0.10.0! - In Depth Ground Slam Marauder

Updated to 0.10.0!

2H Sword Frenzy Duelist: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/85216
Ambu's Charge Templar Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/83521
Stream: http://www.justin.tv/struyk

PM me for questions!

Passive Skill Tree:

Ground Slam Marauder ( 23 )
Ground Slam Marauder ( 43 )
Ground Slam Marauder ( 63 )
Ground Slam Marauder ( 83 )
Ground Slam Marauder ( 103 )


This path brings you the following:

Enough Damage to:
One shot normal enemies with heavy strike
Two shot normal enemies with ground slam

Enough Survivability to:
Survive HC
Survive Stuns when they get anoying



1 - Life OR +8% All Resists
2 - Attack Speed OR Skill Point
3 - Endurance Charge


Gamplay Footage (outdated):



You will always hit
You will never get stunned
You will stun your enemies
You will not die
You will hit like a truck
You will never run out of mana
You will level insanely fast

You will run out of mana fast ( before you get mana leech )
You will feel like you are playing on slowmotion early game
You will need to buy some skill gems from other people
You will curse desync when using ground slam



6 Linked 5R 1G ( AoE Farming )
Ground Slam
Life on Hit
Faster Attacks
Added Fire Damage
Mana Leech
Elemental Weapon Damage

6 Linked 4R 2G( Single Target Nuke )
Heavy Strike
Life Leech
Melee Physical Damage
Faster Attacks
Added Fire Damage

4 Linked 3R 1G
Reduced Mana Cost

4 Linked 2R 2B
Molten Shell
Iron Will
Elemental Proliferation
Chance to Ignite

4 Non-Linked 2R 1G 1B
Enduring Cry
Blood Rage
Immortal Call

4 Any Sockets
Decoy Totem


Gear you are looking for:

High Physical Damage 2H mace
High Armor
IAS / Physical Damage Rings
Attack Speed Gloves
High HP + MF + Flask Mods Belt


Good Uniques:


Carnage Heart:

Really great item for this build!
The -25% Maximum HP is BASE hp, base hp at 70 is about 800 so -200 HP for 10% LIFELEECH!. Also gives nice Resists and All Stats ofc :D Hope extra gore comes soon! SPLATTER SPLATTER!



2 Life Flasks ( Panicked and Slow Recovery )
1 Mana Flask ( any )
1 Elemental/Chaos Resits ( bring all, equip depending on map )
1 Quicksilver Flask with increased charge rate and dispel Curses


Damage (outdated) :



81% All Resistances
90% Damage Reduction from Armour

90% Armor Reduction:

* 30% Armor Reduction from 6 Endurance Charges
* Shitload of Armour from Gear
* x% bonus from Armour passives
* Determination


80% All Resists:

Need 140% All Resists
6 Endurance Charges = 30% all resists



This is the main reason I went for a 2H Mace!

* % Stun Chance = 200 * Damage / ( Enemy Max Health - Stun Threshold % )

Right now with ground slam I oneshot white named monsters so stun won't matter. Blue named monsters take 2-3 hits, and are ofcourse stunlocked so can't do anything. Yellow named mobs take about 5-6 hits and are also stunlocked so also deal no damage.

There are enemies immune to stun, and enemies with an insane amount of hp that you can't stun ( Oak, Vaal and Gneiss for example )



Coming Soon! I HOPE
Last edited by Struyk#7686 on Feb 3, 2013, 2:42:58 PM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
Although cool, Unwavering stance will be a hard counter to this unless I am misunderstanding.
wyoungb wrote:
Although cool, Unwavering stance will be a hard counter to this unless I am misunderstanding.

Yep, but your damage will still be insane :)
I see multiple issues with your build:

- you are locking yourself to one active skill, since all your mana would be taken up by auras ( which you cannot level high because you invest all your points into str )

- no phase run/shield charge/leap slam or any other mobility skill

- you plan to use blood magic but have low hp

- low hp is also a problem with end game chaos damage ( players can deal chaos damage too )

- I also think your calculations are off

Good luck though, let us know how your build worked off.
dzordzo wrote:
I see multiple issues with your build:

- you are locking yourself to one active skill, since all your mana would be taken up by auras ( which you cannot level high because you invest all your points into str )

- no phase run/shield charge/leap slam or any other mobility skill

- you plan to use blood magic but have low hp

- low hp is also a problem with end game chaos damage ( players can deal chaos damage too )

- I also think your calculations are off

Good luck though, let us know how your build worked off.

Those mobility skills cost like 8-10 mana, which I will sure have left.

Why would you say I have low hp? I really can't get much more :S Got so many +life nodes.

They might be off, waiting for chris or mark to check em :)

Right now level 31 on hc, oneshotting everything with heavy strike lol
Last edited by Struyk#7686 on Aug 8, 2012, 2:53:32 PM
Stun is indeed powerful.

I will note, there will be some form of PVP damage scaling.

Also in testing, very fast attacking characters were very competitive compared to stun based characters.

Struyk wrote:
200 * 1200 / 2900 = 83% + 13% chance from Vulnerability = 106% Chance to Stun?
83 + 13 = 96, not 106.
Nice plan. I've tried flask recovery and it doesn't seem to do much.

Anyways, since you're attacking very fast, I figured you can drop some of the stun duration to still achieve stun lock. Instead I put it into survivability. Check out these modifications - here.
Qarl wrote:
Stun is indeed powerful.

I will note, there will be some form of PVP damage scaling.

Also in testing, very fast attacking characters were very competitive compared to stun based characters.

But will you also get more hp in pvp? Or only less damage?
Ofcourse this is a 1v1 build and it would suck in team fights but still, permastun sounds broken ( I took 10k hp for calculations, while people at 60 only have like 2k hp ) :)

Mark_GGG wrote:
Struyk wrote:
200 * 1200 / 2900 = 83% + 13% chance from Vulnerability = 106% Chance to Stun?
83 + 13 = 96, not 106.

It was late ok?! XD

I just want to know if resolute technique works vs evade and block, haven't been able to test this myself.

PS: Forgot 20% quality in my calculations. And the stun mods on belts ( 20% stun duration for example )
Last edited by Struyk#7686 on Aug 9, 2012, 6:15:04 AM
What about something like this?

PvP Marauder

Good HP regen, decent damage, good block... seems like a well rounded pvp char thats hard to kill

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