[2.0]Rathik's NEWBIE FRIENDLY FUN&CHEAP FARMER, DPS Summoner. High AOE DMG, SURVIVAL."The Matriarch"

Rathik2 wrote:
HoRiZ wrote:


If u can help me with advice, because i get recked in act 4 Mercilles difficulty

PS i always have flask insterad of items, dont know how to fix it

Seriously :)? Thats a first for the forums.

What exactly is the problem?

Your skill tree apart from the the 5 starting spell damage you took which are worthless to you seems fine. You should have taken the mana nodes or ES if you are using ES items and doing a hybrid build.

My guess is you are under leveled for those areas or at least your gems are.
Remember, the only quest you kinda need to complete in merciless Act 4 is the skill quest.
All the rest can be done at a later point when you have better gear/levels.
They give no rewards and are not needed in anyway.

Try to link the items again, maybe bring this up on the support forum, those guys there should know how to fix it.

Probably i am doing something wrong, i simply point on items and click CTRL, in preview mode it works fine but when i press submit its all messed up. I took that spell damage cuz i am newby and before i found ur guide i just did my best.

Last edited by HoRiZ#7575 on Aug 7, 2015, 12:36:20 PM
Well, you are gonna have to waste minimum 5 regrets, spell power is worthless for summoners.
You can either spend 10 regrets and fix it now, or get 5 more levels and fill in the skills nodes to Deep Wisdom.

If you are planning to go CI, get the ES nodes, if not take the mana ones.

Check http://poetools.com/experience-penalty/ to see the best place to farm.

I suggest farming The dried lake, Voll's drops decent rares, its easy to get there and you can farm it up to level 77-78 with no EXP penalty.
Goes faster if you make public group.

Also http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Brittle_Emperor drops there that can potentially make you rich :).

If you don't own a 5L yet it, this would be a good time to upgrade to one.

5L Armor/ES with life and 2 resist go for few chaos.


I really can't help much further than this with out seeing your gear.

If you like contact me online and link me your gear.

Hope this is useful info.

Good luck :)
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Aug 7, 2015, 12:49:02 PM
Rathik2 wrote:
Well, you are gonna have to waste minimum 5 regrets, spell power is worthless for summoners.
You can either spend 10 regrets and fix it now, or get 5 more levels and fill in the skills nodes to Deep Wisdom.

If you are planning to go CI, get the ES nodes, if not take the mana ones.

Check http://poetools.com/experience-penalty/ to see the best place to farm.

I suggest farming The dried lake, Voll's drops decent rares, its easy to get there and you can farm it up to level 77-78 with no EXP penalty.
Goes faster if you make public group.

Also http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Brittle_Emperor drops there that can potentially make you rich :).

If you don't own a 5L yet it, this would be a good time to upgrade to one.

5L Armor/ES with life and 2 resist go for few chaos.


I really can't help much further than this with out seeing your gear.

If you like contact me online and link me your gear.

Hope this is useful info.

Good luck :)

This is very helpful info same as ur guide, thanks a lot for ur help.
Hello I am a noobie but I Just started playing I tried so many builds but I kept on laying on the ground dead I must say your guide by far and I mean way way far is the best I have played. I have not died so far in normal and I just finished chapter 2 No deaths It is fun and exciting I know that cruel and merciless are tougher I feel that you have explained your guide thoroughly and I would like to thank you for your post It is extremely AMAZING. I probable will subscribe to your channel and sit back and be amazed. TY Rathik
Elaquardia wrote:
Hello I am a noobie but I Just started playing I tried so many builds but I kept on laying on the ground dead I must say your guide by far and I mean way way far is the best I have played. I have not died so far in normal and I just finished chapter 2 No deaths It is fun and exciting I know that cruel and merciless are tougher I feel that you have explained your guide thoroughly and I would like to thank you for your post It is extremely AMAZING. I probable will subscribe to your channel and sit back and be amazed. TY Rathik

Your very welcome.
I don't think is the guide though, you just got better at the game and you will get even better the longer you play.

Good luck :).
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Aug 9, 2015, 7:28:12 AM
Hi guys,

First I would like to thank you Rathik for this awesome build. This guide is very well put together with all the necessary sections for someone to start a summoner from scratch.

I´ve been using this guide for more than a year and I have changed a few things, optimized a few others that I thought was a good idea and I can say that currently it´s pretty powerful and I can wreck pretty much anything I came accross. I haven´t done Atziri and Uber Atziri, I don´t even know if it´s viable, but I´m willing to try. Maybe Rathik can help out with that.

Rathik, could you please give me your opinion about my setup and possibly some suggestions?



5L chest - Raise Zombie (lv19-6%) - Fortify - Melee Splash - Faster Attacks - Minion Damage
I can run 5 bigger and stronger zombies because of the combination of my gear along with MontreGuls Scepter.. they hit hard and have higher resistances.

I´ve just recently switched Physical Damage for Fortify, and it greatly improved my zombies survivability

4L - Reduced Mana (still levelling my enlighten) - Hatred - Discipline - Artic Armor
since I capped all my and my zombies' resistances I switched from Purity to Hatred... great dmg boost.

4L - Arc - Faster Casting - Culling Strike - Item Rarity

I might switch IIR for IIQ and switch some gear up to get some more rarity to compensate for it.

4L - Raise Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Totem/minion Elemental Res.
I switched from Added Fire Dmg to Totem/Minion Ele. Res. since now I am not running purity anymore. I felt my zombies were doing fine but my spectres would get destroyed against hard elemental damage, so switching up to Totem/Minion Ele. Res. brought great results and my spectres rarely die now.
As for spectre choices, I am currently opting for Flame Sentinels because:
- they have great survivability (have their own ES, which sinergizes greatly with your own ES boost from Discipline)
- Great AI! They might get stuck behind a wall next to enemies sometimes, but Convocation can quickly solve this and avoid an unnecessary spectre death. Although this is pretty rare. They are also great at blasting stuff from afar or up close. They can also switch between LMP and Chain according to the situation's necessity. Awesome overall AI.
- They are already have LMP and Chain built-in, which saves me 1 or 2 gem slots, therefore I can focus on more damage (Spell Echo and Minion Damage) and survivability (Totem/Minion Ele. Res.).

- Revenants: also a great choice, but since they were nerfed (from 5 reduced to 3 projectiles) they require more supporting gems (LMP/Chain) linked in order to be really worth it. I would probably choose them if I was running spectres on a 5L instead of 4L.
- Undying Evangelists: This was by far my favorite spectre. I love their dmg spell, but their shield is what really makes them shine. Amazing defensive spectre. Although I switched to Flame Sentinels because I wanted more dmg.

3L - Summon Skeletons - Spell Totem - Faster Casting
This is great... cast it somewhere where it won't get focused and it will spam skeletons. An alternative is casting the skeletons yourself (which is what I used to do, plus it´s good VS some enemies/bosses), but having the Spell Totem allows you to focus on casting other stuff (curses, arc, using flasks and etc).

- In this 3L, not long ago, I used to run Summon Chaos Golem, Animate Guardian and Minion Life; and had Skeleton on a single gem slot. It just wasn´t worth it because of the AG investment everytime it died, since I used to run it with a Leer Cast and Undying Breath (because of their auras).

Non-linked Gems:

Summon Chaos Golem - Good dmg reduction. Mine is doing fine by itself without any linked gems, although I used to use it linked with minion life and it greatly increased it´s survivability. It currently has around 25K hp at gem lv 19 without any linked supporting gems.

Convocation - this, for summoners, is the equivalent of what a leash is for a dog when you take it for a walk. I didn't use to use this, but since I started (recently) it has become an essential tool for me. I mainly use it for repositioning minions, but It can be used in several different situations: your minions catch up with you, in case you are rushing with a quicksilver potion for example; adjusting the angle in which your Flame Sentinels are gonna blast some enemy far away; in case your minions need to get out of the heat of battle for a few seconds, replenish a bit of life while your skeletons act as meat sheild; or, what I consider a lot more risky (and has to be carefully used) but useful in lower lv maps, use convocate right in the middle of a mob you run into (in case your minions are a bit behind)... this can be used to speed up clearing, but can be lethal depending on the mob and how good your defenses are, since you will be pretty much facetanking until your minions are convocated to that spot.

I use Enfeeble\Temporal Chains\Vunerability\Flamability (to boost the Flame Sentinels dmg).

Flesh Offering - great boost for all minions and I use it as a steroid for faster clearing.

I appreciate any feedback. My intention is to always improve this character!

Thx in advance!
Last edited by Akae#7604 on Aug 12, 2015, 10:18:21 AM
Akae wrote:
Hi guys,

First I would like to thank you Rathik for this awesome build. This guide is very well put together with all the necessary sections for someone to start a summoner from scratch.

I´ve been using this guide for more than a year and I have changed a few things, optimized a few others that I thought was a good idea and I can say that currently it´s pretty powerful and I can wreck pretty much anything I came accross. I haven´t done Atziri and Uber Atziri, I don´t even know if it´s viable, but I´m willing to try. Maybe Rathik can help out with that.

Rathik, could you please give me your opinion about my setup and possibly some suggestions?



5L chest - Raise Zombie (lv19-6%) - Fortify - Melee Splash - Faster Attacks - Minion Damage
I can run 5 bigger and stronger zombies because of the combination of my gear along with MontreGuls Scepter.. they hit hard and have higher resistances.

I´ve just recently switched Physical Damage for Fortify, and it greatly improved my zombies survivability

4L - Reduced Mana (still levelling my enlighten) - Hatred - Discipline - Artic Armor
since I capped all my and my zombies' resistances I switched from Purity to Hatred... great dmg boost.

4L - Arc - Faster Casting - Culling Strike - Item Rarity

I might switch IIR for IIQ and switch some gear up to get some more rarity to compensate for it.

4L - Raise Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Totem/minion Elemental Res.
I switched from Added Fire Dmg to Totem/Minion Ele. Res. since now I am not running purity anymore. I felt my zombies were doing fine but my spectres would get destroyed against hard elemental damage, so switching up to Totem/Minion Ele. Res. brought great results and my spectres rarely die now.
As for spectre choices, I am currently opting for Flame Sentinels because:
- they have great survivability (have their own ES, which sinergizes greatly with your own ES boost from Discipline)
- Great AI! They might get stuck behind a wall next to enemies sometimes, but Convocation can quickly solve this and avoid an unnecessary spectre death. Although this is pretty rare. They are also great at blasting stuff from afar or up close. They can also switch between LMP and Chain according to the situation's necessity. Awesome overall AI.
- They are already have LMP and Chain built-in, which saves me 1 or 2 gem slots, therefore I can focus on more damage (Spell Echo and Minion Damage) and survivability (Totem/Minion Ele. Res.).

- Revenants: also a great choice, but since they were nerfed (from 5 reduced to 3 projectiles) they require more supporting gems (LMP/Chain) linked in order to be really worth it. I would probably choose them if I was running spectres on a 5L instead of 4L.
- Undying Evangelists: This was by far my favorite spectre. I love their dmg spell, but their shield is what really makes them shine. Amazing defensive spectre. Although I switched to Flame Sentinels because I wanted more dmg.

3L - Summon Skeletons - Spell Totem - Faster Casting
This is great... cast it somewhere where it won't get focused and it will spam skeletons. An alternative is casting the skeletons yourself (which is what I used to do, plus it´s good VS some enemies/bosses), but having the Spell Totem allows you to focus on casting other stuff (curses, arc, using flasks and etc).

- In this 3L, not long ago, I used to run Summon Chaos Golem, Animate Guardian and Minion Life; and had Skeleton on a single gem slot. It just wasn´t worth it because of the AG investment everytime it died, since I used to run it with a Leer Cast and Undying Breath (because of their auras).

Non-linked Gems:

Summon Chaos Golem - Good dmg reduction. Mine is doing fine by itself without any linked gems, although I used to use it linked with minion life and it greatly increased it´s survivability. It currently has around 25K hp at gem lv 19 without any linked supporting gems.

Convocation - this, for summoners, is the equivalent of what a leash is for a dog when you take it for a walk. I didn't use to use this, but since I started (recently) it has become an essential tool for me. I mainly use it for repositioning minions, but It can be used in several different situations: your minions catch up with you, in case you are rushing with a quicksilver potion for example; adjusting the angle in which your Flame Sentinels are gonna blast some enemy far away; in case your minions need to get out of the heat of battle for a few seconds, replenish a bit of life while your skeletons act as meat sheild; or, what I consider a lot more risky (and has to be carefully used) but useful in lower lv maps, use convocate right in the middle of a mob you run into (in case your minions are a bit behind)... this can be used to speed up clearing, but can be lethal depending on the mob and how good your defenses are, since you will be pretty much facetanking until your minions are convocated to that spot.

I use Enfeeble\Temporal Chains\Vunerability\Flamability (to boost the Flame Sentinels dmg).

Flesh Offering - great boost for all minions and I use it as a steroid for faster clearing.

I appreciate any feedback. My intention is to always improve this character!

Thx in advance!

Big post :).

I am kinda confused on what you want me to comment on.
You want me to comment on how to improve this build or how to kill Atziri with zombies?

For the current build the obvious upgrade is a 6L.
You can get a decent for like 20exalted

Your skill tree is fine.

You should link hatred and purity with generosity, that will add even more DPS and survival. Purity of elements adds about 50% all res to minions which is enough to cap them since they have base 35% to all res.

About Atziri, I am not saying that is impossible but it will need some great execution.

If you are on a crusade to kill her with zombies I do have some ideas on how to do it but it won't be with your current setup.

Let me know :)

IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Aug 12, 2015, 11:54:07 AM
Thx for the feedback :)

You should link hatred and purity with generosity, that will add even more DPS and survival. Purity of elements adds about 50% all res to minions which is enough to cap them since they have base 35% to all res.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Zombies res get capped with base res 35% to all + 16% from Herd the Flock node + 26% from Mon'tregul's (that´s 77% all res). So basically only my spectres, skeletons and golem will benefit from Purity, correct?
Also, I tried running generosity+hatred+purity+reduced mana and a non-linked discipline (as your guide suggests), but my mana pool wasn't enough to have all 3 auras active. I guess Elighten should replace reduced mana for it to work? Do you have a suggestion on how to make this work?

About Atziri, I am not saying that is impossible but it will need some great execution.

If you are on a crusade to kill her with zombies I do have some ideas on how to do it but it won't be with your current setup.

Were you able to kill her with zombies? What setup do you have in mind that might work on her?

About spectres, do you have any comments on what I wrote? I watched your recent run video against Dominos and you used that Ape from act 2 that casts Frenzy. Is this your new favorite spectre?
Also, do you like the new act 4 for spectres? Revenants, Lantern Bearers, Knitted Horrors and maybe those huge rock throwing Pocket Behemoth found in the mines all seem like good spectres.

Sorry for all the questions, but your insights are always welcome and appreciated.

Thx :)

Last edited by Akae#7604 on Aug 12, 2015, 3:15:31 PM
Akae wrote:
Thx for the feedback :)

You should link hatred and purity with generosity, that will add even more DPS and survival. Purity of elements adds about 50% all res to minions which is enough to cap them since they have base 35% to all res.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Zombies res get capped with base res 35% to all + 16% from Herd the Flock node + 26% from Mon'tregul's (that´s 77% all res). So basically only my spectres, skeletons and golem will benefit from Purity, correct?
Also, I tried running generosity+hatred+purity+reduced mana and a non-linked discipline (as your guide suggests), but my mana pool wasn't enough to have all 3 auras active. I guess Elighten should replace reduced mana for it to work? Do you have a suggestion on how to make this work?

About Atziri, I am not saying that is impossible but it will need some great execution.

If you are on a crusade to kill her with zombies I do have some ideas on how to do it but it won't be with your current setup.

Were you able to kill her with zombies? What setup do you have in mind that might work on her?

About spectres, do you have any comments on what I wrote? I watched your recent run video against Dominos and you used that Ape from act 2 that casts Frenzy. Is this your new favorite spectre?
Also, do you like the new act 4 for spectres? Revenants, Lantern Bearers, Knitted Horrors and maybe those huge rock throwing Pocket Behemoth found in the mines all seem like good spectres.

Sorry for all the questions, but your insights are always welcome and appreciated.

Thx :)

Yea, zombies are capped with your mace. The rest will benefit.

Use the aura calculator to fix your auras.


I never attempted her with my summoner, I mean you can kill Atziri with 50 chaos budget, I don't see the point of making a zombie setup just to prove a point. Its not like she will drop anything good if you kill her with high IIR/IIQ, she is only a level 72 monster.
People do normal Atziri for mortal hope, thats basically the most expensive item she can drop. Standard it flooded with her belts, boots, flasks and mace.

I said it many times before, I don't bother with specters, I must have picked up the ape from before or from a map or something :). I will select the better monster from that area but I will not go looking for them. If you notice I have them in the same 4L as the golem.

Can you post a DPS video of Merciless dominus using your setup? I am curious of the DPS output with Mon'tregul's Grasp.
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Aug 12, 2015, 4:58:02 PM

Yea, zombies are capped with your mace. The rest will benefit.

Use the aura calculator to fix your auras.


I never attempted her with my summoner, I mean you can kill Atziri with 50 chaos budget, I don't see the point of making a zombie setup just to prove a point. Its not like she will drop anything good if you kill her with high IIR/IIQ, she is only a level 72 monster.
People do normal Atziri for mortal hope, thats basically the most expensive item she can drop. Standard it flooded with her belts, boots, flasks and mace.

I said it many times before, I don't bother with specters, I must have picked up the ape from before or from a map or something :). I will select the better monster from that area but I will not go looking for them. If you notice I have them in the same 4L as the golem.

Can you post a DPS video of Merciless dominus using your setup? I am curious of the DPS output with Mon'tregul's Grasp.

Rathik, thank you for the answer and the aura calculator :)

Here's the dominus run


I'm running this setup in this video, although, the nice thing is that the character is flexible enough to be adapted to certain situations or simply if you want to test new things. Spectres, for example, will have great effect on dps, depending on what you choose and what you're up against.

Vaal Summon Skeleton is nice, but didn't see myself using it much. Also, I want to start tinkering with Vall Haste and Vaal Discipline (for those "Oh Sh*t!" momments - panic button)

Last edited by Akae#7604 on Aug 13, 2015, 5:21:58 PM

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