[2.0]Rathik's NEWBIE FRIENDLY FUN&CHEAP FARMER, DPS Summoner. High AOE DMG, SURVIVAL."The Matriarch"
" both gems work if they're support minion gems like specter or zombie and they're so much usefull. |
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" its really hard before gemlevel 20. perhaps you need to leave the bossroom a few times to get new minions. but you can zerg them down with the explosiondamage of your dieing minions. with level 20 you can even do doublebosses with leaving the room once. |
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Sorry for noob question, knowing its probably been asked so many times before, but... For burned miscreation spectres, whats currently the most effective/popular support gems available this patch (and hopefully next patch). ps i am not using CWDT.
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" Raise Spectre - Increased Burning Damage - Minion Life - Increased AOE TBH, for mapping I just use RS - Minion Life - Rarity and QTT then throw duo curses on the mobs and that's more than enough :D |
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Hi all! I made a huge mistake to respec my fireball/firestorm witch too early. I'm currently level 62 CI build and can't kill the bandits at merciless. My problem isn't survivability, it's that I can't kill. Once the zombies are dead and there are no corpses to reanimate, I am left with a lousy arc that does nothing to damage the enemies. Skeletons just get one hit and die. I can't solo and it's still mind boggling for me how you guys can solo Piety. Maybe I'm doing the game play all wrong.
Anyway here's my gear: (shield, wand and chest still to be replaced soon) Just curious, if I buy a wand with physical damage, will it increase the damage of my minions? I hope I can make my way to Act 3 soon. Thanks for the guide! It has been fun taking care of my zombies :D |
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Guys, Do you think zombies are too slow culling?
I'm at 81 and I don't know if I'm culling right o.o |
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" I prefer using Arc for culling. Makes it quicker. |
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" your skeletons and spectres are underleveled, so no wonder that they die instantly. while leveling i would join a group for hard fights. don't expect to solo piety before around level 80 if you don't buy leveled gems. |
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and so... I killed the bandits solo! yey! thanks for the reply. they are underleveled but thank god my zombies survived. any advice in shopping for wands? would physical damage be helpful?
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Hello guys,
Wanted to say that so far this is my favorite build. I have a 20% level 18 Zombie gem and they are already very efficient. I am still not switch to CI, so i am using Tabula rasa Zombie -> Multistrike -> Melee Splash -> Faster Attacks - > Life Leech -> Melee Phyiscal Any tips on that setup should i replace faster since i use multi or replace melee physical? _________________________________________________________ I am snap shotting my zombies with Queen's Decree // Sidbreate // Bones of ullr Than switching to some better MF gear __________________________________________________________ I am using Undying evangelists with Spectre -> Added fire dmg -> minion damage -> life gain on hit ^^ Should i change this at all ? __________________________________________________________ Basically I can do merciless no problem, the only issues I am having is with Piety and Dom. MY minions surround them just like in your videos but they cant finish off fast enough, she runs away, transforms and kills my minions in a matter of seconds. So I was looking for some advice on this problem???? The other question I had, if i remove spell totem from my Skeletons, does RE-casting my skele's OVER and OVER cause the previous ones to explode with minion instability or do they have to be KILLED to explode???? Also is snapshotting still working? Or am iwasting my time using these minion unqiues to snapshot my zombies? |
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