Death Penalty Changes in 0.11.3
" +1 for this... If a guy has few hours per day, the present death penalty after level82 for example can be very unmotivating to keep playing. Who Are We? Where do we come from?
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I don't play Default and Anarchy, so the death penalty change doesn't really affect me. I don't mind the change, and I think even 8% is not easy to regain at high levels. However, I do agree with some people that instead of 3%/8%, 5%/10% are easier for players to keep track of and visualize.
As for 6S allocation change, I don't like it, but I guess it makes sense. Having valuable loot permanently allocated to people while 6S is not doesn't fit the idea behind Permanent Allocation well. As for people who enjoy the thrill of fighting over 6S, myself included, can choose Short Allocation or even Free for All while partying. IGN: MinusFour/Teeda
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Ahh nice, no longer will i lose half a level because of de-syncs and lagspikes.
I could live with the old penalties if they fixed De-sync. It kills me 9 out of 10 times when i DO die. "First in, last out." Bridgeburners.
"Always an even trade." Malaz 2nd Army |
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... death isn't the handicap it used to be in the olden days. It doesn't screw your career up like it used to ...
IGN Bimbaro
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" No. He's saying that 6S's are the only form of loot tension in a perma-allocation group and I agree. It is fun to fight for 6S's. IGN: ThrobbinRobin
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" This is echoing what I just said about the real problem with the EXP penalty being when players have a string of deaths that takes out a huge chunk of exp. That's when the frustration can be too much. Don't blanket nerf the penalty, find a mechanic that will smooth out some of the frustration. |
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Hardcore is for those who want to feel like a survivor. Each movement amd skillcast are more carefully planned, amd mistakes are brutally punishing.
Softcore is for those who want to slaughter hordes of enemies, in a fast paced environment where they can take risks, but the punishment for those risks are minor. The trade off is the sense of reward is lowered, for a lower risk factor. I completely support the lowered death penalty for softcore. Death in casual mode should not be a heavy deterrent to playing. More casual players = more microtransactions = more content. Think of it like this - Hardcore is skateboarding in real life, you have to practice and take baby steps, be very careful, and try your hardest. The reward is potential fame and fortune, but more importantly great personal satisfaction. Softcore is playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. You can jump right in and do a 900 off of a building. Your risk? A minor time setback, and a respawn. The potential reward, however, is nothing more than some digital points. The lower risk awards less. In softcore, a player should not feel as if when they die once they've lost several maps of experience. 3% is fine for cruel, it's not endgame so who cares. 8 may be low. I think what needs to be implemented is an increasing, rolling death penalty. Start it at 5%, and for every death after a 5% increase up to 20%. This resets when the player earns back 5% experience. This way, attrition doesnt work very well. One death is a measly 5% as a slap on the wrist. Two deaths costs you 15%, three 30%, and four 50% That's 100% exp loss for four deaths.. The penalty gets steeper if you act crazy and try attrition, but if you desync once and die or make a mistake, it doesnt kill hours of time. You are even rewarded back that safety net when you earn 5%, so players who are trying to stay alive aren't punished nearly as much. For now, however, great change. Softcore is the easy mode, the dump for all extra items and the dead HCs. It's for those who want to come home after a long day at work and do some map runs without worrying the little time they do have may be a complete waste if they die once and find no good loot. Great work, GGG. |
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" Thats not the point of perma allocation. You arent supposed to be fighting for anything. Go play FFA, you can fight for everything there Last edited by bliss1234#6868 on Jul 25, 2013, 2:56:32 AM
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" Nothing to see here.
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I can't believe so many people are whining over the 6S allocation.
Here's a thought: IF YOU DON'T LIKE DROPS BEING ALLOCATED, DON'T PLAY PUBLIC PA. You're whining about something that you have a perfectly valid solution to. If you don't like AFKers, kick them or don't play PA. Simple as that; quit yer bitchin'. As for the new xp penalties, hmm I'll have to test them out. 8% seems okay for Merc, because it can be tough at times, especially for non-uber players, but will I even notice 3% on Cruel? 5% maybe? I look forward to testing it out. |
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