awesome, i hope i get the new demis in these races!
I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here:
World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build:
Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral
Posted byVictorDoom#6290on Jun 20, 2013, 7:24:15 AM
passofexhale wrote:
I will probably get accused of wearing tinfoil hat and being paranoid.
But let me just say this: The last death of kripp was to chargers if I recall correctly. Yes, he wasn't evasion based but I still find it interesting.
Anyway, my general opinion on that change is that I think it's not a good move. How it was before I understood it as counterbalance measure to people stacking high evasion, phase acrobatics keystone and high effective health(whether be it hp or es). Before this change you had to choose in what defensive option to specialize and be aware of your weaknesses. Doing this, you are removing one pretty huge weak spot evasion builds had. Maybe it was your intention, I don't know. But bear in mind that with this change anyone can become close to immortal. Combine the defensive things I named with things like spell(more impotantly this one) and shield block and only thing that can ever kill you is one huge hit(like vaal smash), chance of two subsequent above average damaging hits killing you is almost none with that many stacked things and with how evasion works.
I guess removing eye of chayula would bring some balance once again into this. Or making the cap of evasion lower.
Umm we were asking for a fix for charges and evasion for eternity - anyone that ever touched evasion builds, esp after act3 charge spam fest. Acrobatics is dodge and it DID work on chargers before.
And if you think evasion is going to become IWIN button just cause it's not auto ILOSE on first charger?? Is this shit even serious? Which game did you play that needed one-shot desync charge to keep evasion from being overpowered?!
Eye of cayola doesnt exist in new leagues. And it was never used by evasion toons. Or HP toons for that matter (outside of pvp). What game are you playing again?
This gotta be trolling, or you never left normal on a pure evasion toon.
Posted byDeathDiciple#3026on Jun 20, 2013, 7:24:15 AM
I was pleased to see a bug fix for Heavy Strike (it shouldn't be able to knock monsters into walls)
I love this fix! ;D
"Yes, it is perfectly fair. It just sucks ass."
posted by Thaelyn on 12. August 2013 17:33
Posted by666tnt666#2734on Jun 20, 2013, 8:02:41 AM
Cant wait for 0.11.1 man
Posted bybryanking#2055on Jun 20, 2013, 8:36:25 AM
looking good. hopefully this race season will have something worthwhile for more casual players like myself.
Posted byderbefrier#6652on Jun 20, 2013, 8:47:31 AM
EricRoachTS wrote:
Hello Chris, a question and some thoughts...
Will there be more balancing to the changes to life and armor made in the 0.11.0 patch? To me, it seems to have gone from "Path of life nodes" to "Path of not enough life from life nodes so lets either get a kaoms (near impossible for most) or go CI (easy solution) and while we are at it, might as well go dual spork...Exile"
Kind of a silly representation I know, but hopefully you see my point. Some will argue the buff to armor effectiveness from the monster damage nerf more than makes up for the loss of life, which is true early game, but end game that is just not the case. It's not the 20 small hits that worry me late in the map game, its the 3 BIG hits that will kill me in a second i'm concerned about. A hit that big completely negates the armor buff and leaves me exactly where I was pre 0.11.0 but with about 1.2k less health pool.
It seemed the goal from the patch was to be able to rely less on health nodes, promoting more build options, it seems quite the opposite now. If i'm going life build, it's even more vital I hit every health node possible along my path. Melee suffers the most from this endgame, which is also the opposite of the goals you outlined in the patch threads. Sure, they got significant damage buffs, but endgame survivabilty, if anything, was kind of nerfed. Now they not only have less life to counter the big hits (which is unavoidable with a melee build considering you need to be close quarters all the time) but phys reflect as well.
Just my thoughts, all that said, I truly enjoy the game and appreciate the unbelievable amount of support GGG puts into it everyday. I'll be around for a long time to come. Sorry for the TL:DR :)
I read the forums daily and this the only well written sensible thing I read in a long time.
Posted byHereafter#1131on Jun 20, 2013, 8:53:05 AM
Looks like a tower race :) with decreasing floor space and the first one at top will get all the good loot :P ?
Posted byGreyback#7246on Jun 20, 2013, 8:58:14 AM
Less Quantity of Demigod's? Why?!
Already only Kripp and his crew were the only ones who got them each race. Now it is purely cemented that no one will ever get them... :P
1hr Act III Race? First one to Docks wins. That'll be fun.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Posted bySheriff_K#3938on Jun 20, 2013, 9:15:29 AM
dandan88 wrote:
Moeeom123 wrote:
A totally random post you could have been written everywhere, still not making much sense.. where do you see nerf here everywhere?
Was referring to the Rhoa/Shield Charger's getting nerfed so you can evade them now. Added it to my original post. Previous examples of folding/changing their stance on issues: FFA Loot, Brutus/Kole, now Rhoas.
FFA loot was terrible if you happened to be in Australia or New Zealand. Nigh-always having 300 ping in parties meant that you'd often lose your own drops if you weren't already nearby to it, and in the event a number of you were crowding around an item someone else had been allocated and missed, you had about a 2% chance of getting it instead of someone else.
And whilst Short Allocation does have a 'cutthroat feel', most people playing a game heavily focused on killing mobs are looking to spend time killing mobs, rather than having a party member stopping every 20 seconds to go and run after some loot that dropped, or multiple party members do this.
Even if it was a change from GGG's original plan, it made the game a lot more enjoyable for a substantial part of the playerbase.
Additionally, Kole/Brutus' damage was altered out of line with everything else in 0.11, that's why they changed it back. You should not be at a higher risk of dying from Kole than from Piety when one is the end boss of the act and the other is not.
Read the comments in this thread. Rhoa nerf has people going to try Evasion builds. This nerf just made a third of the armour in this game useful for something other than Iron Reflexes and niche Standard builds. That is a good change.
passofexhale wrote:
I will probably get accused of wearing tinfoil hat and being paranoid.
But let me just say this: The last death of kripp was to chargers if I recall correctly. Yes, he wasn't evasion based but I still find it interesting.
Anyway, my general opinion on that change is that I think it's not a good move. How it was before I understood it as counterbalance measure to people stacking high evasion, phase acrobatics keystone and high effective health(whether be it hp or es). Before this change you had to choose in what defensive option to specialize and be aware of your weaknesses. Doing this, you are removing one pretty huge weak spot evasion builds had. Maybe it was your intention, I don't know. But bear in mind that with this change anyone can become close to immortal. Combine the defensive things I named with things like spell(more impotantly this one) and shield block and only thing that can ever kill you is one huge hit(like vaal smash), chance of two subsequent above average damaging hits killing you is almost none with that many stacked things and with how evasion works.
I guess removing eye of chayula would bring some balance once again into this. Or making the cap of evasion lower.
Kripp didn't die to chargers. He died to the non-charger Blackguards. Kripp also admitted on his channel that this death was him fucking up and getting cocky, wanting to show off his quality Immortal Call and tanking all those mobs.
This 'one pretty huge weak spot' for evasion builds meant you could not use it end-game on anything not Standard. That is a big weakness. Especially when that weakness comes in the form of packs of white mobs.
Armour's current weakness is damage spikes. Evasion's current weaknesses are bad luck with the mob types you run into, getting stunned repeatedly due to a lack of armour meaning greater damage taken and more chance to be stunned and getting unlucky with (smaller compared to Armour) damage spikes. These are massively disproportionate.
Posted byAlfabetica#0571on Jun 20, 2013, 9:21:38 AM
How about desync?
IGN: GyFolks / guicorky / ZevsMightyThunder / UltimateMakeover
Posted bypezgui#6557on Jun 20, 2013, 9:22:02 AM