[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!

For the chest i'm working on it but Daresso's 5L are more than 40c and i'm poor... :)
For Vall Molten Shell i think it can boost greatly my DPS and my armour...? And because of no mana i can only add Vall Gem.

Your dps ? No , it can't, as for your armour - it is not really enough to be worth it. I'd say go for Vaal Grace - it's X times better in this case, or Vaal Haste, though i prefer the grace for sure.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
ok, will try with Vaal Grace. Thank's again for your advises!


Is it really usful to buy Facebreaker at 800% insted of my 794%?

It is of course better, though the difference is not significant. Of course if you play in one of the permanent leagues you might want to get legacy facebreakers
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I don't play in permanent league so no legacy for my...
Hey man first of all great gide and nice work over many years :)

I was thinking on going facebreaker for Prophecy league and would like some opinion since i was hoping to use the new unique sword The Dancing Dervish for the build.



I loved the Rampage League and the posibility of doubling the area and damage output of cyclone sounds great. Big con is i won't be able to use a shield :(

So having that in mind i modified a bit one of the trees removing shield nodes and trading them for life nodes and frenzy charges. Planning on going Champion for the perma fortify and getting as much armour, leech and regen as i can. Still uncertain about auras tho. Maybe Hatred, HoA, and AA? or is Determination completly worth it?



PS: Going completely crazy probably but would a shadow trickster be such a bad idea? Considering Walk the Aether a huge node for Cyclone and the posibility to pick dodge to compensate the 0% block chance. If not so riculous would you recomend a tree?
Something like this perhaps?


Thanks a lot in advance for your answer!
Last edited by Nelkael#7124 on May 26, 2016, 10:32:45 AM
Hey guys ... i know that this wouldn't come out as it should .. but i guess i'm kind of emotional at this point.

You see i've started playing PoE in Closed Beta in march 2012 after a friend told me about it. I've played path of exile fanatically ever since ... with more than 10k hours of gameplay. I've tried so many builds, i've reached the maximum capacity of characters so many times ( then deleting some of them ) and i had so much fun doing that. I've made some rather popular guides throughout the years, the flicker striker was even highlighted by GGG ( and a guy reached N1 slayer with it in the Perandus flashback event ) ... i've even took care of the Duelist, Templar and Marauder build lists.

I've played only solo, rarely traded ... never flipped an item, never scammed a player, never took advantage of the lack of knowledge of a newbie ( stupid i know ), for some reason i rarely played FoTM builds too ( at least not when they were popular ) ... because of all that i guess i was never really a "rich" player. I never had a mirror or a mirrored item, but slowly i was able to get good amount of currency ... really slowly ... by farming... by spending time in Wraeclast killing things, again and again. I had the following goal for my currency - making a collection of all existing uniques ( league only included ), that was extremely difficult until Perandus, when i was able to get most of the league-only uniques that i needed ( i still wasn't able to get the expensive stuff like skyforth or even acuity ) . At some point i've sold .. most of the things that i wasn't using ( or that i didn't need for the collection ) and bought a Headhunter .. oh man that was a glorious day! ( a month ago i think )

Anyway today i tried to log into my account just to find out that my password was incorrect... i already knew what happened but i still had some hope. After changing my password i was finally able to log-in just to find out that almost everything valuable was gone ... sure i still have more than many players and some of you would say "first world problems" and i guess they will be right. Some might say "pff Perandus is almost over who cares for STD anyway" ... well i care ... those things represented 10000 hours of my life ... that's more than an year of my life ... stolen. I cannot continue my 3-year old guides any more either... i don't have the needed items anymore .. or even the needed gems. Some might say "It's bad .. but deal with it and just start again with Prophecy" .. but i can't ... not yet anyway.

In any case i'm glad for all those years, it was truly fun, after all the h'n's aRPG genre is my favorite and PoE is definitely my favorite h'n's aRPG . I'm not a rich guy in real life ( more because the country that i'm from is rather poor ) but i've supported GGG as much as i could ... because of my guides some guys donated me some cash ... and it all went to GGG, and i'm happy with that ... and i don't regret it. I hope that i was able to help some of you, at least i've always tried. And in the end .. i can only say .. thank you guys and good luck!

Probably i will be lurking the forums from now on.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I'm truly sorry for your account loss. I wish GGG could do something about it.

I just wanted to say that this guide is still one of the best I've ever seen on these forums, my go-to for every new league I play. Your leaving is a loss for us all.
Well guys ... after reading the messages and posts of so many people i've decided to come back to PoE ... i guess i love the game a bit too much and Prophecy looks fun for sure. Anyway thank you all for the kind words and support i really appreciate it and it is the main reason why i'm coming back (so soon at least). I know i've said it way too often but .. you are awesome!

P.S. And a big thank you to all that offered me free gear and currency, my stance though remains the same and i cannot accept them... i don't feel like it would be fair to take the items.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

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