Underleveled, can't catch up

zeto wrote:
If you can't go back and replay a zone and wish to gain 1 level per area, then you are playing the wrong game...

You're missing the point. We're being punished for fighting harder monsters than we're "supposed to". The game is basically saying "No... don't fight those, they're too hard for you. No experience for you! Go back and fight these weaker enemies that were designed for your level." - this is a stupid design decision and should be considered for redesign.

I think that the current system was designed for groups, to avoid characters getting boosted through levels too quickly, but it's splashed over into solo play where it just doesn't fit.
Joined Closed Beta 20th August 2011
I did agree with that... that wasn't really the point of my post... I'll edit it to be more clear.
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I ran through the areas in Hardcore league just fine. I didn't find myself having to grind one area. I just explored each area in order of quests and that was it.
I can understand the issue with the XP, but I think my question is this:

In this type of game, why would you bypass content? Wouldn't you want that chance at drops and the fun of exploring those other side dungeons? If you clear all areas, you actually get a little ahead of the zones until they finally catch up again.
Sparhawk wrote:
I can understand the issue with the XP, but I think my question is this:

In this type of game, why would you bypass content? Wouldn't you want that chance at drops and the fun of exploring those other side dungeons? If you clear all areas, you actually get a little ahead of the zones until they finally catch up again.

because the leveling is boring and the higher level monsters will probably give better drops (Pvp is the only reason I played d2)

btw if you can't tell I'll prob play cut-throat league
I have went through most of the dungeons on my way through ruthless mode, I am currently lvl 34 fighting in a level 36 zone. Now I don't explore each area 100%, but that's because there really is no incentive to do that. I generally work my way through until I find the large chest and then warp back to town.

I believe the same thing as everyone else, make monsters that are higher level give more exp, but figure out a way to make them a little bit tougher. A level 20 should not be able to kill a level 30 monster. However a level 28 should be able to do it with a little bit of a slow down.
Sparhawk wrote:
I can understand the issue with the XP, but I think my question is this:

In this type of game, why would you bypass content? Wouldn't you want that chance at drops and the fun of exploring those other side dungeons? If you clear all areas, you actually get a little ahead of the zones until they finally catch up again.

It takes far too long to chase down large chests on the first difficulty, you don't get enough reward from it because the item levels are too low, you'll quickly outlevel the items that drop.

I like going down there to fight the minibosses though, but the bosses are kind of... bad right now.
Joined Closed Beta 20th August 2011
I think it's pretty likely this will be changed in 0.9.2. At the very least there will be a wider range of levels where there is no penalty at all.

There will still be a penalty for killing monsters substantially higher than you, to stop abuse. I think we can all agree that a level 1 character shouldn't be getting 100% exp from level 50 monsters ;)
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If a level 1 has the power to kill a lvl50 (without help) then all the power to them. Then again if they were able to then I'd assume it'd be a bug or they spent 7 hours kiteing it lol

I'm pretty sure if you have a good party exp ratio then it shouldn't be a problem. I mean lets say "If you party with someone 10 levels higher then you, you get 0exp" Of cause there'll the the "lower levels in the party get less % of the exp in the party" to further control power levelling.
Dedicated Kiwi~
I know that everyone has own style of play, however, i can't understand why there is so big number of players, that want to play the game as quickest as possible, run straight from start zone to exit zone in areas. They are not exploring areas etc etc. I don't know how they can enjoy the game that way. I definitely wouldn't enjoy this great game if i would play that way. (But as i said, thats just my opinion)
But when they did want to play that way, i don't know why are they complaining then. That they are underleveled etc. Its their fault.
Guess i will never understand this massively favourite online style of play.
Last edited by Molda on Aug 25, 2011, 6:04:52 AM

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