is stun. You will be stunned a lot with DS, thus interrupting your next swing and not swinging for the next 1/3 seconds, which is kinda a lot. Second reason is enemy armor. DS setups usually have more attack speed due to multistrike. And more "less damage" mods like that on multistrike and melee splash. More but weaker hits = more dmg wasted into enemy armor. Same would go for elemental damage - more but weaker hits meas less status ailment. But you're probably using RT anyway. Third reason is mobility and sluggishness. Point a living target, move to it, swing, wait for multistrike to finish hitting the empty air, find a living target 10 yards away, repeat. So much dps and mobility lost this way and it's not something you can tell by the tooltip. In RPGs main hand is usually the left-most item slot when looking at your paper doll character screen. You are looking at the front of the character, not behind him or in a mirror, duh. For when using 2h / 1h+shield the game won't allow you to put your weapon in the offhand anyway. And for dualwielding it doesn't really matter when you use skills like cyclone / dual strike / cleave - they hit with both hands at the same time. For other skills, you may prefer to have the weapon with the biggest damage per hit (usually the slower one if they are equal dps) in the main hand. For example I use whirling blades - culling strike - item rarity setup and WB will use only main hand dmg, so I put the harder hitting weapon in it. (btw haven't thought about it but maybe the faster weapon will give better moving speed - I use WB instead of quicksilvers) " Mana won't help you - neither with DS nor with Cyclone. 1% is enough to cap your mana leech btw. Just use BM gem. Cyclone costs per activation, not per second. The further you cast your cyclone, the less life per second you will suffer. Life drain is barely noticeable only if you use short range cyclones without hitting anything. But if your hitting enemies, you will regen much faster than you will lose health even if you cast it just 1 pixel away from the center (like me, i like control). Make sure you are using life gain on hit / bloodseeker ofc. The life per hit is mandatory for end game, no matter what some people will try to tell you. "Btw try to get the cheapest ST there is, usually ~35 ex. If you really find its dps horrible, you better divine it until you get a more satisfactory rolls - it will be waaaay cheaper than paying premium prices for higher dps rolls. Last edited by Septemvri#2583 on Dec 26, 2013, 11:37:36 AM
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I really like this build, but it seems to be impossible to keep your mana up and keep hitting non stop without a soul taker. Or is there any option to keep my mana up so i can keep spamming ? I've got that 2% mana leech belt / ring but i hit 8 times a second and the mana drain is insane, also tried blood magic but then i die to fast. i mainly use dual strike, no cyclone.
Last edited by sneakys#0561 on Dec 26, 2013, 12:03:32 PM
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Quick question:
Is it so necessary to pick Resolute Technique? It cost 3 skill point to just raise chance to hit from 90% to 100% (Cause there is no 80+ lvl mobs in game and with this build it is easy to get 200+ dexterity, the minimum chance to hit with end game 78 lvl maps is like 80% maybe??). |
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" Thanks you very much for your reply, I'm new to the game and play it for around 3 weeks now, please advice the setup for: BOR - without ST = Cyclone, Life Gain on hit, Added Fire Damage,Blood Magic empty 4Linked - planned to setup another CWDT as i just saw some people comment about two CWDT setup, just wondering what would be great to setup as a second CWDT and is there an optimal level for CWDT gem? And which of the gems setup in BOR should have a priority to get Q20%? Can u list them in priority order please. " Saw the lowest rolls ST available on forum have a minimum b/o 40ex and have c/o of 37ex..don't know how to afford it atm. One more question, is my current belt better or Meginord's Girdle Heavy Belt? will changing that unique belt will be an upgrade? ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my SHOP ♕ ░░▒▒▒ ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my IGN@oOAmbushRangerOo ♕ ░░▒▒▒ ▒▒▒░░ ♕ WTS 70/71/72/73/74/75 maps 0.5/3:2c/1c/2c/3c/4c ░░▒▒▒ Last edited by gulong#5317 on Dec 26, 2013, 5:08:46 PM
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Hey yo!
I would really like to see some vids of 76+maps or breakthrough against some hard bosses. For a long time I thought I am immortal but today I had to woke up from a beautiful dream. Little info: i have 4.2k life, all res 77, chaos res +2, 50% dmg reduction with grace, 17k dps cyclone or 40k dual strike. And... Labirynth map boss(surpressing fire), mod was elemental weakness, was way too hard for me. I died 3 times and gave up. I tried to use aura with fire res +max res and ruby potion simultaneously but it was not enough. He ate my life in 1-2seconds. Once i jumped to him and cycloned almost killing him but he was constantly devouring corpses and healing himself. what da fuq?!?!? Cells boss (Harbringer, fire breath guy) with -23@res mod and again he raped me I had no idea when:( Tell me if it's just because I am so noob or are these ones are too hard with ele weakness/- resistances? Anyone got same issues with too hard bosses when using this build? P.S. I tried to fight shock&horror (double boss mod) once too but it's not worth to be mentioned here, I was just a junk there. Is this build viable for endgame maps without any spell block? It seems like it has everything but the lack of decent spell block can block our progress:/ Last edited by HeyterVic#7786 on Dec 27, 2013, 4:41:34 PM
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Hey guys.
Firstly I want to thank for posting this build. It's very fun and so far It's my first character that so easly clear 66-67 lvl maps. And all of that without Bringer of Rain, using some cheap 5L armor. Anyway I wanted to ask about mana management. In guide there is not much about that, and not everyone can afford Soul Taker. My setup is following: - running grace and hatred with lvl 17 reduced mana - I have 57 mana that is not reserved. - My 5linked Dual Strike uses 57 mana. So with current setup i must use blood magic, which in turn, lower my dps. I accept that and it's not problem for now. However I don't see how in future I will be able to support Dual Strike without blood magic. Is it possible? How you do this? @Treexter: I've got exactly same idea. I'm lvl 75 and didn't picked Resolute Technique yet. And I don't think I will. Don't think that it will increase DPS by lot. IGN: _Fiddler_
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Hi guys,
was wondering if Scion is the better start? You can go down the elemental resist line to Sentinel (18/18/18 is as good as 3x 6 all anyways and 15% physical is as good as it gets) and get the stuff suggested but you will also be able to grab Harrier. 10% attack speed and some movement sounds pretty good. All you have to sacrifice is a connector node (8% max mana). What you thinking? Greetz |
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Mana management is explained at least once on every page.
Resolute technique is a huge dps boost. If you have 80% chance to hit, making it 100% is a 25% increase. Losing crit is 2.5% decrease. Total ~= 22% net dps increase. Just for reference, a regular physical damage increase node is around 2% net dps increase in high level. So, RT is worth 10+ passive points. Not to mention 25% more healing from life gain on hit / bloodseeker. |
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Currently Uploading:
77 Shipyard, Low Regen, Phys Reflect, Phys Resistance 76 Crematorium run 75 Plateau Map, -max res, added lightning What program takes 4 months to upload? |
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